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Jim Pivarski edited this page Mar 15, 2015 · 1 revision
  1. summary Superclass for everything that draws tickmarks
  2. labels Reference,Version1

_(This page applies only to the 1.x branch of SVGFig.)_

class Ticks

Ticks is the superclass for everything that draws tickmarks. By itself, it can draw ticks along a curve which isn't itself drawn. Maybe you'll find that useful.


  • Ticks(f, low, high, ticks, miniticks, labels, logbase, arrow_start, arrow_end, text_attr, attribute=value)*
f _*required*_ parametric function along which ticks will be drawn; has the same format as the function used in [ClassCurve Curve]
low, high _*required*_ range of the independent variable
ticks _default_=-10 request ticks according to the [TickSpecification standard tick specification]
miniticks _default_=True request miniticks according to the [TickSpecification standard minitick specification]
labels True request tick labels according to the [TickSpecification standard tick label specification]
logbase _default_=None if a number, the axis is logarithmic with ticks at the given base (10 being the most common)
arrow_start _default_=None if a new string identifier, draw an arrow at the low-end of the axis, referenced by that identifier; if an SVG marker object, use that marker
arrow_end _default_=None if a new string identifier, draw an arrow at the high-end of the axis, referenced by that identifier; if an SVG marker object, use that marker
text_attr _default_={} SVG attributes for the text labels
attribute=value pairs _keyword list_ SVG attributes for the tick marks


Ticks has the following defaults, as described in [GeneralPrimitive General features for all primitives].

text_defaults {"stroke":"none", "fill":"black", "font-size":5} default SVG attributes for text labels
tick_start -1.5 position relative to the axis (in SVG units) to start the ticks
tick_end 1.5 position relative to the axis (in SVG units) to end the ticks
minitick_start -1.5 position relative to the axis (in SVG units) to start the miniticks
minitick_end 1.5 position relative to the axis (in SVG units) to end the miniticks
text_start 2.5 position relative to the axis (in SVG units) to set text
text_angle 0 angle (in degrees) to rotate text

Special data members

When a Ticks is evaluated with *SVG*, it will gain two members.

  • *last_ticks*: explicit dict of value, label pairs for major ticks
  • *last_miniticks*: explicit list of values for miniticks

SVG method

Ticks has an *SVG* method, as described in [GeneralPrimitive General features for all primitives].

Other methods

Ticks has a number of other methods which are usually only used internally.

  • *interpret()*: evaluate and return optimal ticks and miniticks according to the [TickSpecification standard minitick specification]
  • *orient_tickmark(t, trans=None)*: return the position, normalized local x vector, normalized local y vector, and angle of a tick at position t
  • *compute_ticks(N, format)*: return less than -N or exactly N optimal linear ticks
  • *regular_miniticks(N)*: return exactly N linear ticks
  • *compute_miniticks(original_ticks)*: return optimal linear miniticks, given a set of ticks
  • *compute_logticks(base, N, format)*: return less than -N or exactly N optimal logarithmic ticks
  • *compute_logminiticks(base)*: return optimal logarithmic miniticks, given a set of ticks
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