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Jim Pivarski edited this page Mar 15, 2015 · 1 revision
  1. summary Introduction to SVGFig
  2. labels Featured,Tutorial,Version1

_(This page applies only to the 1.x branch of SVGFig.)_

SVGFig is a [ Python] extension module that defines two main classes, [ClassSVG SVG] (_svig_) and [ClassFig Fig] (_fig_).

[ClassSVG SVG] represents an image in [ Scalable Vector Graphics] format, a markup language similar to HTML. By making Scalable Vector Graphics commands accessible to the Python language, the [ClassSVG SVG] class broadens the user's capabilities in much the same way that dynamically-generated HTML did for webpages. You can write programs that create images.

[ClassFig Fig] builds a mathematical figure by applying a coordinate transformation to graphics primitives. Unlike the the strictly linear transformations in the Scalable Vector Graphics command-set, [ClassFig Fig] transformations can be any Python function. Moreover, one often wants to transform only the mathematically-meaningful coordinates and not the widths of lines, lengths of tick marks, or radii of circular points, so [ClassFig Fig] allows you to make such a distinction. [ClassFig Fig] transformations are composed by nesting, so you can make self-similar images by recursion.

The SVG Part

The [ClassSVG SVG] class is a document object model of a Scalable Vector Graphics image, meaning that the tree of objects normally represented in XML is represented instead in linked Python data structures.

Constructing SVG images

In XML-SVG, a rectangle can be expressed with the following command.

<rect x="10" y="10" width="60" height="60" />

To do the same in Python, load SVGFig and assign `s` to a new instance of the [ClassSVG SVG] class. (See [HowToInstall "How to Install"] if the `import` command doesn't work.)

>>> from svgfig import *
>>> s = SVG("rect", x=10, y=10, width=60, height=60)
>>> print s.xml()
<rect y=10 width=60 height=60 x=10 />

In XML, elements can be nested, and the resulting tree structure is meaningful for images. Graphical objects can be organized by grouping them in "g" elements, and many attributes can be inherited. Let's create two rectangles and group them in a "g".

>>> s = SVG("rect", x=10, y=10, width=60, height=60, fill="red")
>>> s2 = SVG("rect", x=30, y=30, width=60, height=60, fill="blue")
>>> g = SVG("g", s, s2, fill_opacity="50%")

Look at "tmp.svg" in a web browser or other Scalable Vector Graphics renderer. You should see two overlapping, translucent squares. In a graphics program like [ Inkscape], the two squares should be grouped and moveable as a single object.


When we applied the `fill_opacity="50%"` attribute to the group, it was applied to all objects inside the group. That can be overridden by giving one of the rectangles an explicit `fill_opacity`. In the Scalable Vector Graphics specification, this attribute is actually called "fill-opacity", with a hyphen, not an underscore. Python would interpret the hyphen as an attempt to subtract "opacity" from "fill", so we need to make some character substitutions. An underscore (`_`) is mapped to a hyphen (`-`), and two underscores (`__`) are mapped to a colon (`:`). Python uses the correct attribute names whenever they are quoted, e.g,

>>> g.attr
{'fill-opacity': '50%'}

Saving and viewing

The `save` method didn't simply call `xml` and write the output to disk. If you look at "tmp.svg", you would see that the contents include a header and a top-level <svg /> object.

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "">

<svg style="stroke:black; fill:none; stroke-width:0.5pt; stroke-linejoin:round; text-anchor:middle"
xmlns="" height="400px" width="400px" version="1.1"
xmlns:xlink="" font-family="Helvetica,Arial,FreeSans,Sans,sans,sans-serif"
viewBox="0 0 100 100">

<g fill-opacity="50%">

<rect y="10" width="60" fill="red" x="10" height="60" />

<rect y="30" width="60" fill="blue" x="30" height="60" />



The header is a necessary part of a Scalable Vector Graphics image, but it would be inconvenient to have to construct it every time you want to look at a graphics fragment. The `save` method determines whether it is being called from a whole image or a fragment, and constructs the appropriate output. (See [DefCanvas canvas] to make canvases explicitly.)

It was also unnecessary to specify a file name. Without an argument, `save` overwrites "tmp.svg" in the current directory. *Be careful that you don't keep anything important in "tmp.svg"!*

Building images by calling `save` and reloading in a web browser is reminiscent of writing web pages in HTML, but you can also call a viewer from Python, assuming that you have it installed on your system. The [ClassSVG SVG] class has `firefox`, `inkview`, and `inkscape` methods, which write to a file just like `save`, but then immediately load it in a renderer.

To load Scalable Vector Graphics files from XML into Python, use the [Defload load] function.

Navigating SVG images in Python

Fairly often, you'll also want to explore the [ClassSVG SVG] object to see what's in it without looking at the full XML output. Python's `print` command outputs the tree structure.

>>> print g
None                 <g (2 sub) fill-opacity='50%' />                                                
[0]                      <rect y=10 width=60 fill='red' x=10 height=60 />                            
[1]                      <rect y=30 width=60 fill='blue' x=30 height=60 />                           

The numbers on the left are tree indexes: you can reference any sub-element with a list of numbers and strings. This is similar to the sections and subsections of a book or legal document. Our tree isn't interesting enough, so let's make a bigger one.

>>> g2 = SVG("g", SVG("g", SVG("g", g)))
>>> print g2
None                 <g (1 sub) />                                                                   
[0]                      <g (1 sub) />                                                               
[0, 0]                       <g (1 sub) />                                                           
[0, 0, 0]                        <g (2 sub) fill-opacity='50%' />                                    
[0, 0, 0, 0]                         <rect y=10 width=60 fill='red' x=10 height=60 />                
[0, 0, 0, 1]                         <rect y=30 width=60 fill='blue' x=30 height=60 />               

The blue square is the second sub-element (1) of the first sub-element (0) of the first sub-element (0) of the first sub-element (0) of `g2`. We can reference it with

>>> g2[0, 0, 0, 1]
<rect y=30 width=60 fill='blue' x=30 height=60 />

This kind of indexing replaces and deletes elements, too.

>>> g2[0, 0, 0, 1] = SVG("circle", cx=60, cy=60, r=30, fill="blue")
>>> print g2
None                 <g (1 sub) />                                                                   
[0]                      <g (1 sub) />                                                               
[0, 0]                       <g (1 sub) />                                                           
[0, 0, 0]                        <g (2 sub) fill-opacity='50%' />                                    
[0, 0, 0, 0]                         <rect y=10 width=60 fill='red' x=10 height=60 />                
[0, 0, 0, 1]                         <circle cy=60 cx=60 r=30 fill='blue' />                         
>>> g2.inkview()   # to look at it


>>> del g2[0, 0, 0, 0]
>>> print g2
None                 <g (1 sub) />                                                                   
[0]                      <g (1 sub) />                                                               
[0, 0]                       <g (1 sub) />                                                           
[0, 0, 0]                        <g (1 sub) fill-opacity='50%' />                                    
[0, 0, 0, 0]                         <circle cy=60 cx=60 r=30 fill='blue' />                         
>>> g2.inkview()


Tree indexes ending in strings reference attributes (no underscore/hyphen substitution).

>>> g2[0, 0, 0, "fill-opacity"]

Just about everything in Python can be used in a `for` loop, and [ClassSVG SVG] is no exception. Iterating over an [ClassSVG SVG] object performs a depth-first walk over all the sub-elements and attributes, returning (tree index, element) pairs. The only thing you don't step over in the loop is the top-level object (which has no tree index).

>>> for ti, s in g2:
...     print ti, repr(s)
(0,) <g (1 sub) />
(0, 0) <g (1 sub) />
(0, 0, 0) <g (1 sub) fill-opacity='50%' />
(0, 0, 0, 0) <circle cy=60 cx=60 r=30 fill='blue' />
(0, 0, 0, 0, 'cy') 60
(0, 0, 0, 0, 'cx') 60
(0, 0, 0, 0, 'r') 30
(0, 0, 0, 0, 'fill') 'blue'
(0, 0, 0, 'fill-opacity') '50%'

More documentation

Now that you know how to build a Scalable Vector Graphic image in principle, you may be asking, "what are the commands?"

If you need to know more about the Python language, see the [ official website]. If you just need to look up a command, see [ Richard Gruet's quick reference pages].

Of course, all the SVGFig documentation is available [Reference on this site] and through Python's `help` command.

The Fig Part

The [ClassFig Fig] class doesn't do much by itself; it's an organizing structure. SVGFig defines a number of classes that draw graphics primitives, including

  • [ClassLine Line]: connecting two points
  • [ClassPoly Poly]: connecting a list of points
  • [ClassRect Rect] and [ClassEllipse Ellipse]: rectangles/squares and ellipses/circles
  • [ClassDots Dots] and [ClassYErrorBars YErrorBars]: data points and error bars
  • [ClassCurve Curve]: functions and parametric curves
  • [ClassPath Path]: SVG-like paths
  • [ClassAxes Axes], [ClassLineAxis LineAxis], [ClassCurveAxis CurveAxis]: coordinate axis along various shapes.

Each of these has a SVG method that "draws" the primitive by applying a coordinate transform and producing a [ClassSVG SVG] object.

>>> Line(0, 0, 1, 1).SVG("x, 2*y")
<path d='M0 0L1 2' />

[ClassFig Fig] collects a list of primitives and applies a transformation to all of them all.

>>> f = Fig(Line(0,0,1,1), Line(1,1,2,3), Line(2,3,0,0), trans="x, 2*y")
>>> f
<Fig (3 items) x,y -> x, 2*y>
>>> print f.SVG()
None                 <g (3 sub) />                                                                   
[0]                      <path d='M0 0L1 2' />                                                       
[1]                      <path d='M1 2L2 6' />                                                       
[2]                      <path d='M2 6L0 0' />                                                       

Moreover, nesting [ClassFig Figs] composes transformations.

>>> print Fig(f, trans="y, x").SVG()
None                 <g (3 sub) />                                                                   
[0]                      <path d='M0 0L2 1' />                                                       
[1]                      <path d='M2 1L6 2' />                                                       
[2]                      <path d='M6 2L0 0' />                                                  

This can be used to make self-similar figures from recursion. (I'm not sure why I think that's as wonderful as I do...)

>>> t = "0.1 + 0.4*x, 0.1 + 0.4*y"
>>> rect = Rect(0.05, 0.05, 0.95, 0.95, fill="blue", fill_opacity=0.3)
>>> def recursive(depth=0):
...     if depth < 4:
...         return Fig(rect, recursive(depth + 1), trans=t)
...     else:
...         return Fig()
>>> recursive().SVG(window(0,1,0,1)).inkview()


[ClassPlot Plot] and [ClassFrame Frame] are alternatives for [ClassFig Fig] which draw coordinate axes. This is merely a convenience: [ClassAxes Axes] are graphics primitives like anything else.

>>> import random
>>> scribble = Poly([(random.gauss(0,1), random.gauss(0,1)) for i in xrange(30)], "smooth", loop=True, stroke="blue")
>>> Plot(-3, 3, -3, 3, scribble, arrows="a").SVG().firefox()


(Note: as of version 0.45, Inkscape does not properly apply Scalable Vector Graphics "baseline" attributes. Use

>>> hacks["inkscape-text-vertical-shift"] = True

to adjust the text labels.)

Coordinate Transformations

Transformations must be Python functions that map (x,y) to (x',y'), but there are several ways to make them. The easiest way is with a string in "x', y'" form. When a primitive sees such a string, it converts it into a callable function using the [DefTotrans totrans] function.

>>> Line(0,0,1,1).SVG(totrans("2*x,2*y")), Line(0,0,1,1).SVG("2*x,2*y")
(<path d='M0 0L2 2' />, <path d='M0 0L2 2' />)
>>> t = totrans("2*x, 2*y")
>>> t
<function x,y -> 2*x, 2*y at 0xb7ca43ac>
>>> t(1, 1)
(2, 2)

Transformations can also be functions from the complex plane to itself. The [DefTotrans totrans] function converts such functions into standard form, whether they are strings or functions of one argument.

>>> from svgfig import *
>>> t = lambda z: z*(1 + 0.3j) + 0.4*z**2
>>> Fig(Fig(Grid(-1, 1, -1, 1, stroke="blue", stroke_width=0.5), trans=totrans(t)), \
...     trans=window(-1.8, 2.2, -1.7, 2.3)).SVG().inkview()


Often the outermost transformation will be a [DefWindow window], which maps a rectangle in your working coordinates to a rectangle on the canvas (usually (0,0), (100,100)).

>>> window(-1, 1, -1, 1)
<function (-1, 1), (-1, 1) -> (0, 100), (100, 0) at 0xb7c03304>

By default, windows flip the y axis, because Scalable Vector Graphics increases y downward, the opposite of the usual coordinate plane. Windows can also be logarithmic and semi-log, a feature usually used in [ClassPlot Plot] and [ClassFrame Frame].

(Almost) Everything's a Parametric Function

The [ClassCurve Curve] class draws parametric functions.

>>> Curve("0.3*t*cos(t), 0.3*t*sin(t)", 0, 30.5, loop=True).SVG(window(-10, 10, -10, 10)).inkview()


Just like coordinate transformations, there are helper functions ([DefFuncRtoR funcRtoR], [DefFuncRtoR2 funcRtoR2], [DefFuncRtoC funcRtoC]) for putting an expression into standard form: a function from a real variable (usually "t") to the plane.

The special thing about [ClassCurve Curve] is that it chooses its sample points dynamically. If part of a curve is nearly linear, [ClassCurve Curve] will evaluate fewer points in that region, and more points if it's highly curved. The sample points are chosen in the SVG method, because they depend on the current coordinate transformation.

>>> w = window(-12, 12, 0, 12)
>>> curve = Curve(funcRtoR("sqrt(x**2 + 1)"), -10, 10, stroke="blue")
>>> curve.SVG(w)
<path stroke='blue' d='M8.33333 16.251L39.3219 77.0754L43.6266 84.7708L45.9844 88.4265L47.4307 90.2097L48.48 91.1295L49.2988
91.5495L50.3579 91.636L51.2118 91.3214L52.2612 90.5186L53.566 89.0314L55.7353 85.8218L62.0265 74.5443L91.6667 16.251' />
>>> dots = Dots([(s.x, s.y) for s in curve.last_samples], width=1.5, height=1.5)
>>> Fig(curve, dots, trans=w).SVG().inkview()


The adaptive sampling algorithm even detects discontinuities and breaks the curve, rather than draw a mathematically-inaccurate step.

>>> def f(x):
...     if x < 1: return x, 1
...     else: return x, 2
>>> Plot(-1, 4, -1, 4, Curve(f, -1, 4, stroke="red"), arrows="a").SVG().inkview()


Since this is such a great algorithm, most of the graphics primitives use it. [ClassLine Line], [ClassRect Rect], [ClassEllipse Ellipse], etc. are all drawn by calling [ClassCurve Curve]. Thus, straight lines (and even coordinate axes) become curves when passed through a curvy coordinate system.

>>> from math import *
>>> def vortex(x, y):
...     r = sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
...     return cos(r)*x + sin(r)*y, -sin(r)*x + cos(r)*y
>>> Plot(-1.5, 1.5, -1.5, 1.5, Rect(-1,-1,1,1, stroke="blue"), arrows="a", trans=vortex).SVG().inkview()


This also gives us the opportunity to make arbitrarily-curved coordinate axes. It could be used to express the parameterization of a curve.

>>> curve = CurveAxis("t*cos(t), t*sin(t)", 0, 10, ticks=11, arrow_end="a")
>>> curve.SVG()
<g (15 sub) />
>>> curve.last_ticks
{0: '', 1.0: '', 2.0: u'2', 3.0: u'3', 4.0: u'4', 5.0: u'5', 6.0: u'6', 7.0: u'7', 8.0: u'8', 9.0: u'9', 10.0: u'10'}
>>> curve.ticks = curve.last_ticks
>>> curve.ticks[0] = ""
>>> curve.ticks[1] = ""
>>> curve.SVG(window(-10, 10, -10, 10)).inkview()


Closing the Loop

[ClassFig Figs] can make [ClassSVG SVGs], but can [ClassSVG SVGs] make [ClassFig Figs]? To a limited extent, yes. One of SVGFig's graphics primitives, [ClassPath Path], represents a Scalable Vector Graphics <path />. [ClassPath Path] parses the path data string, converting it into a list of tuples that can be distorted by coordinate transformations. This is how the SVGFig logo was constructed: see [SVGFigLogo SVGFigLogo].


And, of course, see [Reference Reference] for full documentation.

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