Extending the command set for managing replica sets and Tarantool 3 config, coredump
, status
commands enhancements, bug-fixes.
tt status
: displays the mode of the instance.tt coredump
: enhances coredump inspection:tt coredump pack
: puts gdb.sh and GDB-extensions into the archive so that it
contains everything necessary for convenient coredump inspection.tt coredump inspect
: allows archive path as an argument (archive should be
created withtt coredump pack
).tt coredump inspect
: added-s
option to specify the location of tarantool sources.
tt cluster publish
: ability to publish a new instance config.tt pack
does not create unnecessary directories and removes files that are required only for
building from the resulting package.
tt cluster failover
: added supervised failover management commands.tt status
: addedpretty
option for pretty-formatted table output.TT_CLI_CFG
: environment variable to specify the path to the configuration file.tt pack
: systemd unit parameterizing support.tt replicaset vshard
: module to manage vshard in the tarantool replicaset.tt replicaset vshard bootstrap
: command to bootstrap vshard.
tt clean
no longer tries to clean files multiple times.- Tarantool 3 config instance fails to use 108 symbols control socket on tt start.
- Incorrect application name in case of explicit providing config path without directories.
- Application build failure during pack with Tarantool from the current environment.