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For Conductors

Fauxicing edited this page May 12, 2023 · 15 revisions


  1. Entering your Congregation’s Mapper
  2. Navigating Territories
  3. Assigning Slips (for House-to-house Ministry)
  4. Receiving Feedback (from Publishers)

1. Entering your Congregation’s Mapper

To enter the Ministry Mapper website belonging to your congregation, please enter the Ministry Mapper's web address, followed by a slash (/) and your congregation code. For example, if your web address is, and you belong to the Greatville congregation with the congregation code gv, please type in the address bar. Your mapper's web address and congregation code will be provided by either the Ministry Mapper team or your Service Overseer (SO).

2. Navigating Territories

At the main page of your congregation’s Ministry Mapper, tap the “Select Territory” button (Fig 1.0). If you are using a computer, the button will be located at the top right corner of the main page. If you are using a phone, select the button with three lines (☰) at the top right corner of the page, and select the "Select Territory" button. You will see a list of territories appearing from the bottom of the page. Tap the desired territory you will be using for your field service ministry (Fig 1.1).

Once entering the territory page, you will see the list of various addresses allocated to that particular territory.

Fig. 1.0 - 1.1

3. Assigning Slips (for House-to-house Ministry)

To assign a desired address slip, tap the “Assign” button belonging to that slip. The button can be found underneath the ministry slip label (Fig 2.0).

Fig. 2.0

You will now be prompted to send this assigned slip using an app (Fig 2.1). Select the communication app of choice that your congregation typically uses. (E.g. WhatsApp, Telegram, Discord, SMS, Facebook Messenger, etc.)

Fig. 2.1

In the app, select the contact you would like to send this assigned slip to.

Send the message. You will send the recipient a message like the example image shown below if you are successful (Fig 2.2).

Fig. 2.2

The assigned slip will also be hidden within the mapper’s territory page once it has been successfully assigned. To view the slip again, tap on the ministry slip’s address name to reveal the slip.

A red notification box beside the “Assign” button will also appear. The number that appears inside the box will be the number of times this ministry slip is being actively assigned (Fig 2.3).

Fig. 2.3

Completion Percentage

You are also able to view how completed certain territories and individual addresses are based on percentages. For territories, the percentage will be shown at the top of the territory page, on the territory code button itself. For addresses, it will be on the top of each ministry slip, under the address name. A completion bar can be also seen underneath the stated percentage. (Fig. 2.4)

Fig. 2.4

List of Assignments

You can view a list of all the ministry slips you have assigned to publishers.* To do so, tap the "Account" button at the top of the mapper page and select "Assignments" in the dropdown list (Fig. 2.5).

Fig. 2.5

*You can only view the slips that you have personally assigned. To see the slips that are assigned by other conductors or administrators, please enquire the particular conductor/administrator who have made the assignments.

In the list of assignments (Fig. 2.6), you will be able to view when each slip was assigned and will expire. You will also know which slips are personal* or not. Only personal slips would have the publisher's name attached, provided that the one assigning has also keyed in the publisher's name.

*Personal slips can only be assigned by Administrators.

Fig. 2.6

Deleting an assigned slip will cause the ministry slip to expire/become unusable for publishers earlier. To do so, tap on the bin icon (🗑️) beside each assigned slip.

4. Receiving Feedback (from Publishers)

Should there be any feedback provided by a publisher in the ministry slip, the “Feedback” button will blink on the slip in your territory list (Fig 3.0 - 3.1). To view the feedback, tap the “Feedback” button.

You will now be able to view the feedback provided by the publisher. To go back to viewing the slip, tap the “Close” button.

Fig. 3.0 - 3.1

*Please inform your territory servant or SO if you notice any errors on the ministry slip (e.g. Missing floors or units).

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