Releases: Silarn/EDMC-BioScan
Release 2.9.1 - Criteria Updates & More
Shoutout to CMDR Fizzief for writing a tool that helped identify several outliers leading to many of these criteria updates.
This release includes many criteria updates that should refine many predictions particularly at the extremes of viable conditions. I will highlight the major changes below.
This release also contains a few QOL improvements that were requested on Discord and elsewhere.
QOL Updates
- Allow users to configure the scrollbox height, in case they have more screen real estate to work with
- Fixed a bug causing some startup display issues due to a bad initial value
- Improved handling of ships in the ship whitelist
- Uses the internal ship ID
- Able to update ship names when changed
- Ships are removed if lost or sold
- Unnamed ships handled properly
- Fixes for scan state handling across restarts
- Add option to shorten credit values, like Pioneer (eg. 19.8 MCr)
Criteria highlights
Many changes were small adjustments in criteria ranges, but a few more significant fixes include:
- Clypeus - Lime was assigned incorrectly to Wolf-Rayet stars when it should have been white dwarf stars
- Additional missing nebulae were added to the nebula checks and the large nebula range was increased to 150 ly
- Missing nebulae include: Blau Aescs OO-H d10-109, Lyaisoo XL-D c28-163, Prue Dryoo HN-S e4-0, Cepheus Dark Region B, and Coalsack
- An additional new planetary nebula was discovered but lacks coordinates: Shrogeau QO-R e4-711
- Anemone star checks were updated to remove extraneous types and check any star in the system
- Horizons bios generally have had their 'no atmosphere' requirements removed
- Bacterium informem may have volcanism on icy bodies, but not on other types
- Bacterium omentum can appear in nitrogen atmospheres
- The 'body with life' requirement was removed for Lividum and Aureum brain trees
- Frutexa metallicum can appear in methane atmospheres
- Fumerola nitris can appear in neon atmospheres
- Fungoida setisis volcanism requirements have been adjusted
- Fungoida stabitis can appear in argon (and argon-rich) atmospheres
- Fungoida gelata appear exclusively with major volcanism pertaining to the atmosphere type
Release 2.9.0 - EDSM Updates, Flatpak Support & More
EDSM Import Changes
The EDSM import was moved into ExploData. Additional hooks were added to appropriately update the interface when the import is complete. This data is shared with Pioneer. Rings / belts should also be included in the imported data.
Fixes & Improvements
- Fixed an issue with the 'current scan' variable causing waypoints to fail to display until at least one bio scan had been made
- Utilizing the lat/long coordinates from CodexEntry events which should provide more accurate waypoints; particularly when in flight
- Minor adjustments to number formatting, particularly to help overlay formatting on Linux machines
- Added coordinate checks to named nebulae as the region name checks were insufficient
- Removed atmospheric requirement from anemones; they do rarely appear on planets with atmosphere
- Journal parsing hooks were updated to refresh the data and interface when journal importing is complete. If you happen to be in a system that was included in the import, the displayed data should update appropriately.
Flatpak Release
BioScan will now include a Flatpak release for ExploData. This includes precompiled SQLAlchemy packages that should be compatible with the current EDMC release. Note that any changes to the Flatpak Python version may cause issues with the packaged libraries. (Though this is also true of the Windows version.)
Release 2.8.9 Patch 1
This is a patch release to fix an issue where the database version check was only checking if ExploData was higher than BioScan.
It should now ensure that the DB versions are identical. Running an ExploData version that's incompatible with the current release will almost always result in unexpected behavior if not outright failure.
Release 2.8.9 - Black Holes and Focus Display
This is a relatively minor release with two fixes.
Black Holes
After inspecting a couple more complex black hole systems with bio signals, I was able to refine the black hole code to account for local stars and barycenters more accurately. This should allow for better predictions.
Focus Mode Display
The 'Never' setting for the focus mode caused the planetary detail / scan progress display never to show up. This has been corrected.
In addition, the code for these checks was consolidated and modified so that the 'On Surface' setting would also display the planetary detail / scan progress display whenever lat/long coordinates are available. (This is identical to the 'On Approach' setting.)
That means that the list will still only be filtered when on the surface of the planet but the progress/detail display will render when 'on approach'. I felt like displaying this info only when on the surface made it a bit useless if you ever had to take flight to reach a new sample / species.
The toggle of these displays will still match your defined altitude for 'near surface' as it just personally feels better that way.
ExploData 1.2.3
This release includes a small update to ExploData which improves the handling of JSON parsing errors when importing journals. This update is fully compatible with the latest Pioneer release, and the ExploData files have been updated in the latest release version.
Release 2.8.8 - Overlay Whitelist, EDMC 5.11, and More
This update brings parity with EDMC 5.11, updating deprecated methods. There are a few tweaks to black hole and nebula checks. Finally, there is an additional ship whitelist option for the overlay.
This may requiring updating EDMC if you haven't upgraded to 5.11+ yet.
Overlay Changes
Ship Whitelist
There is now a commander-segmented overlay setting to add ships to a whitelist. Only these ships will display the BioScan overlay. If the whitelist is empty, it is effectively disabled.
Additional Exclusions
When your ship is in 'normal space' and not in the vicinity of a planet (with lat/long coordinates), the overlay will be hidden.
Rules Tweaks
- Better detection of parent black holes for color determinations
- Expanded the search radius for large nebulae
Release 2.8.7 - Tubers, Tweaks, and Settings
This release includes a refactor of the settings code, some final updates for sinuous tubers, various small ruleset tweaks, and the addition of a minimum signal filter for the details.
Sinuous Tubers
- The Inner Scutum Centaurus Arm B zone actually consists of two overlapping shells
- Roseum tubers appear with rocky magma volcanism on HMCs
- Added '=' tag for volcanism criteria in order to match an exact volcanism string
- Refactored globals so they can be shared between classes / files
- Moved settings into new class file and separated sections into tabs
- There is now a general and overlay tab
- Added tooltip support and tooltips to some of the settings labels (?)
- A new setting will allow you to set a minimum signal count to display predictions (the details will still show if you approach a filtered body)
Criteria Updates
- Moved some named planetary nebulae so they would be included in bark mound checks
- Updated osseus pumice on argon rich atmospheres
Release 2.8.6 - Various Updates
This release includes various fixes and tweaks. It also brings support for DB 8 and parity with the latest Pioneer release. This update will require reimporting journals to have accurate scan level data for historic systems.
- When overlay scrolling is triggered, the last line should no longer be cut off
- Formatting fix for extreme gravity flag
Requirement Updates
- Various sinuous tuber volcanism requirement changes based on found data
- Tweaks to minimum gravity for some fumerola nitris atmospheres
- Removed system body requirements for ostrinum brain trees
Release 2.8.5 - Assorted Improvements
- Refined tuber zone for Empyrean Straits
- Add import fallback so both EDMCOverlay and edmcoverlay will work
- Simplified parts of the rule check code
- Added 'not' type for volcanism checks
- Require volcanism other than metallic magma for sinuous tubers other than Roseum
- Workaround for possible star check issue in systems with nonstandard star names
Release 2.8.4 - Sinuous Tubers & Display Init
This update predominantly features another big revision to sinuous tuber predictions. After visiting several sites and looking at the available data, it seems the tuber spawn rules changed fairly significantly in Odyssey. There are some additional updates to fix the blank and improperly initialized display when EDMC first starts up.
All About Tubers
It seems that in Odyssey, each tuber spawn zone has a distinct one or two tuber varieties that can appear in that area. Each tuber variant therefore has around two to four zones in which it can appear.
Note: These zone definitions are best estimates based on data pulled from EDAstro's codex spreadsheet. Some of them are better defined than others and very likely all are inaccurate to some extent. I will attempt to pull fresh data after a while and run the numbers again and adjust these definitions as needed. The galactic center is very well defined. The semi-hidden zone inside Empyrean Straits is probably the least well defined with 7 data points. Any data submitted to EDAstro could help.
Spawn Zones
Variant | Zones |
Roseum | Galactic Center, Odin's Hold A, Ryker's Hope B |
Prasinum | Inner Scutum-Centaurus Arm B, Norma Expanse B, Odin's Hold B, Empyrean Straits (Region) |
Albidum | Inner Scutum-Centaurus Arm B, Trojan Belt |
Caeruleum | Galactic Center, Norma Arm A, Empyrean Straits (Region) |
Lindigoticum | Inner Scutum-Centaurus Arm A, Inner Scutum-Centaurus Arm C, Hawking's Gap B, Norma Expanse A, Odin's Hold B |
Violaceum | Arcadian Stream, Empyrean Straits (Zone), Norma Arm B |
Viride | Inner Orion-Perseus Conflux, Izanami, Ryker's Hope A |
Blatteum | Arcadian Stream, Inner Orion Spur, Inner Scutum-Centaurus Arm B, Hawking's Gap A |
Zone | Coordinate | Minimum Distance | Maximum Distance | Tubers |
Arcadian Stream | 8885, -20, 20535 | 200ly | 600ly | Blatteum, Violaceum |
Empyrean Straits | 4380, 350, 21260 | 300ly | 400ly | Violaceum (Zone), Prasinum (Region), Caeruleum (Region) |
Galactic Center | 44.5, 492.7, 25916 | 500ly | 1000ly | Roseum, Caeruleum |
Hawking's Gap A | 5788, 150, 6335 | 150ly | 600ly | Blatteum |
Hawking's Gap B | 9990, -40, 8335 | 200ly | 600ly | Lindigoticum |
Inner Orion Spur | -3485, 39, 7320 | 200ly | 600ly | Blatteum |
Inner Orion-Perseus Conflux | -13245, -80, 30285 | 350ly | 750ly | Viride |
Inner Scutum-Centaurus Arm A | -1600, -37, 10720 | 200ly | 600ly | Lindigoticum |
Inner Scutum-Centaurus Arm B | -6650, -12, 12575 | 150ly | 600ly | Prasinum, Albidum, Blatteum |
Inner Scutum-Centaurus Arm C | -9355, -50, 17175 | 200ly | 600ly | Lindigoticum |
Izanami | -4610, 370, 37225 | 200ly | 750ly | Viride |
Norma Arm A | 3722.6, 200, 16441 | 500ly | 1000ly | Caeruleum |
Norma Arm B | 3740, 175, 16460 | 200ly | 500ly | Violaceum |
Norma Expanse A | 4245, -42, 12071 | 200ly | 600ly | Lindigoticum |
Norma Expanse B | 5580, 40, 11727 | 150ly | 250ly | Prasinum |
Odin's Hold A | -7945, 230, 28025 | 750ly | 1000ly | Roseum |
Odin's Hold B | -5329, -68, 18647 | 250ly | 600ly | Lindigoticum, Prasinum |
Ryker's Hope A | 1715, 766, 34070 | 250ly | 750ly | Viride |
Ryker's Hope B | -1445, 345, 30345 | 750ly | 1500ly | Roseum |
Trojan Belt | 18600, 65, 31750 | 250ly | 500ly | Albidum |
Other Factors
Rocky body tubers seem to have a requirement that the orbital period is less than one day.
Metallic magma volcanism seems to be reserved for roseum tubers and will not spawn other types.
Release 2.8.3 - Tweaks and Multi-Commander Fix
This update brings a number of Horizons criteria changes, pulled largely from the in-game codex. This should help pare down the possible variants for brain trees and sinuous tubers. There is also a critical fix for multi-commander support.
Bio Requirements
- Consolidated the generic 'life' and 'life_plus' requirements to a 'bodies' requirement which should add some clarity to the requirement
- Updated some temperature ranges and volcanism for different brain trees
- Fixes for body type and volcanism requirements for various tubers
- Added A, MS, and S star types to the crystalline shard star check and increased the ls distance to 12,000
- Nebula checks were adjusted
- Generally, large nebulae are checked before planetary nebulae
- The distance range for large nebulae is 110 ly while planetary nebula are 100
- This should be somewhat more efficient as a nearby large nebula will stop the check before calculating the distance for every planetary nebula
- A small tweak to fumarola nitris gravity requirement on methane atmospheres
- The active commander will now update correctly if switching between multiple accounts
- Avoids a possible crash if the display tried to render before the commander was set