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Releases: Pjbomb2/TrueTrace-Unity-Pathtracer

Fixed material presets and camera

11 Jul 16:47
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Fixed bug with material presets

Small QoL Features

09 Jul 20:04
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Added Material Preset System
Fixed typo in radiance cache that caused it to not transfer levels correctly
Minor performance improvements to trace kernels
Setflag for smoothness works now
Clamped min IOR to 1
Shouldn’t need to have ParentObject under the scene gameobject anymore
Fixed bloom slider and bloom passes
Fixed most fireflies from ReSTIR GI Retrace + Radiance Cache
Seperated background into primary and secondary: Secondary is used for indirect lighting
Switched up materials a bit again for ReSTIR
Fixed DoF Autofocus


28 Jun 20:12
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Fixed issue with adding/removing lots of objects creating errors
Slightly optimized terrain performance
Tuned refitter to help with dissapearing triangles
Fixed terrain blockyness again
URP semi-fixed
Replaced ReSTIR GI(again)
Added system that enforces per-scene truetrace settings
Small performance improvements
Added system that extracts emission texture pixels, which makes the light BVH MUCH more effective
Removed useless textures
Redid texture offsets and atlas creation to eliminate even more texture artifacts
Switched ReSTIR GI spatial to use plane dist + standard dist for rejection
Fixed issue with restir GI retracing for very specific normals
Fixed missing triangles(long standing issue)
Fixed colored glass shadows dissapearing when there was terrain in the scene

Small fixes

27 May 17:50
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Fixed saturation bar
Fixed ASVGF dragging pixels
Fix for cutout objects that dont have a cutout texture assigned
Changed alpha texture to be compressed
Lowered internal minimum resolution from 0.5 to 0.1
Fixed edge case bug that would cause an error if things were toggled on/off too many times in the first frame
Fixed an issue with raytracinglights that would cause some to never update
Fixed ASVGF/ReSTIR + ASVGF and terrain
Removed diffuse material
Removed secondary example scene
GSR(non TAAU upscaler) should now work in HDRP again
Added comment that you need GPU Skinning on or it freaks out a bit
Added note about turning off dynamic batching as it can mess with motion vectors a bit
Re-added jitter to ASVGF direct lighting
Removed diffuse material support code
Reduced strictness of asvgf depth for temporal reuse
Modified GSR upscaler to improve quality significantly
Making the diffuse-metallic fix official for now(prevents overbrightening)
Tweaked depth derivative computation for depth to be more aggressive so the denoisers should screw up less now(especially at lower resolutions)


20 May 19:18
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Fixed DX11
Reduced VRAM consmption massively
Reduced RAM consumption considerably
Fixed light BVH
Slight performance improvements
Added BC6H compression
Switched all atlas's to realtime compressed textures
Greatly improved lag spike when adding/removing objects(due to atlas re-creation)
Changed ReSTIRs response to NEE
Shuffled around where some textures are written to to make space for Radiance Cache
Changed parentobject to use BakeMesh for skinnedmeshes to remove issues from 0 length bones
Fix for skinnedmeshes with no rootbone when under a parentobject with other skinnedmeshes that also have no root bone
Switched to native arrays in many places to massively reduce RAM consumption for large scenes
Fixed environment map importance sampling
Small changes to materials
Compressed texture indices
Moved to new material XML format, so this should be the last change made thats not backward compatable
Slightly optimized BVH refitting
Changed from custom upscaler to snapdragon super resolution
Cleaned up some code
Fixed restir GI and asvgf for terrain
Fixed race conditions/artifacts for rays
Fixed atlas/texture artifacts
Added "Selective Auto Assign" to "Functionality Settings", which you drag a gameobject into and it runs the auto assign scripts for just that tree
Overhauled UI for Material Mappings
Added Matcap Support
Fix for HDRP black screen
Fix for materials in scenes with only 1 parent object
Improved glass and reflections for asvgf and restir GI + asvgf
Improved stability of diffuse transmission for asvgf
Removed origional ReSTIR
Removed several useless textures
Small edit to make restir mirrors less blurry
Fixed issue with restir + asvgf + sky
Fixed issue with ReSTIR GI pulling pixels along
Fixed NEE for Hardware RT
Improvements to RadCache performance
Fleshed out the ParentObject UI to actually include the needed toggles
Removed volumetric mesh material
Replaced restir + asvgf demodulation to provide much higher quality
Removed visability of several textures in the inspector
Removed "Force Lossless" toggle, since with BC6H its really not needed


09 Apr 20:05
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Added Environment map importance sampling(needs to be equirectangular)
Added Constrast Adapative Sharpening filter
Improved DX11 support
Fixed heightmaps with a differing width and height
Replaced a lot of "GetComponent" calls with "TryGetComponent" which has majorly sped up several things
Fixed minor error that caused unity to yell about stopwatches
Fixed OIDN normal buffer guide
Decent performance bump
Small fix to behavior of "Link Mat To Unity Material"
Moved bloom and tonemapping to after OIDN
Memory from BVH2 and LightBVH is now properly cleared
Fixed instances being broken with LightBVH
Added toggle to disable atlas compression in "Functionality Settings"(much higher vram cost but no more texture artifacts)
Fixed "Emission Mask" material toggle being inverted

Modification to primary NEE rays for better compression
Fixes for ReSTIR GI that work better with complex materials
Saving now automatically clears parentobjects
Added OIDN support
Added a lot more material options/settings
Switched back to linear interpolation for albedo
Added frame count for OIDN and firefly
Added firefly strength
Minor changes to ReSTIR GI ASVGF to fit better
Added clay mode color
Added ability for meshes whos material count has changed to retain their data
Added ground
Added ground color
New stars
Fixed directional lights
Added light BVH from PBRT V4
Potential large performance improvement
Added multi pass restir GI
Redid material saving
Fixed Ding not saving
Added global toggle for material saving
Added hue, saturation, contrast , and brightness per material
Added absolute screenshot file path
Smoothness is now per-object instead of material-wide
Fixed texture scaling
Added AgX


27 Jan 03:35
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Metallic/Roughness Texture Hotfix
Added AgX tonemapper


27 Jan 02:22
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New Demo for download
Improved examplescene
Unity light intensity now saves
Added a "Clay Mode" under functionality settings
Increased DoF Aperature Size slider's size
Capped bloom
Fixed anistropic direction being wrong in NEE
Fixed bloom breaking when changing resolutions
Added button to save material properties while in play so they persist back to editor
Replaced TAA with older version with some modifications
Added per material normal map strength slider
Added user modifiable metallic and roughness remap parameters
ReSTIR now works in mirrors
Optimized ReSTIR GI performance by about 25%
Added define to enable backfacing
Optimized texture atlas creation by another 50%
Raytracingobjects will now dissable static batching flag only instead of all static flags
AtlasSize modifier works again
Removed SVGF


18 Jan 20:07
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Optimized atlas creation by 50%
Fixed ReSTIR GI for terrain
Fixed metallic and roughness textures for terrain
Terrain alpha blending is fixed
Fixed an issue where an objects material count could be less than its subobject count
Very large improvements to restir GI and its denoisers quality
ReSTIR GI performance improved by about 20%
Fixed TAA in HDRP
Fixed Upscaler in HDRP
Changed Material Mapper to display actual variable texture names instead of their ID
Fixed an issue with spotlights in ReSTIR GI
Reduced overall RAM and VRAM
Improved remeshing performance slightly
Added the ability for normal meshes to be deformable
Massively simplified area light sampling code
Added AlphaCutoff slider to materials
Improved partial rendering
Fixed normal maps for restir GI denoiser
Prefabs now can be set up naturally with the ParentObject/RayTracingObject scripts n the prefab itself, and its materials can be adjusted from there as well
Improved restir GI + denoiser reactiveness to changing lighting
You can now modify internal resolution ratio during play
Update rate is no longer needed for ReSTIR GI metallics
Emissive textures should no longer blur over themselves with denoisers
Fixed DoF autofocus not working when targeting an emissive texture
Improved anti firefly shader by making it iterative
Fixed random number seeding
Added a very experimental lightmap baking mode


15 Dec 19:44
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Large cleanup and perf improvements

Fixed emissive objects with uneven scales
Large improvements to materials
Decent performance improvements
Using SEGIs upscaler now
Texture UVs are fixed
Fixed ASVGF for mirrors
Added a ding that plays when BVH build is complete for builds that take longer than 15 seconds
Improved ReSTIR GI for glass
Improved SVGF
Fixed Emissive Video Players
Renamed "Upscaling Ratio" to "Internal Resolution Ratio"
Fixed swapping scenes
Large cleanup on several compute shaders
improved RIS estimator for lights
Terrain is now smooth
Fixed NEE and cutout objects with Hardware RT
ReCUR can now use ReSTIR GIs gradients
Replaced emission texture handling
Lower end devices should no longer need to reduce the atmospheric scattering samples hopefully
ReSTIR GI now does much better for specular dark objects
Re-implemented ASMDF files
Bloom now works in DX11