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Chapter 15

Sandra Moen edited this page Oct 24, 2019 · 5 revisions

Advanced 2D Graphics

This chapter presents two advanced and powerful techniques to improve a game's graphics, namely particle effects, and shader programs.

Particle Systems

A particle system is a technique in-game physics, motion graphics, and computer graphics that uses many minute sprites, 3D models, or other graphic objects to simulate certain kinds of "fuzzy" phenomena, which are otherwise very hard to reproduce with conventional rendering techniques - usually highly chaotic systems, natural phenomena, or processes caused by chemical reactions. --wikipedia

Simply put a particle effect is a collection of images/sprites put together to resemble a wanted animation. Animations such as fire, smoke, explosions, electrical sparks, rain, snow, droplets.

The LibGDX Particle Editor

LibGDX's particle editor is included in this chapter's project. To run the latest version of the particle editor download a nightly version and in the top level directory, together with the main .jar's create and run this .bat script:

java -cp gdx.jar;gdx-natives.jar;gdx-backend-lwjgl.jar;gdx-backend-lwjgl-natives.jar;extensions\gdx-tools\gdx-tools.jar


For tutorials on how to use the particle editor recommendations go to:

The ParticleActor class is created to support additional features such as rotation and scaling.

As explained by LibGDX's wiki a basic example looks like this:

TextureAtlas particleAtlas; //<-load some atlas with your particle assets in
ParticleEffect effect = new ParticleEffect();
effect.load(Gdx.files.internal("myparticle.p"), particleAtlas);

//Setting the position of the ParticleEffect
effect.setPosition(x, y);

//Updating and Drawing the particle effect
//Delta being the time to progress the particle effect by, usually you pass in;
effect.draw(batch, delta);

The wiki suggests further increase to the performance by using an atlas, pooling and batching.

Also make sure the particle editor is of the same version as the rest of your project, as it may be subject to breaking changes.

Space Rocks with Particles

The project features an upgrade to the game Space Rocks, by adding particle effects to the thruster and the explosions, and dramatically enhances the visual effects. image

Shader Programming

Shaders are advanced value-based animations, as displayed best on

Shader programming uses OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL), and are a set of instructions run on every single pixel of the game on the screen, simultaneously.

"Typically, when rendering something in OpenGL ES 2.0 the data will be sent through the Vertex shader first and then through the Fragment shader." --LibGDX's wiki

This simple shader program which renders everything in a solid red consists of two files: the vertex shader and the fragment shader

The vertex shader:

attribute vec4 a_position;

uniform mat4 u_projectionViewMatrix;

void main()
    gl_Position =  u_projectionViewMatrix * a_position;

The fragment shader:

void main()
    gl_FragColor = vec4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);

The shader program is usually stored as two files in an assets folder, and is loaded into the game's app like this:

vertexShaderCode = Gdx.files.internal("assets/shaders/default.vs").readString()
fragmenterShaderCode = Gdx.files.internal("assets/shaders/default.fs").readString()
shaderProgram = ShaderProgram(vertexShaderCode, fragmenterShaderCode)
if (!shaderProgram.isCompiled)
    println("Shader compile error: " + shaderProgram.log)

Then the shader program needs to be drawn:

override fun draw(batch: Batch, parentAlpha: Float) {
    batch.shader = shaderProgram
    super.draw(batch, parentAlpha)
    batch.shader = null

Starfish Collector with shaders

The project features an upgrade to the game Starfish Collector, by adding shader effects to the starfishes (a pulsing glow), and the background (wave-like effect), and also some extra effects to the menu and transitions of screens. image

Further reading and tutorials

This topic is far too broad and advanced to be covered in a chapter's summary. The following are recommendations for further interests as used in this project:

New Imports

import - Main particle effect library

import - Emitter library

import - A shader program encapsulates a vertex and fragment shader pair linked to form a shader program

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