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mitchell edited this page Sep 18, 2020 · 1 revision

Helps with editing Archlinux's PKGBUILD files, as well as launching makepkg commands.

Author: M Rawash



Currently there are 5 available commands:

  • Prepare: launches makepkg -g for currently opened PKGBUILD. (keychain: alt+l+p)
  • Build: launches makepkg -f for currently opened PKGBUILD. (keychain: alt+l+b)
  • Install: launches makepkg -i for currently opened PKGBUILD. (keychain: alt+l+i)
  • Source: launches makepkg --source -f for currently opened PKGBUILD. (keychain: alt+l+s)
  • Clean: launches rm -r {src,pkg,*pkg.tar.{gz,xz}} in the parent directory of the currently opened PKGBUILD. (keychain: alt+l+r)

Note: due to the limits of io.popen in lua, I've introduced another function that will launch commands in a terminal window, to use this function, add use_term=1 in your global, user, or pkgbuild own init.lua file; you can change the default terminal (i.e. xterm) or how it's executed using the variables term_cmd and exec_cmd (both optional), example:

use_term = 1
term_cmd='gnome-terminal -t "makepkg" -e '
function exec_cmd(cmd)
  os.execute(term_cmd..'\"'..cmd..'\" &')


See snippets.lua (or press ctrl+alt+shift+i) for a list of available snippets.


Place the module directory in /usr/share/textadept/modules or wherever you load your modules from.


You can either download the tarball from here, or use the package available in AUR

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