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1.3.0 Test plan

Kevin O'Gorman edited this page May 5, 2020 · 17 revisions

QA plan

  • NUC5s
  • NUC7s
  • Mac Minis
  • 1U test servers

1.3.0 QA Checklist

For both upgrades and fresh installs, here is a list of functionality that requires testing. You can use this for copy/pasting into your QA report. Feel free to edit this message to update the plan as appropriate.

If you have submitted a QA report already for a 1.3.0 release candidate with successful basic server testing and application acceptance testing sections, then you can skip these sections in subsequent reports, unless otherwise indicated by the Release Manager. This is to ensure that you focus your QA effort on the 1.3.0-specific changes as well as changes since the previous release candidate.


  • Install target:
  • Tails version:
  • Test Scenario:
  • SSH over Tor:
  • Onion service version:
  • Release candidate:
  • General notes:

Basic Server Testing

  • I can access both the source and journalist interfaces
  • I can SSH into both machines over Tor
  • AppArmor is loaded on app
    • 0 processes are running unconfined
  • AppArmor is loaded on mon
    • 0 processes are running unconfined
  • Both servers are running grsec kernels
  • iptables rules loaded
  • OSSEC emails begin to flow after install
  • OSSEC emails are decrypted to correct key and I am able to decrypt them
  • QA Matrix checks pass

Command Line User Generation

  • Can successfully add admin user and login


  • I have backed up and successfully restored the app server following the backup documentation
  • If doing upgrade testing, make a backup on 1.2.2 and restore this backup on 1.3.0
  • "Send Test OSSEC Alert" button in the journalist triggers an OSSEC alert and an email is sent
  • Can successfully add journalist account with HOTP authentication

Application Acceptance Testing

Source Interface

Landing page base cases
  • JS warning bar does not appear when using Security Slider high
  • JS warning bar does appear when using Security Slider Low
First submission base cases
  • On generate page, refreshing codename produces a new 7-word codename
  • On submit page, empty submissions produce flashed message
  • On submit page, short message submitted successfully
  • On submit page, file greater than 500 MB produces "The connection was reset" in Tor Browser quickly before the entire file is uploaded
  • On submit page, file less than 500 MB submitted successfully
Returning source base cases
  • Nonexistent codename cannot log in
  • Empty codename cannot log in
  • Legitimate codename can log in
  • Returning user can view journalist replies - need to log into journalist interface to test

Journalist Interface

Login base cases
  • Can log in with 2FA tokens
  • incorrect password cannot log in
  • invalid 2fa token cannot log in
  • 2fa immediate reuse cannot log in
  • Journalist account with HOTP can log in
Index base cases
  • Filter by codename works
  • Starring and unstarring works
  • Click select all selects all submissions
  • Selecting all and clicking "Download" works
Individual source page
  • You can submit a reply and a flashed message and new row appears
  • You cannot submit an empty reply
  • Clicking "Delete Source And Submissions" and the source and docs are deleted
  • You can click on a document and successfully decrypt using application private key

Basic Tails Testing

Updater GUI

After updating to this release candidate and running securedrop-admin tailsconfig

  • The Updater GUI appears on boot
  • Updating occurs without issue

1.3.0: Release-specific changes

Version updates

  • Kernel version running is 4.14.175-grsec - #5188
  • Tor version running is - #5192
  • OSSEC server and agent versions are 3.6.0 - #5192

Web Application

  • Given a successful source login, "When the Logout button is clicked on the /lookup page,
    • The /logout page is displayed asking the user to click the New Identity icon
    • Clicking Log in on the /logout page loads the /login page
  • Given a successful login, when the session timeout value expires, the user is redirected to the SI index page and a message is displayed starting with You were logged out due to inactivity.
  • Text on the /generate and /why-journalist-key pages refers to "teams" instead of "journalists"
  • Open the Source Interface in two different tabs (tab A, tab B) and navigate to /generate in both:
    • verify that two different source codenames are displayed, and note them
  • Click Submit Documents in tab A:
    • The `/lookup page is displayed, and when Show is clicked in the codename hint, the tab A codename is displayed
    • A message can be successfully submitted from tab A
  • Click Submit Documents in tab B:
    • The /lookup page is displayed with a blue flash message starting with "You are already logged in"
    • When Show is clicked in the codename hint, the tab A codename is displayed.
    • A message can be successfully submitted from tab B
  • Click Log Out in tab B:
    • The /logout page is displayed
    • When a message is submitted in tab A, the submission fails and the Source Interface homepage is displayed with a flash message starting "You were logged out due to inactivity."
  • The Source Interface /metadata endpoint includes v2_source_url and v3_source_url fields with values matching the corresponding Source Interface onion service addresses or null if the corresponding service is not configured.
  • Given a successful first login on the Source Interface, the /lookup page is updated as follows:
    • The codename hint is visible at the top of the page, and Show/Hide shows/hides the codename
    • After a successful file or message submission, the "forgot your codename" link is displayed, and clicking it shows the codename in the codename hint
  • Given a successful return login on the Source Interface with replies pending, the /lookup page is updated as follows:
    • The codename hint is not visible
    • The replies panel includes the styling changes described in #5096
    • After reading and deleting pending replies, the replies panel displays "No Messages" with the styling changes shown here
  • Given a successful login on the Source Interface, and with document submissions enabled in the Journalist Interface:
    • 10-, 100-, and 10,000-character messages can be submitted sucessfully
    • messages of 100,000 chars or more cannot be submitted successfully, generating a flash error: Message text too long. Large blocks of text must be uploaded as a file, not copied and pasted.
    • a file larger than 100KB can be submitted successfully
  • Given a successful login on the Source Interface, and with document submissions disabled in the Journalist Interface:
    • 10-, 100-, and 10,000-character messages can be submitted sucessfully
    • messages of 100,000 chars or more cannot be submitted successfully, generating a flash error: Message text too long.
  • Given a successful login on the Journalist Interface, when an non-existent URL is visited, a 404 error page is displayed and a 500 error is not triggered
  • The TOTP verification code is referred to as the "verification code" on both /account/account and the admin section user edit page on the Journalist Interface
  • After a successful login on the Journalist interface, when the document submission preference is changed on /admin/config a flash message reading "Preference saved" is displayed under the Update submission Preferences button

Admin Workstation

  • Start the GUI Updater using the command python3 ~/Persistent/securedrop/journalist_gui/SecureDropUpdater from a terminal on a configured Admin Workstation:
    • The GUI Updater starts successfully
  • In a second terminal, run the command sudo journalctl -f to monitor the system logs
  • Start another instance of the updater using the command python3 ~/Persistent/securedrop/journalist_gui/SecureDropUpdater in a third terminal:
    • the command exits without spawning a new GUI updater
    • the message SecureDrop Workstation Updater is already running is written to the system log
  • Restore a backup tarball from a SecureDrop instance with different onion service addresses than the instance under test, using the command: ./securedrop-admin restore --preserve-tor-config <backupFileName>:
    • the restore command completes successfully
    • the test instance user accounts and source data match those from the backup tarball
    • the onion addresses of the test instance are unchanged.

1.3.0: Journalist API extended testing

  • Log on to the Application Server from the Admin Workstation with the command ssh app
  • Wipe the existing database and create a new dataset with 500 sources using the commands:
    sudo -u www-data bash
    cd /var/www/securedrop
    ./ reset
    ./ --source-count 500
  • As root on the app server:
    • Stop Apache with service apache2 stop
    • Run redis-cli, and in it delete the key and fingerprint caches with the commands del sd/crypto-util/fingerprints and del sd/crypto-util/keys.
    • Start Apache with service apache2 start
    • Wait for the key cache to populate; check progress by running redis-cli again and using the command hlen sd/crypto-util/keys. Once it reports 500, the cache is fully loaded.
  • Download this Python script to the Admin Workstation and follow the instructions in its comments to run it.
    • Initial and subsequent requests take less than 10 sec to complete.

1.3.0: OSSEC extended testing

  • OSSEC updated to 3.6.0 - #5192
    • on the monitor server, apt-cache policy securedrop-ossec-server returns the installed version as 3.6.0
    • on the monitor server, sudo systemctl status ossec.service shows the ossec daemons and agent are running, and the version is logged as 3.6.0
    • on the monitor server, sudo /var/ossec/bin/agent_control -l lists both app and mon
    • On the monitor server, remove and then reinstall the paxtest package added during basic server testing.
      • A level 7 OSSEC alert email is generated, logging the package change


  • Ensure the builder image is up-to-date on release day

These tests should be performed the day of release prior to live debian packages on

Basic testing

  • Install or upgrade occurs without error
  • Source interface is available and version string indicates it is 1.3.0
  • A message can be successfully submitted


  • The updater GUI appears on boot
  • The update successfully occurs to 1.3.0
  • After reboot, updater GUI no longer appears
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