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Uniform Variables

Weston McNamara edited this page May 8, 2021 · 15 revisions

Creating shaders is inevitable part of the game development process. Something that can be very annoying about shaders is making sure uniform variables are set properly. To solve this, many built in Crynn components will automatically set uniforms for the shaders. The reference sheet below shows all the built in uniforms you can access. If you meet the dependency, the uniform will automatically be set, and can be used without worry.

Built In Uniform Variables

Remember that these names are case sensitive inside the shader. They follow pascalCase.

Variable Description GLSL Uniform Name Dependency
A 3D vector with the world space camera position. uniform vec3 cameraPos An instance of the Camera class.
A 4x4 matrix containing the model matrix of
the object being rendered.
uniform mat4 model An instance of the MeshRenderer class.
A float variable with the time since the program
started in seconds.
uniform float time Set automatically.
A 3x3 matrix containing the world space normal
matrix of the mesh you are rendering.
uniform mat4 normalMatrix An instance of the MeshRenderer class.

Setting your own Uniform Variables

To Set your own uniforms, override the BeforeUpdate function. You have to set these using a shader, but you can also use Shader::SetCurrent functions if you wish to not store a reference to it. You can get access to it by inheriting the CrynnObject class.

Simple Example:

class SetUniform : CrynnObject //Inherit from to access Update
    //the frame deltaTime will be passed to this function
    void Update(float deltaTime) override 
        //Check shader docs for more info
        //set a uniform variable called "deltaTimeUnfiform" in the currently bound shader.
        Shader::SetFloatCurrent("deltaTimeUniform", deltaTime); 
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