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Releases: tarantool/tt


11 Mar 19:49
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The release introduces minor changes in stabilization of tt connect
command. Expanded possibility to connect to aeon base.
Improvement in the work of templates.


  • tt aeon connect: add connection from the app:instance_name.
  • Added support for the {{ metricsPort }} construct in Go text templates.
    This new function allows template users to generate a monitoring port value
    directly within their templates, providing more flexibility and simplifying
    configuration management.


  • tt connect: allow to disconnect with Ctrl+C or Ctrl+\ if script execution hung.


  • tt connect: return Lua parse error.
  • tt connect: panic on render empty table.
  • tt can be built without linking to OpenSSL.


19 Feb 16:05
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The release introduces an expanded ways to connect to aeon DB using: configuration file and fixing of using root certificates. TCM binary could be packed with pack subcommand.


  • tt pack : added TCM file packaging.
  • tt aeon connect: add connection from the cluster config.


  • tt aeon: did not use system CAs by default.


22 Jan 12:59
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The release introduces an experimental support of console for AeonDB and continues to improve tt play command.


  • tt aeon connect: add support to connect Aeon database.
  • tt play: support of the SSL parameters by using next flags:
    • sslkeyfile - path to a private SSL key file,
    • sslcertfile - path to an SSL certificate file,
    • sslcafile - path to a trusted certificate authorities (CA) file,
    • sslciphers - colon-separated list of SSL cipher suites the connection.
  • tt play: support connection to a target instance by application name or application:instance name.
  • tt coredump pack: add options to customize coredump packing:
    • -e (--executable): specify Tarantool executable path.
    • -p (--pid): specify PID of the dumped process.
    • -t (--time): specify time of dump (seconds since the Epoch).
  • tt.yaml: allows to specify a list of modules directories.
  • Environment variable TT_CLI_MODULES_PATH can be used to specify an extra path with modules.


  • tt stop/kill/clean/logrotate: no longer need:
    • Instances scripts for multi-instance applications.
    • Cluster config for tarantool3-based cluster applications.
  • tt logrotate: don't exit at non-running instance, just warn and proceed with the other instances, like tt stop and tt kill do.
  • tt coredump pack: if -e option is omitted first search tarantool executable in tt environment then in PATH instead of using the hardcoded path /usr/bin/tarantool.
  • tt replicaset downgrade: drop option -v (--version). Pass version as a positional argument rather than option.


  • tt coredump inspect: fails for tarantool-ee coredump archive if the source directory is missing.
  • tt pack: fails if etcd or tcs are present in the configuration and not available.


29 Nov 10:57
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The release introduces upgrade and downgrade subcommands for tt replicaset and adds minor improves to tt cat, tt play and tt connect.


  • tt replicaset downgrade: command to downgrade the schema on a Tarantool cluster.
    • -v (--version): (required) specify schema version to downgrade to.
    • -r (--replicaset): specify the replicaset name(s) to downgrade.
    • -t (--timeout): timeout for waiting the LSN synchronization (in seconds) (default 5).
  • tt replicaset upgrade: command to upgrade the schema on a Tarantool cluster.
    • -r (--replicaset): specify the replicaset name(s) to upgrade.
    • -t (--timeout): timeout for waiting the LSN synchronization (in seconds) (default 5).
    • supports upgrading the database schema on remote cluster by upgrading each replicaset individually using tt replicaset upgrade <URI>.
  • New flag --timestamp of tt cat and tt play commands is added to specify operations ending with the given timestamp. This value can be specified as a number or using RFC3339/RFC3339Nano time format.
  • tt connect: add new --evaler option to support for customizing the way user input is processed.


  • tt rocks: don't load local configs.


07 Nov 12:38
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Update luarocks and libraries version.


  • tt rocks: a wrong Lua interpreter is selected.


31 Oct 14:17
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Small fixes and update MessagePack library.


  • Release packages were built using the outdated and buggy MessagePack library.


16 Oct 15:26
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Added a number of subcommands for replicaset roles, improved understanding of the version number to install, enhanced status display, and added a flag to disable interactivity when the application is stopped.
Implemented a number of fixes to improve stability.


  • tt status: display config, box, and replication upstream statuses.
    • --details: display detailed reports of errors and warnings from instances.
  • tt stop confirmation prompt. -y option is added to accept stop without prompting.
  • tt cluster replicaset roles add: command to add roles in config scope provided by flags.
  • tt cluster replicaset roles remove: command to remove from config scope provided by flags.
  • tt replicaset roles add: command to add roles in the tarantool replicaset with cluster config (3.0) or cartridge orchestrator.
  • tt replicaset roles remove: command to remove roles in the tarantool replicaset with cluster config (3.0) or cartridge orchestrator.
  • tt install tt|tarantool <version> - allow <version> be incomplete. So 2.3 will install the the last available release with specified <major=2>.<minor=3> in <version>.


  • Command \set delimiter [marker] works correctly and don't hangs tt console.
  • tt log -f crash on removing log directory.
  • tt connect crash due to an empty response.
  • tt start error on start Tarantool 3 with encrypted etcd.
  • tt replicaset vshard bootstrap unable to bootstrap large clusters due to a timeout.
  • tt replicaset vshard bootstrap timeout was 3s instead of 10s.


08 Aug 11:31
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tt start interactive mode support, new tt log, tt enable, tt replicaset bootstrap/rebootstrap commands.


  • tt log: a module for viewing instances logs. Supported options:
    • --lines number of lines to print.
    • --follow print appended data as log files grow.
  • tt connect: support format for Tarantool tuples for Tarantool
    versions >= 3.2.
  • tt enable: create a symbolic link in 'instances_enabled' directory to a script or
    an application directory.
  • tt replicaset bootstrap: command to bootstrap a Cartridge cluster or an instance.
  • tt rs rebootstrap: re-bootstraps an instance.
  • -s (--self) flag to execute tt itself and don't search for other tts in bin_dir
    provided in config.
  • tt start interactive mode with -i option.


  • Sorted by name order of columns for table and ttable formats.
  • tt switch tt: does not work with x.x.x version format.
  • tt install tt returns expected exit status code on unsuccessful dependency check.
  • tt pack: failed to start instances using systemctl due to permissions denied.
  • tt uninstall tt: does not work with x.y.z version format.
  • Ability to update a latest version of master tarantool and tt with tt install.


  • Do not create Dockerfile.* in application's directory.


13 Jun 17:44
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  • Building Linux AArch64 packages.


05 Jun 12:17
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Extending the command set for managing replica sets and Tarantool 3 config, coredump, status commands enhancements, bug-fixes.


  • tt status: displays the mode of the instance.
  • tt coredump: enhances coredump inspection:
    • tt coredump pack: puts and GDB-extensions into the archive so that it
      contains everything necessary for convenient coredump inspection.
    • tt coredump inspect: allows archive path as an argument (archive should be
      created with tt coredump pack).
    • tt coredump inspect: added -s option to specify the location of tarantool sources.
  • tt cluster publish: ability to publish a new instance config.
  • tt pack does not create unnecessary directories and removes files that are required only for
    building from the resulting package.


  • tt cluster failover: added supervised failover management commands.
  • tt status: added pretty option for pretty-formatted table output.
  • TT_CLI_CFG: environment variable to specify the path to the configuration file.
  • tt pack: systemd unit parameterizing support.
  • tt replicaset vshard: module to manage vshard in the tarantool replicaset.
    • tt replicaset vshard bootstrap: command to bootstrap vshard.


  • tt clean no longer tries to clean files multiple times.
  • Tarantool 3 config instance fails to use 108 symbols control socket on tt start.
  • Incorrect application name in case of explicit providing config path without directories.
  • Application build failure during pack with Tarantool from the current environment.