This section will contain a set of extended results for which there is no room on research papers. Once the work is published, the related README will be completed to provide:
- Bibtex of the related paper
- PDF of the paper
- Implementation of the method
- Link to the used Datasets
- Parameters of the method and competing algorithms
- Extended results of Experimental Evaluation
The idea here is to provide the practitioners and researches a freely available set of results, together with datasets and parameters, to ease the process of next comparisons.
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This work is currently under review
The full paper describing the overall approach WILL BE available here PDF
These algorithms have been developed by Vito Walter Anelli and Joseph Trotta while working at SisInf Lab under the supervision of Tommaso Di Noia.
Tommaso Di Noia, tommaso [dot] dinoia [at] poliba [dot] it
Vito Walter Anelli, vitowalter [dot] anelli [at] poliba [dot] it
Joseph Trotta, joseph [dot] trotta [at] poliba [dot] it