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Common ROS topics
This page describes common ROS topics and messages for interprocess communication used by Aerostack. The goal of this set of topics is to facilitate the interoperability of the ROS nodes in Aerostack.
The content of part of these messages can be visualized with the help of the following tool:
Sensor measurements are values corresponding to direct measurements recorded by sensors.
Topic name | ROS message | Description |
sensor_measurement/camera | sensor_msgs/Image | Raw image data received from camera (a general camera). |
sensor_measurement/camera/front | sensor_msgs/Image | Raw image data received from front camera. |
sensor_measurement/camera/bottom | sensor_msgs/Image | Raw image data received from the bottom camera. |
sensor_measurement/gps | sensor_msgs/NavSatFix | GPS (Global Positioning System) coordinates |
sensor_measurement/magnetometer | geometry_msgs/Vector3Stamped | Magnetic field measurement |
sensor_measurement/imu | sensor_msgs/Imu | Inertial Measurement Unit data |
sensor_measurement/pressure | sensor_msgs/FluidPressure | Pressure |
sensor_measurement/temperature | sensor_msgs/Temperature | Temperature reading |
sensor_measurement/battery_state | sensor_msgs/BatteryState | Battery state |
sensor_measurement/altitude | geometry_msgs/PointStamped | Altitude respect to the ground (in the message PointStamped, only the z value is used) |
sensor_measurement/sea_level_altitude | geometry_msgs/PointStamped | Sea level altitude |
Deprecated topics:
Topic name | ROS message | Description |
sensor_measurement/position | geometry_msgs/PointStamped | Position measured by sensor (e.g., using RTK) |
sensor_measurement/odometry | nav_msgs/Odometry | Odometry estimated by the platform |
sensor_measurement/linear_speed | geometry_msgs/TwistStamped | Linear speed estimated by odometry (e.g. using visual odometry) |
sensor_measurement/rotation_angles | geometry_msgs/Vector3Stamped | Rotation angles yaw (rad), pitch (rad), roll (rad) |
Raw values corresponding to state estimation performed by the aerial platform.
Topic name | ROS message | Description |
raw_localization/position | geometry_msgs/PointStamped | Position estimated by the aerial platform |
raw_localization/odometry | nav_msgs/Odometry | Odometry estimated by the platform |
raw_localization/linear_speed | geometry_msgs/TwistStamped | Linear speed estimated by odometry (e.g. using visual odometry) |
raw_localization/rotation_angles | geometry_msgs/Vector3Stamped | Rotation angles yaw (rad), pitch (rad), roll (rad) |
These values are considered as true reference. They can be used, for example, to compare with measured values and values obtained by estimation algorithms. These values are generated by simulators or by redundant sensors (e.g., Opti Track).
Topic name | ROS message | Description |
ground_truth/pose | geometry_msgs/PoseStamped | Pose of the robot considered as true |
ground_truth/speed | geometry_msgs/TwistStamped | Speed of the robot considered as true |
These values correspond to the robot localization in the environment together with kinematic values (e.g., speed) as they are believed by the robot. These values may be obtained, for example, by fusing sensor measurements with the help of extended Kalman filters (EKF).
Topic name | ROS message | Description |
self_localization/position | geometry_msgs/PointStamped | Estimated position (x,y,z). This information usually corresponds to position that is not refined using data from IMU |
self_localization/pose | geometry_msgs/PoseStamped | Estimated pose |
self_localization/speed | geometry_msgs/TwistStamped | Estimated speed |
self_localization/flight_state | aerostack_msgs/flightState | Flight state (landed, hovering, ...) |
These values correspond to characteristics of the environment and its elements as they are believed by the robot.
ROS message | Description |
aerostack_msgs/DynamicObstacle.msg | Pair of messages geometry_msgs/PointStamped.msgs and shape_msgs/SolidPrimitive.msgs |
Topic name | ROS message | Description |
environment/costmap | nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid | Environment map represented as an occupancy grid (as used by Navigation Stack). This is not implemented yet. |
environment/path_blocked_by_obstacle | std_msgs/Bool | This message notifies that the current path cannot be followed because an obstacle has been detected along the path. |
environment/social_communication_channel | aerostack_msgs/SocialCommunicationStatement.msg | Communication channel with all messages sent between different robots. |
environment/shared_robot_positions_channel | aerostack_msgs/SharedRobotPosition.msg | Communication channel with positions (x,y,z) shared by multiple robots. |
environment/message_from_robot | aerostack_msgs/SocialCommunicationStatement.msg | Message sent from another robot to the own robot. |
environment/dynamic_obstacles | aerostack_msgs/DynamicObstacles.msg | Dynamic obstacles in the environment. |
These messages are motion values to be considered as goals by quadrotor controllers.
ROS message | Description |
aerostack_msgs/MotionControlMode.msg | Control mode of quadrotor PID controller |
Topic name | ROS message | Description |
motion_reference/pose | geometry_msgs/PoseStamped.msg | Pose reference for the controller. The following values from the message are used <x, y, z, yaw> (the values for <pitch, roll> are discarded) |
motion_reference/speed | geometry_msgs/TwistStamped.msg | Speed reference for the controller. The following values from the message are used <d_x, d_y, d_z, d_yaw> (the values for <d_pitch, d_roll> are discarded) |
motion_reference/path | nav_msgs/Path.msg | Reference path to be tracked by the quadrotor. The path is defined as a list of points. Each point is defined with a pose <x, y, z, yaw> (the values for <pitch, roll> are discarded) |
motion_reference/trajectory | trajectory_msgs/MultiDOFJointTrajectory | Desired trajectory reference with points, velocities and accelerations. |
motion_reference/remaining_path | nav_msgs/Path.msg | Remaining points of the path being followed by the multirotor. This list of points is updated each time a point is reached. When the remaining path is updated with an empty list of points, the reference path has been completed by the multirotor. Each point is defined with a pose <x, y, z, yaw> (the values for <pitch, roll> are discarded) |
motion_reference/assumed_control_mode | aerostack_msgs/MotionControlMode.msg | Current control mode of the flight motion controller |
motion_reference/assumed_pose | geometry_msgs/PoseStamped.msg | Pose reference assumed by the controller. For example, the controller can generate a variable pose to follow a particular trajectory. |
motion_reference/assumed_speed | geometry_msgs/TwistStamped.msg | Speed reference assumed by the controller. For example, the controller can generate a variable speed to follow a particular trajectory. |
Service Name | ROS service type | Description |
set_control_mode | aerostack_msgs/SetControlMode | Sets control mode of the PID controller. |
Actuator commands are messages that are accepted by the actuators of the robotic platform.
Topic name | ROS message | Description |
actuator_command/motor_speed | mav_msgs/Actuators.msg | Motor speeds of multirotor. |
actuator_command/thrust | mavros_msgs/Thrust Message | Actuator command for the multirotor specifying thrust (N: Newtons). |
actuator_command/pose | geometry_msgs/PoseStamped | Actuator command for the multirotor specifying x, y, z, roll, pitch and yaw. |
actuator_command/speed | geometry_msgs/TwistStamped.msg | Actuator command for the multirotor specifying dx, dy, dz, roll rate, pitch rate and yaw rate. |
actuator_command/gimbal_speed | geometry_msgs/TwistStamped.msg | Actuator command for the camera gimbal. |
actuator_command/flight_action | aerostack_msgs/FlightActionCommand.msg | Flight command specifying a qualitative action of the robot (take off, hover or land). This command can be interpreted by some aerial platforms (e.g. Parrot drones) but it is ignored by others. |
actuator_command/odometry_actuation | [aerostack_msgs/OdometryActuation.msg] | Actuation command specifying an action on the odometry (e.g., reset or stop). |
Topic name | ROS message | Description |
actuator_command/roll_pitch_yaw_rate_thrust | mav_msgs/RollPitchYawrateThrust.msg | Actuator command for the multirotor specifying roll (rad), pitch (rad), yaw rate (rad/s) and thrust (N: Newtons). |
actuator_command/roll_pitch | geometry_msgs/PoseStamped.msg | Actuator command for the multirotor specifying roll and pitch (the rest of values for <x, y, z, yaw> are discarded) |
actuator_command/altitude_rate_yaw_rate | geometry_msgs/TwistStamped.msg | Actuator command for the multirotor specifying rates for altitude (d_z) and yaw (d_yaw) (the rest of values for <d_x, d_y, d_yaw, d_pitch, d_roll> are discarded) |
Contact: We thank and welcome any suggestion or comment about Aerostack. For any question or bug report you can read and/or write at the issues page. You can also contact the team support at the following address: [email protected]
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