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Chapter 6

Sandra Moen edited this page Jul 17, 2019 · 4 revisions


This chapter teaches how to add sounds and music to a game.

Starfish Collector

Audio and music was added, as well as a mute button.

As suggested by the book the following features were added:

  • A trumpet sound plays when the player wins the game.
  • Background music to the cutscenes.
  • Background music to the menu.


Rythm Tapper

Rhythm tapper requires a JavaFX setup in the project.

As suggested by the book the following features were added:

  • An applause sound effect when the player finishes the game
  • A label that shows the players stats at the end of the game
  • A label that shows the game percent score


Space Rocks

As suggested by the book the following features were added:

  • Sound effects
  • Music

Chapter 4 gameplay


Suitable for small audio files played at discrete events, no larger than 1MB.

Sound effect ="beep.wav")); // load the sound; // play the sound, the optional float [0-1] is the sound volume


The music interface is purposed for longer audio sequences such as music or ambient sounds. Music obejcts are streamed

Music song ="song.mp3")); // load the music


Both Actions.parallel() and Actions.sequence() were used in this project, the table below describes them.

action description
Parallel execute given actions in parallel - all actions at once
Sequence execute given actions in sequence - one after another

New Imports

import com.badlogic.gdx.Sound - A Sound is a short audio clip that can be played numerous times in parallel. It's completely loaded into memory so only load small audio files. Call the dispose() method when you're done using the Sound.

Sound instances are created via a call to Audio.newSound(FileHandle).

Calling the play() or play(float) method will return a long which is an id to that instance of the sound. You can use this id to modify the playback of that sound instance.

Note: any values provided will not be clamped, it is the developer's responsibility to do so.

import com.badlogic.gdx.Music - A Music instance represents a streamed audio file. The interface supports pausing, resuming and so on. When you are done using the Music instance you have to dispose it via the dispose() method.

Music instances are created via Audio.newMusic(FileHandle).

Music instances are automatically paused and resumed when an Application is paused or resumed. See ApplicationListener.

Note: any values provided will not be clamped, it is the developer's responsibility to do so.

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