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For Administrators

Fauxicing edited this page May 20, 2024 · 50 revisions


  1. Entering your Congregation’s Mapper
  2. Create Territories
  3. Create Addresses
  4. Deleting Territories
  5. Deleting Addresses
  6. Modifying Existing Territories
  7. Modifying Existing Addresses
  8. Resetting Addresses
  9. Resetting Territories
  10. Assigning Slips (for Personal Territory)
  11. Giving Instructions (to Publishers)
  12. Receiving Feedback (from Publishers)
  13. Inviting and Managing Users
  14. Other Congregation Settings
  15. Household Options

1. Entering your Congregation’s Mapper

To enter the Ministry Mapper website belonging to your congregation, please enter the Ministry Mapper's web address, followed by a slash (/) and your congregation code. For example, if your web address is, and you belong to the Greatville congregation with the congregation code gv, please type in the address bar. Your mapper's web address and congregation code will be provided by either your Ministry Mapper team or your Service Overseer (SO).

Once you have entered your mapper belonging to your congregation, login to the mapper by entering your registered email address and password. You will thereafter enter the mapper's main page, with your congregation name stated at the top left corner of the page (Fig. 4).

Fig. 4

2. Create Territories

At the main page of your congregation’s Ministry Mapper, select the “Create Territory” button. If you are using a computer, the button will be located at the top right corner of the main page (Fig. 5.1). If you are using a phone, select the button with three lines (☰) at the top right corner of the page, and select the "Create Territory" button (Fig. 5.2). A “Create New Territory” form will appear.

Fig. 5.1

Fig. 5.2

In the form, enter your desired territory code and the name of your territory (Fig. 6). The congregation SO is to advise on codes to use for the territory.

Fig. 6

Once the form has been filled, select the “Save” button. You will receive a notification informing you of the created territory. Once clicking the “Ok” button, the Ministry Mapper website will refresh.

Next, select the “Select Territory” button at the top right corner (Fig. 7). Your created territory will now appear in the territory list, located at the bottom of the web page.

Fig. 7

If you would like to create a new territory while in the middle of another territory page, tap the “Territory” button and select “Create New” from the dropdown list (Fig. 8).

Fig. 8

3. Create Addresses

In the territory list, tap on your desired territory where you want the address to be located.

For Public Addresses

Public addresses create ministry slips that are used for public buildings that have multiple floors, such as apartment buildings, industrial buildings, or shopping malls.

To create a public address, tap “New Address” at the top-right corner of the territory page. Select “Public” from the dropdown list (Fig. 9).

Fig. 9

In the form, key in the map number*, map name (also known as the address name), and the map coordinates (using Google Maps).

*The map number is a six-digit identifier for your slip, and you can choose these digits within your own congregation.

Using the provided slider, select the number of floors the building has.

To input units in the ‘Unit Sequence’ box, fill in the unit numbers present in the building in an ascending order. For example, if an apartment building has the units 234, 236, and 238, please input them as “234, 236, 238”. Please use commas (,) to separate each unit number. You may view the correct and incorrect examples below for reference (Fig. 10).

Fig. 10

Once you have filled in all of the public address details, tap “Save”. Your ministry slip will thereafter appear in the territory.

For Private Addresses

Public addresses create ministry slips that are used for private houses within an estate, such as bungalows, semi-detached houses and terraced houses.

To create a private address, tap “New Address” at the top-right corner of the territory page. Select “Private” from the dropdown list.

In the form, key in the map number, map name (also known as the address name), and the map coordinates (using Google Maps).

To input the individual house numbers in the ‘House Sequence’ box, fill in the numbers of each house in an ascending order. For example, if an estate has house numbers 16, 17, 18, and 19, please input them as “16, 17, 18, 19”. Please use commas (,) to separate each house number. You may view the correct and incorrect examples below for reference (Fig. 11).

Fig. 11

Once you have filled in all of the private address details, tap “Save”. Your ministry slip will thereafter appear in the territory.

4. Deleting Territories

If you wish to delete a territory, navigate to the desired territory in the Ministry Mapper. In the territory, select “Territory” at the top of the page, and tap “Delete Current” in the dropdown list (Fig. 12). A warning notification will be shown to you to confirm the deletion process. Select “Yes, Delete It” once you have made sure of the territory you would like disposed of.

Fig. 12

Please take note that you will not be able to restore the territory again once it has been permanently deleted.*

*Please inform your Ministry Mapper team if you have made a mistake in permanently deleting a territory.

5. Deleting Addresses

If you wish to delete a slip, navigate to the desired slip in the Ministry Mapper. In the slip, select “Address,” and tap “Delete” in the dropdown list (Fig. 13). A warning notification will be shown to you to confirm the deletion process. Select “Yes, Delete It” once you have made sure of the address you would like disposed of.

Fig. 13

Please take note that you will not be able to restore the slip again once it has been permanently deleted.*

*Please inform your Ministry Mapper team if you have made a mistake in permanently deleting a slip.

6. Modifying Existing Territories

To change a territory code or name, tap on “Select Territory” from the Ministry Mapper home page, or tap on the button with the territory code located at the top of the territory page you are currently viewing. Select the desired territory from the territory list that you want to modify the code/name.

Once you are at the territory page, select “Territory,” and tap on either “Change Code” or “Edit Current Name” from the dropdown list (Fig. 14).

Fig. 14

Change Territory Code

In the form for changing territory code, you will see both your existing territory code and a section to input your new territory code. Delete the existing code in that section, and fill in your desired new code. Tap on “Save” once you are satisfied with the change.

Change Territory Name

In the form for changing territory name, your current territory name will appear in the provided text box. To change the name, delete the current territory name in the box and enter your desired new territory name. Tap on “Save” once you are satisfied with the change.

7. Modifying Existing Addresses

To change the postal code or building/estate name of a ministry slip, navigate to the desired ministry slip, and tap on “Address”. Select either “Change Postal Code” or “Rename” in the dropdown list (Fig. 15).

Fig. 15

Change Postal Code

In the form for changing postal code, you will see both your existing postal code and a section to input your new postal code. Delete the existing code in that section, and fill in your desired new code. Tap on “Save” once you are satisfied with the change.

Change Address Name

In the form for changing address name, your current address name will appear in the provided text box. To change the name, delete the current address name in the box and enter your desired new territory name. Tap on “Save” once you are satisfied with the change.

Add/Delete Floors (for Public Addresses only)

To add a floor number to a ministry slip, navigate to the desired ministry slip, and tap on “Address”. Select either “Add Higher Floor” or “Add Lower Floor” in the dropdown list (Fig. 16):

  • “Add Higher Floor” allows you to add a floor above the highest floor stated on the ministry slip.
  • “Add Lower Floor'' allows you to add a floor below the lowest floor stated on the ministry slip. However, you cannot add any additional floors below the first floor.

Fig. 16

Once added, the floor will immediately appear on the slip.

To delete a floor number in a ministry slip, select the bin icon (🗑️) located beside the floor number you would like removed. A warning notification will be shown to you to confirm the deletion process. Select “Yes, Delete It” once you have made sure of the floor number you would like disposed of.

Add/Delete Units (for Public Addresses only)

To add a unit number to a ministry slip, navigate to the desired ministry slip, and tap on “Address”. Select “Add Unit No.” in the dropdown list (Fig 16). In the form for adding unit number, fill in the new unit number in the provided text box, and tap “Save”. Please note that you are only allowed to add one unit number at a time. To add more unit numbers, repeat the same steps in this section. To delete a unit number in a ministry slip, select the unit number found at the top row of the slip. In the form, select “Delete Unit”. A warning notification will be shown to you to confirm the deletion process. Select “Yes, Delete It” once you have made sure of the unit number you would like disposed of.

Change Unit Sequence (for Public Addresses only)

To rearrange unit numbers in a ministry slip, select the unit number you would like reordered at the top row of the slip. In the form, modify the sequence number to where you want the unit number to be repositioned. “0” represents the unit being at the start of the slip, while subsequent digits will cause other units to be placed behind the “0”-sequenced unit. Please see below for a visual guide of the unit sequence of an address (Fig. 17.0 - 17.2). Tap “Save” once you have keyed in the new sequence number to see the unit number be repositioned.

Fig. 17.0 - 17.2

Change Territory Sequence (for Private Addresses only)

In the ministry slips for private addresses, you will see the following items in the form:

Territory Sequence indicates where each house is placed within the slip. “0” represents the house being at the start of the slip, while subsequent digits will cause other houses to be placed behind the “0”-sequenced house. Please see below for a visual guide of the territory sequence of an address (Fig. 18.0 - 18.2)

Fig. 18.0 - 18.2

Public addresses offer the option to change the map coordinates for each house using Google Maps. By saving a custom coordinate, the publisher can see the house's exact location on Google Maps when they tap the 'Direction' button for that house in the form. If the publisher wants to view the general map coordinates of the entire estate, they can use the 'Direction' button at the top of the ministry slip menu.

Remember to tap “Save” after you have done marking the slip accordingly.

Add/Delete House (for Private Addresses only)

To add a house to a ministry slip, navigate to the desired ministry slip, and tap on “Address”. Select “Add Property No.” in the dropdown list (Fig. 19.0).

Fig. 19.0

In the form for adding property number, fill in the new property number in the provided text box, and tap “Save”. Please note that you are only allowed to add one property number at a time. To add more property numbers, repeat the same steps in this section.

To delete a house in a ministry slip, select the house on the slip. In the form, select “Delete Property”. A warning notification will be shown to you to confirm the deletion process. Select “Yes, Delete It” once you have made sure of the house you would like disposed of.

8. Resetting Addresses

To erase all* markings on a ministry slip, navigate to the desired slip. Tap the “Address” button, and select “Reset Status” in the dropdown list (Fig 19.0). A warning notification will be shown to you to confirm the reset process. Select “Yes, Reset It” once you have made sure of the ministry slip that you would like resetted.

*Please note that DNCs, Invalid, ethnicity markings and notes in the slip will not be removed from the reset.

9. Resetting Territories

To erase all* markings on the ministry slips belonging to a territory, navigate to the desired territory. Tap the “Territory” button at the top of the page, and select “Reset Status” in the dropdown list (Fig 20.0). A warning notification will be shown to you to confirm the reset process. Select “Yes, Reset It” once you have made sure of the territory that you would like resetted.

Fig. 20.0

*Please note that DNCs, Invalid, ethnicity markings and notes in the slip will not be removed from the reset.

10. Assigning Slips (for Personal Territory)

If you are assigning a publisher a long-term ministry slip for their personal use, such as for letter writing ministry, tap the “Personal” button belonging to that slip. The button can be found underneath the ministry slip label (Fig 21.0).

Fig. 21.0

Select the expiry date of the ministry slip using the provided calendar. Optionally, you may input the name of the publisher whom you are assigning this slip to (Fig 21.1 - 21.2).

Fig. 21.1 - 21.2

You will now be prompted to send this assigned slip using an app (Fig 21.3). Select the communication app of choice that your congregation typically uses. (E.g. WhatsApp, Telegram, Discord, SMS, Facebook Messenger, etc.)

Fig. 21.3

In the app, select the contact you would like to send this assigned slip to.

Send the message. You will send the recipient a message like the example image shown below if you are successful (Fig 21.4).

Fig. 21.4

The assigned slip will also be hidden within the mapper’s territory page once it has been successfully assigned. To view the slip again, tap on the ministry slip’s address name to reveal the slip.

In the assigned slip, a red notification box beside the “Personal” button will also appear (Fig 21.5). The number that appears inside the box will be the number of times this ministry slip is being actively assigned.

Fig. 21.5

11. Giving Instructions (to Publishers)

If you would like to send instructions to your publisher inside the slip, perhaps about splitting the same address between two pairs of publishers, you can do so by tapping on the “Instructions” button (Fig 22.0).

Fig. 22.0 - 22.1

In the provided instruction form (Fig 22.1), type in your instructions in the textbox and tap “Save”.

12. Receiving Feedback (from Publishers)

Should there be any feedback provided by a publisher in the ministry slip, the “Feedback” button will blink on the slip in your territory list (Fig 23.0). To view the feedback, tap the “Feedback” button (Fig 23.1).

Fig. 23.0 - 23.1

You will now be able to view the feedback provided by the publisher. To go back to viewing the slip, tap the “Close” button.

If you would like to clear the feedback after reading, simply delete the written feedback in the textbox and tap “Save”.

13. Inviting and Managing Users

Administrators can allow newly-registered users to use their congregation's mapper. They can also change the roles of current users in their mapper.

Inviting Users

Before inviting a user to your congregation's mapper, make sure the individual has created and verified an account in the Ministry Mapper's homepage. Additionally, the individual will have to inform their SO or Territory servant once they have created an account.

To invite the user to your mapper using the computer, select "Users" at the top-right corner of the territory page. If you are using a phone, select the button with three lines (☰) at the top right corner of the page, and select the "Users" button. From the provided dropdown list, select "Invite." (Fig. 24.1)

Fig. 24.1

In the "Invite User" form (Fig. 24.2), enter the user's email that they have registered an account with. Next, select the role you would like the user to have.

Fig. 24.2

  • Read-only allows the user to only view the available territories and addresses in the congregation's mapper. They are unable to make any modifications to them.
  • Conductor allows the user to assign slips to publishers, on top of viewing the territories and addresses. (See "For Conductors" for more information regarding this role.)
  • Administrator allows the user to have all capabilities listed in this section of the Wiki. They are also able to invite and manage users of your congregation's mapper.

Tap the "Invite" button once you are done. If successful, a notification will appear stating that the user has been granted access to your mapper.

Managing Users

To manage users in your mapper, again select "Users" at the top of the territory page, and tap "Manage" from the provided dropdown list. (Fig. 24.3)

Fig. 24.3

In the provided list (Fig. 24.4), you will be able to view every user (excluding your own) registered to the mapper, with their assigned roles stated beside them. The initial R refers to Read-only users, C refers to Conductor users, and A refers to Administrator users.

Fig. 24.4

To change a user's role, select the user from the list. Tap on their new roles from the provided form (Fig. 24.5), and tap "Save" once you are done. The newly-assigned role will be immediately reflected on the list. However, if you have selected "Delete Access" for the user, the user will thereafter be unable to gain access to your congregation's mapper.*

*Please do note that the user is still able to view any assigned territory slips if they gain access to them through a publisher's link.

Fig. 24.5

14. Other Congregation Settings

To view more congregation settings, select "Account" at the top-right corner of the territory page. If you are using a phone, select the button with three lines (☰) at the top right corner of the page, and select the "Account" button. From the provided dropdown list, select "Congregation." (Fig. 25.1)

Fig. 25.1

In the congregation setting window (Fig. 25.2), you can:

  • Change the name of the congregation
  • Change the number of "Not at Home" tries before the slip decides the unit is counted in the completion percentage
  • Change the duration of an assigned slip before it expires

Fig. 25.2

Once you are satisfied in changing the settings, tap on "Save." If successful, a notification will appear stating that the congregation settings has been updated.

15. Household Options

You have the option to manually create household ethnicities. This gives publishers the ability to input such details via the 'Household' dropdown list while they are marking units/houses in their assigned slip.

To do so, select "Congregation" at the top-right corner of the Ministry Mapper. If you are using a phone, select the button with three lines (☰) at the top right corner of the page, and select the "Congregation" button. From the provided dropdown list, select "Household Options." (Fig. 26)

Fig. 26

Fig. 27

In the "Household Options" form (Fig. 27), select "New Option" to create a new selectable household ethnicity. You are able to input the following details for each ethnicity option:

  • Code — The abbreviation or acronym of the said ethnicity. It is recommended that you limit the code to just two characters. For example, an Indonesian householder can be abbreviated as "id" for the code. This code will appear on the unit/house of the ministry slip after a publisher inputs it. You may consider using the following set of household ethnicity codes found in the publisher's section of this wiki for your own use in your congregation slips.

  • Description — A concise description of the ethnicity. This description will appear in the dropdown list when publishers want to key in the household ethnicity of a unit/house.

  • Sequence — The order in which the household ethnicity will appear in the dropdown list. Keying a lower digit will bring the ethnicity higher on the list. The order starts at the top from '0,' and subsequent increasing digits for each ethnicity will bring them lower down the list.

  • Countable — This option, when checked, will require the publisher to additionally mark the chosen unit as "done," before it can be considered as part of the slip completion percentage. When unchecked, the household ethnicity will be considered as as part of the completion percentage whether or not if the unit/house has been considered "done," so long as the ethnicity is solely keyed in to the unit/house of the slip.

  • Default — This option, when chosen, will automatically define each unit/house as the ethnicity when a user creates a ministry slip. The ethnicity code however will not appear on the slip. You can only select one household ethnicity as the default choice.

To delete a household ethnicity in the form, select the bin icon (🗑️) located beside the named ethnicity you would like removed.

Once the form has been filled, select the “Save” button. You will receive a notification informing you of the created territory. Once clicking the “Ok” button, the Ministry Mapper website will refresh.

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