This project contains the source code of the STM32MP157 Cortex-M4 firmware for the logic analyzer demonstration (see details in on top of STM32MP1 MMDV-3.0.0.
This demonstration is planned to be executed on the STM32MP157 Discovery kits boards.
This project is linked with the meta layer (logic analyzer demonstration based on GTK GUI solution). In particular, the STM32P157 Cortex-M4 firmware (how2elbd04140.elf), generated thanks to this project, must be manualy copied in the meta layer.
This project requires STM32CubeMX and STM32CubeIDE.
Get the logicanalyser project:
cd [your STM32CubeIDE workspace]
git clone -b master
Please note the following files:
- LA_M4_FW.ioc: STM32CubeMX project
- CM4/.cproject: STM32CubeIDE project
- CM4/Debug/how2elbd04140.elf: firmware
The source code contains all the files needed to build the firmware: there is no dependency on any other package or repository.
The source code added on top of the code generated by STM32CubeMX is in user sections.
- STM32CubeMX: problem with the the OpenSTLinux "DeviceTree Root Location" setting
The absolute path to the OpenSTLinux "DeviceTree Root Location" is hard-coded in the Project Manager. Consequently, to modify this path, please edit the "LA_M4_FW.ioc" file and set the "ProjectManager.DeviceTreeLocation" setting with your own path.