This repository contains Python and Fortran scripts for calculating and plotting the standard deviation in vertical wind velocity (sigmaW), and to demonstrate the Constraining Adversarial Trainining method following Barahona et al. "Deep Learning Parameterization of Vertical Wind Velocity Variability via Constrained Adversarial Training (". These scripts are designed to work with gridded, netcdf data from observations, high resolution simulated output, and reanalysis data.
For training Observartional and reanalysis data should represent time series of sigmaW and atmospheric state at different vertical positions, respectively, while the simulated data is taken from the NAS GEOS-5 Nature Run (G5NR), Other scripts provide various methods for computing and visualizing sigmaW.
Fortran versions and models for alternative inputs are also provided as explained below. Uses data from G5NR, to train and neural network, "Wnet-prior" that reads predicts sigmaW from the meteorological state. Because the G5NR data set is too extensive to fit in memory, only a few half-hourly output files (3-5 files) are loaded at once for training a few epochs. Then a entire new set is loaded and so on. This behavior is controlled by the parameters dtbatch_size and epochs_per_dtbatch. For training always on the same files set epochs_per_dtbatch > number epochs. If only a single "time step" from G5NR is used for training set dtbatch_size = 1. The weights for the latest of Wnet-prior can be found in the 'data' directory.
Using dask, the training datasets are lazily loaded. A "dask-generator" class feeds data for training, aligning each minibatch with the chunks of the dask array. After training the script produces the weights of the neural network, Wnet_prior.h5, and plots the loss functions. If test mode is enabled, then the script tests Wnet_prior on a set of randomly selected files and saves the results in Refines the predictions of the Wnet_prior neural network using conditinonal generative adversarial training. Wnet_prior acts as the generator and a second NN is build to act as the discriminator. A GAN class and custom training loop are build to set the adversarial training. The data used to train the networks consist of time series of sigmaW collected from ground stations around the world and reanalysis data (MERRA-2, collocacted in time and space with the observations. Sample data for two representative sites can be found in the data directory. After training the generator and discriminator weights are saved, and the losses plotted; Wnet.h5 constitutes the saved model in python of the Wnet parameterization. and compare predictions from different models at ground sites against observations. Representative data to run thew script as well as the latest versions of the different NN models cand be found in the 'data' directory.
To ease its implementation in global models, Wnet has been translated into a standalone fortran 90 module called Wnet and saved as Wnet.F90. Wnet_driver.F90 shows a usage example in Fortran. The module requires the file Wnet_weights.txt which stores the weights of the neural network. Wnet has been optimized for openmp and could be compiled using: gfortran -fopenmp -O3 -traceback -o Wnet.exe Wnet.F90 Wnet_driver.F90. The program compares the F90 and Python versions of Wnet and shows how to run the models in either enviroment.
The subfolder Wnet_altinput stores an alternative version of Wnet (Wnetb.h5) using a different set of inputs that can be more easily found in some models/reanalyses. The python and fortran 90 versions of Wnet as well, the weights, and testing code are found in the the subfolder ./Wnet_altinput All files perform similar functions as explained above.
Each script has specific dependencies, which can be installed using pip
or another package manager. Please refer to the individual script's documentation for details on their dependencies.
You can find example data in the data
directory for testing these scripts. Feel free to use this data to get started.
If you find these scripts useful, please give credit to this repository and the supporting papers.
GEOS software:
Data availability:
- GEOS-5 Nature Run:
- MERRA-2: doi: 10.5067/VJAFPLI1CSIV
- Observations: