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CMD line parameters

ufdada edited this page Jul 26, 2016 · 7 revisions

Command line parameters

We plan to support the Dungeon Keeper II original command line parameters. The ones that make sense that is.

Implemented parameters

  • -record <folder (optional)>, streams the session to video and stores it to the specified folder. If no folder is specified, the video is stored to your home directory under .OpenKeeper
  • -level <level>, loads the given level, the level must be in the DK II folder, and must not contain the file extension (i.e. -level level1)
  • -nomovies, disables the intro movies (great when debugging)
  • -debug, enables debug features (useful for developing)

Using them with gradle (for developers only)

Since there is no default option for arguments in gradle, but we implemented something similar which should make it fairly easy to run OpenKeeper (or the executable classes) with parameters.

Each parameter value is getting separated by comma as a value of -Pargs.

Please note that you have to add the minus in front of the parameter key!


-Pargs=-level,level1,-debug is equivalent to the application parameters -level level1 -debug

This loads level 1 in debug mode

Example usage of gradle parameters