This project contains the source code of the STM32MP157 Cortex-M4 firmware for the logic analyzer example.
The logic analyzer example can be executed on the STM32MP135C/F-DK Discovery kit boards.
This project is linked with the meta-st-stm32mpu-app-logicanalyser meta layer that is the application for the logic analyzer example (based on GTK for the user interface). In particular, the STM32P157 Cortex-M4 firmware (how2elbd04140.elf), generated thanks to this project, is copied in the meta layer.
This version is based on the STM32MP1-ecosystem-v4.0.0 ecosystem release of the STM32MPU Embedded Software distribution which means:
- STM32CubeMX v6.6.0
- STM23CubeIDE v1.10.0
- STM32CubeMP1 v1.6.0
- Documentation
- How to build the firmware for the logic analyzer example?
- How to use the demo?
- Limitations - issues
- "How to exchange data buffers with the coprocessor" wiki article
- STM32MP157x-DKx Discovery kit schematics through the STM32MP15 resources wiki article
- STM32MP157x-DKx Discovery kit hardware description wiki article
- Install the versions of the STM32CubeMX and STM32CubeIDE tools listed in the overview
- Go to the STM32CubeIDE workspace
PC $> cd <your STM32CubeIDE workspace>
- Add the logicanalyser project (kirkstone branch):
PC $> git clone -b kirkstone
- Use the STM32CubeMX and STM32CubeIDE tools to modify (if needed) and rebuild the Cortex-M4 firmware. Note the following files:
- LA_M4_FW.ioc: STM32CubeMX project
- CM4/.cproject: STM32CubeIDE project
- CM4/Debug/how2elbd04140.elf: firmware
The source code contains all the files needed to build the firmware: there is no dependency on any other package or repository.
The source code added on top of the code generated by STM32CubeMX is in user sections.
Once built, the Cortex-M4 firmware shall be copied in the meta-st-stm32mpu-app-logicanalyser meta layer.
See explanations in the meta-st-stm32mpu-app-logicanalyser meta layer.
- STM32CubeMX: problem with the the OpenSTLinux "DeviceTree Root Location" setting
The absolute path to the OpenSTLinux "DeviceTree Root Location" is hard-coded in the Project Manager. Consequently, to modify this path, please edit the "LA_M4_FW.ioc" file and set the "ProjectManager.DeviceTreeLocation" setting with your own path.