Polytechnic University of Bari @sisinflab
- Bari, Italy
- http://sisinflab.poliba.it/anelli/
- Pro
recsyschallenge.github.io Public
Forked from recsyschallenge/recsyschallenge.github.io -
Google-HashCode-Playground Public
This project allows to evaluate your submissions for past editions of Google HashCode.
Hashcode2019F-kingKarma Public
This is the solution we implemented during the Google Hashcode 2019 Extended Round - 1,232,411 points - 23rd World rank
Features-Factorization Public
Forked from sisinflab/Features-FactorizationFeatures-Factorization and Feature Spreading Relevance (Knowledge-aware Recommender Systems)
recommenders Public
Forked from sisinflab/recommendersRecommender Systems algorithms implementations
DatasetsSplits Public
Forked from sisinflab/DatasetsSplitsThis is a collection of splittings of publicly available Datasets. This collection has been created for two main purposes:
losm Public
Forked from sisinflab/losmLinked Open Street Map - a middleware to query OSM via SPARQL queries
TimePOP Public
Forked from sisinflab/TimePOPTimePop is a simple and efficient algorithm that combines the notion of personalized popularity and temporal aspects.
HybridFactorizationMachines Public
Forked from sisinflab/HybridFactorizationMachineskaHFM relies on Factorization Machines and it extends them in different key aspects making use of the semantic information encoded in a knowledge graph
The-importance-of-being-dissimilar-in-Recommendation Public
Forked from sisinflab/The-importance-of-being-dissimilar-in-RecommendationSimilarity measures play a fundamental role in memory-based nearest neighbors approaches. They recommend items to a user based on the similarity of either items or users in a neighborhood. In this …
anna Public
Forked from sisinflab/annaVocal Assistant / Chatbot Anna to explore Puglia Digital Library
1 UpdatedFeb 9, 2019 -
OpenCV-GPU-matchTemplate Public
The OpenCV matchTemplate primitive for gpu has been adapted in order to enable calculations on 32-bit floating-point raw data.
This twofold app (Mobile App and Server App) let you to authenticate yourself with your face, login and password and it recognizes who you are in a community.
suDO-Android-Sudoku-Solver Public
This is an Android project that let the user to take a photo to a Sudoku grid and it solves it automatically.
openArpa Public
Forked from humanitiesNerd/openArpaattempt to make the data released by the Arpa governmental agency open data