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Jim Pivarski edited this page Mar 15, 2015 · 1 revision
  1. summary Represent an SVG graphic as a Python object
  2. labels Reference,Version1

_(This page applies only to the 1.x branch of SVGFig.)_

class SVG

Creates a document object model of an SVG image. This can be a fragment or a whole graphic (with a top-level <svg /> tag).

  1. [#Arguments Arguments]
  2. [#Data_members Data members]
  3. [#Tree_indexing Tree indexing]
  4. [ List-like features]
  5. [#Iteration Iteration]
  6. [#Text_representations Text representations]
  7. [#Operators Operators]
  8. [#Deep_copying Deep copying]
  9. [#Saving_and_viewing Saving and viewing]


  • SVG(t, sub, sub, sub..., attribute=value)*
t _*required*_ SVG type, such as "g", "line", "rect"
sub _optional list_ nested SVG elements or text/Unicode
attribute=value pairs _optional keywords_ SVG attributes, such as stroke="none", fill="blue"

Nested SVG elements must be specified before the attributes of the parent, which is the opposite order of XML.

Python attribute names cannot contain colons or hyphens, so the following conversions are made (calls a function called `attr_preprocess`):

"`__`" (two underscores) become a colon "`:`"
"`_`" (one underscore) becomes a hyphen "`-`"

Thus, "`xmlns__xlink`" becomes "`xmlns:xlink`" and "`marker_start`" becomes "`marker-start`".



<g id="mygroup" fill="blue">
    <rect x="1" y="1" width="2" height="2" />
    <rect x="3" y="3" width="2" height="2" />

SVG in Python

>>> svg = SVG("g", SVG("rect", x=1, y=1, width=2, height=2), \ 
...                SVG("rect", x=3, y=3, width=2, height=2), \ 
...           id="mygroup", fill="blue")

Data members

t SVG type
sub list of SVG elements or text/Unicode
attr dict of attribute names and values

Tree indexing

Children can be accessed with square brackets, e.g.

>>> svg = SVG("text", SVG("tspan", "hello there"), stroke="none", fill="black")
>>> svg[0]
<tspan (1 sub) />

but so can grand-children:

>>> svg[0, 0]
'hello there'

Every element in the tree is referenced by a list of numbers, which can be used for retrieval (`__getitem__`), assignment (`__setitem__`), and deletion (`__delitem__`):

>>> svg[0, 0] = "good-bye!"
>>> del svg[0, 0]

Attributes can be accessed by a tree index ending in a string.

>>> svg["fill"]

List-like features

SVG objects can be extended like lists with these member functions.

  • *append(x)*: add an element to the end of SVG.sub (drawn last, covers everything else)
>>> svg.append(SVG("tspan", "another"))
  • *prepend(x)*: add an element to the beginning (drawn first, may be hidden under other items)
  • *extend(list)*: concatenate a list of SVG items
>>> svg.extend([s1, s2, s3])
>>> svg.extend(s4.sub)


SVGs are iterable: they return (tree index, SVG element) pairs, like

  • items* from a dictionary. The top-most level is not included.
>>> svg = SVG("g", SVG("g", SVG("line", x1=0, y1=0, x2=1, y2=1)), \
...                SVG("text", SVG("tspan", "hello again")))
>>> for ti, s in svg:
...     print ti, repr(s)
(0,) <g (1 sub) />
(0, 0) <line x2=1 y1=0 x1=0 y2=1 />
(0, 0, 'x2') 1
(0, 0, 'y1') 0
(0, 0, 'x1') 0
(0, 0, 'y2') 1
(1,) <text (1 sub) />
(1, 0) <tspan (1 sub) />
(1, 0, 0) 'hello again'

The iteration is depth-first through the tree, using generators to avoid copying the data. Iteration may be controlled with these data members:

  • *depth_first(depth_limit)*: get a generator, and optionally limit the recursion depth.
>>> svg.depth_first()
<svgfig.SVGDepthIterator instance at 0xb7c407cc>
  • *breadth_first(depth_limit)*: _*not implemented*_
depth_first _default_=None if a number, limit recursion to the specified level (0 returns no output, 1 goes 1 level deep, etc.)
  • *items(sub, attr, text)*: create a list of (tree index, SVG element) pairs, possibly filtering out sub-elements, attributes, and text/Unicode.
  • *keys(sub, attr, text)*: just get the tree indexes
  • *values(sub, attr, text)*: just get the SVG elements
sub _default_=True if True, show sub-elements
attr _default_=True if True, show attributes
text _default_=True if True, show text/Unicode

Text representations

To get a quick look at an SVG object's structure, print out its string representation (`__str__`):

>>> print svg
None                 <g (2 sub) />
[0]                      <g (1 sub) />
[0, 0]                       <line x2=1 y1=0 x1=0 y2=1 />
[1]                      <text (1 sub) />
[1, 0]                       <tspan (1 sub) />

Sometimes, you will want a more compact expression: `str(svg)` and `"%s" % svg` will return the above. For a one-line identifier, use `repr(svg)`:

>>> svg
<g (2 sub) />
>>> print repr(svg)
<g (2 sub) />

The output can be more carefully controlled with the *tree* method.

  • tree(depth_limit, sub, attr, text, tree_width, obj_width)*
depth_limit _default_=None if a number, limit the recursion depth
sub _default_=True if True, print sub-elements
attr _default_=True if True, print keyword attributes
text _default_=True if True, print text/Unicode strings
tree_width _default_=20 number of characters allotted for tree indexes
obj_width _default_=80 number of characters allotted for the SVG objects

To turn the SVG object into a real XML fragment, use the *xml* method.

  • xml(indent, newl, depth_limit)*
indent _default_=" " string used for indenting
newl _default_="\n" newline character
depth_limit _default_=None if a number, limit the recursion depth

For XML that can be saved into a file, use the *standalone_xml* method.

  • standalone_xml(indent, newl, encoding)*
indent _default_=" " string used for indenting
newl _default_="\n" newline character
encoding _default_="utf-8" xml encoding spec (charset)

SVG attribute values can be numbers, lists, and dicts in addition to flat strings. Numbers will be quoted, as Scalable Vector Graphics requires, lists become comma-delimited lists (useful for `font-family`), and dicts become semicolon-delimited CSS specifications (useful for `style`).

>>> print SVG("svg", x1=10, y1=10, width="1cm", height="1cm", \
...            style={"stroke-linejoin": "round", "stroke-width": 1}, \
...            font_family=["Arial", "Helvetica", "sans-serif"]).standalone_xml()
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "">

<svg style="stroke-linejoin:round; stroke-width:1" font-family="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" height="1cm" width="1cm" y1="10" x1="10" />


The `in` operator applies to SVG attributes.

>>> "x1" in SVG("line", x1=0, x2=0, y1=1, y2=1)

Two SVG elements are equal if they represent the same image. They do not need to be the same Python objects.

>>> s1 = SVG("rect", x1=0, x2=0, y1=1, y2=1)
>>> s2 = SVG("rect", x1=0, x2=0, y1=1, y2=1)
>>> s1 == s2
>>> id(s1) == id(s2)

Deep copying

It is possible to cross-link SVG trees, such that changes in one will affect the other. This is usually not what you want. To avoid this, use the *clone* method.

  • clone(shallow)*
shallow _default_=False if True, perform a shallow copy rather than a deep copy

Saving and viewing

  • save(fileName, encoding, compresslevel)*
fileName _default_=None note that default_fileName will be overwritten if no fileName is given. If a given fileName ends in ".svgz" or ".gz", the output will be gzipped
encoding _default_="utf-8" file encoding
compresslevel _default_=None if a number, the output will be gzipped with that compression level (1-9, 1 being fastest and 9 most thorough)

The default value for default_fileName is "tmp.svg". In Linux, files are saved in your working directory unless fileName is an absolute path. In Windows, files are saved to default_directory, which by default contains the path of your Desktop:

>>> import svgfig
>>> svgfig.default_directory
u'C:\\Documents and Settings\\Jim\\Desktop'
>>> svgfig.SVG("line", x1=10, y1=10, x2=90, y2=90).save()  # saves to Desktop\tmp.svg
>>> svgfig.default_directory += '\\myproject'
>>> svgfig.SVG("line", x1=10, y1=10, x2=90, y2=90).save()  # saves to Desktop\myproject\tmp.svg

You can use the following commands to view your SVG file (Linux only):

  • inkview(fileName, encoding)*
  • inkscape(fileName, encoding)*
  • firefox(fileName, encoding)*
fileName _default_=None temporary fileName: note that default_fileName will be overwritten if not specified
encoding _default_="utf-8" file encoding
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