Shoutout to CMDR Fizzief for writing a tool that helped identify several outliers leading to many of these criteria updates.
This release includes many criteria updates that should refine many predictions particularly at the extremes of viable conditions. I will highlight the major changes below.
This release also contains a few QOL improvements that were requested on Discord and elsewhere.
QOL Updates
- Allow users to configure the scrollbox height, in case they have more screen real estate to work with
- Fixed a bug causing some startup display issues due to a bad initial value
- Improved handling of ships in the ship whitelist
- Uses the internal ship ID
- Able to update ship names when changed
- Ships are removed if lost or sold
- Unnamed ships handled properly
- Fixes for scan state handling across restarts
- Add option to shorten credit values, like Pioneer (eg. 19.8 MCr)
Criteria highlights
Many changes were small adjustments in criteria ranges, but a few more significant fixes include:
- Clypeus - Lime was assigned incorrectly to Wolf-Rayet stars when it should have been white dwarf stars
- Additional missing nebulae were added to the nebula checks and the large nebula range was increased to 150 ly
- Missing nebulae include: Blau Aescs OO-H d10-109, Lyaisoo XL-D c28-163, Prue Dryoo HN-S e4-0, Cepheus Dark Region B, and Coalsack
- An additional new planetary nebula was discovered but lacks coordinates: Shrogeau QO-R e4-711
- Anemone star checks were updated to remove extraneous types and check any star in the system
- Horizons bios generally have had their 'no atmosphere' requirements removed
- Bacterium informem may have volcanism on icy bodies, but not on other types
- Bacterium omentum can appear in nitrogen atmospheres
- The 'body with life' requirement was removed for Lividum and Aureum brain trees
- Frutexa metallicum can appear in methane atmospheres
- Fumerola nitris can appear in neon atmospheres
- Fungoida setisis volcanism requirements have been adjusted
- Fungoida stabitis can appear in argon (and argon-rich) atmospheres
- Fungoida gelata appear exclusively with major volcanism pertaining to the atmosphere type