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Jim Pivarski edited this page Mar 15, 2015 · 1 revision
  1. summary Draw an arbitrarily-oriented ellipse with a given semimajor axis and semiminor length
  2. labels Reference,Version1

_(This page applies only to the 1.x branch of SVGFig.)_

class Ellipse

Ellipse draws ellipses and circles. The shape may be non-elliptical if passed through a non-linear coordinate transformation.


  • Ellipse(x, y, ax, ay, b, attribute=value)*
x, y _*required*_ the center of the ellipse/circle
ax, ay _*required*_ a vector indicating the length and direction of the semimajor axis
b _*required*_ the length of the semiminor axis. If equal to sqrt(ax^2^ + ay^2^), the ellipse is a circle
attribute=value pairs _keyword list_ SVG attributes

(If sqrt(ax^2^ + ay^2^) is less than b, then (ax,ay) is actually the semiminor axis.)

SVG method

Ellipse has an *SVG* method, as described in [GeneralPrimitive General features for all primitives].

Path method

Ellipse has a *Path* method, as described in [GeneralPrimitive General features for all primitives].


Ellipse has the same defaults as [ClassCurve Curve]. Defaults are described in [GeneralPrimitive General features for all primitives].

random_sampling True if False, bisect with a point exactly halfway between pairs of points; if True, randomly choose a point between 30% and 70%
recursion_limit 15 number of subdivisions before giving up; if 15, sampling algorithm can visit _at most_ 2^15^ points
linearity_limit 0.05 maximum deviation (in SVG units) from a straight line
discontinuity_limit 5 minimum deviation (in SVG units) between points that is considered continuous
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