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mitchell edited this page Sep 18, 2020 · 1 revision


The purpose of this article is to describe how Textadept can be modified to use relative file references. When implemented Texadept is a truly portable application. Easy to put on a USB stick to carry around. Or use a synchronising tool to maintain copies on several machines. Both the Linux and Windows binary can live in the same folder.

Steps to make it happen

To make it happen the following utility functions are implemented stringSplit, pathSplit, pathRelative, pathBackTrack. On the test system those functions are placed in this file: _USERHOME/modules/pathutils.lua.

The load and save functions in session.lua are modified. The variable named filename in both the function call and locally inside the functions, with different meaning, makes confusions when refactoring the code. So the call argument is renamed to filenameSession. Code is added in the functions to make filenames in the session file relative to textadept _HOME.

The file-structure

used to implement and test the changes:


In the version folders both the *nix and windows versions are merged together. Basically a package manager was used to first extract the *nix version. Then the windows version. The windows extract was not allowed to overwrite anything.

Initiating textadept

Textadept is initiated like this on the different platforms:

cd [somepath]/textadept
./app_3.7_beta_2/textadept -u ../data/

Or on linux (ubuntu 10.04) with wine

wine ~/my-apps/textadept/app_3.7_beta_2/textadept.exe -u ../data/

Or on windows (XP personal) ( win+r )

c:\my-apps\textadept\app_3.7_beta_2\textadept.exe -u ../data/

Implementing the modifications

1: Modify ./core/args.lua

If userhome is given as a relative path (like -u ../data/) we need to add the full path at line 82. lfs does not understand paths like this ../data/

userhome = arg[i + 1]
if not lfs.attributes(userhome) then userhome = _G._HOME .. '/' .. userhome end

on the test system userhome .. "/core/?.lua is added to the front of package.path (at the bottom of the file). This change makes it possible to have modified versions of core files in the userhome path. Textadept will use these development files in require calls and such.

package.path = userhome .. "/core/?.lua;" .. package.path
register('-u', '--userhome', 1, function() end, 'Sets alternate _USERHOME')

2. _USERHOME/modules/pathutils.lua

---[[ I have placed these functions in the above referenced _USERHOME/modules/pathutils.lua
  -- Splits a string according to a given split pattern.
  -- Compatibility: Lua-5.1
  -- SOURCE: function split(str, pat) in:
  -- TODO: StringSplit should have a common textadept/lua place to live
  -- @param str The string to be splitted
  -- @param pat The splitt pattern.
  -- @return array containing the splitted string without pat parts.
  -- @usage stringSplit('c:\\windows\\system32\\kernel32.dll', '[^\\/]+')
  function stringSplit(str, pat)
    local t = {}  -- NOTE: use {n = 0} in Lua-5.0
    local fpat = "(.-)" .. pat
    local last_end = 1
    local s, e, cap = str:find(fpat, 1)
    while s do
        if s ~= 1 or cap ~= "" then
        last_end = e+1
        s, e, cap = str:find(fpat, last_end)
    if last_end <= #str then
        cap = str:sub(last_end)
        table.insert(t, cap)
    return t

  -- Split a path formated string into it''s folder/file parts
  -- TODO: pathSplit belongs in a utility module/file?
  -- @param path The path to be splitted in it's respective parts.
  -- @return array with the path parts.
  -- @usage parts = pathSplit('c:\\users\\guest/documents/myNotes.txt')
  function pathSplit(path)
    local pat =  '[\\/]+'
    return stringSplit(path, pat)
  -- Compares the path parts of two paths and returns the common part and the unique parts.
  -- TODO: pathRelative belongs in a utility module/file?
  -- @param path1 A path formated string
  -- @param path2 A path formated string
  -- @param sep Optional path sepperator. Defaults to the pattern '/'. The returned paths use this seperator. If the returned result is to be passed on to cmd.exe you need to use sep='\\'
  -- @return commonPath, path1r, path2r
  -- @usage commonPath, path1r, path2r = pathRelative('c:\\users\\guest\\apps\\textadeapt\\3.7Beta\\', 'c:\\users\\guest\\docs\\notes\\mynote.txt'); assert(commonPath=='c:/users/guest/'); assert( path1r=='/apps/textadeapt/3.7Beta/'); assert( path2r=='/docs/notes/mynote.txt')
  function pathRelative(path1, path2, sep)
    sep = sep or "/"

    local a1 = pathSplit(path1)
    local a2 = pathSplit(path2)
    local i
    local c=0
    local maxn=0
    local pathCommon
    local path1r = ''
    local path2r = ''
    maxn = table.maxn(a1)
    if maxn > table.maxn(a2) then maxn = table.maxn(a2) end
    for i = 1, maxn do
      if a1[i] == a2[i] and c==0 then
        if pathCommon == nil then
          pathCommon = a1[i]
          pathCommon = pathCommon .. sep .. a1[i]
        if c==0 then c=i end
          path1r = path1r .. sep .. a1[i]
          path2r = path2r .. sep .. a2[i]

    if table.maxn(a1) > table.maxn(a2) then
      for i = table.maxn(a2)+1, table.maxn(a1) do
        path1r = path1r .. sep .. a1[i]
    elseif table.maxn(a1) < table.maxn(a2) then
      for i = table.maxn(a1)+1, table.maxn(a2) do
        path2r = path2r .. sep .. a2[i]
    return pathCommon, path1r, path2r
  -- @param path The path we want to walk/refrence backwards.
  -- @param backcmd The pattern used to walk/reference backwards. Defaults to ..
  -- @return The command needed to walk/reference backwards
  -- @usage ret = pathBackTrack('/apps/textadept/3.7Beta/'); assert(ret == '/../../../')
  -- TODO: pathBackTrack belongs in a utility module/file
  function pathBackTrack(path, backcmd)
    backcmd = backcmd or '%.%.'
    return string.gsub(path, '[^\\/]+', backcmd)

3: Modify _HOME/modules/textadept/session.lua

Save the modified version in _USERHOME/modules/textadept/session.lua if you modified package.path as described above.

-- Copyright 2007-2011 Mitchell mitchell<att> See LICENSE.

require 'pathutils' -- On my system: _USERHOME/modules/pathutils.lua

local L = _G.locale.localize

-- Session support for the textadept module.
module('_m.textadept.session', package.seeall)

-- Markdown:
-- ## Settings
-- * `DEFAULT_SESSION`: The path to the default session file.
-- * `SAVE_ON_QUIT`: Save the session when quitting. Defaults to true and can be
--   disabled by passing the command line switch '-n' or '--nosession' to
--   Textadept.

-- settings
-- end settings

-- Loads a Textadept session file.
-- Textadept restores split views, opened buffers, cursor information, and
-- project manager details.
-- @param filenameSession The absolute path to the session file to load. Defaults to
--   DEFAULT_SESSION if not specified.
-- @return true if the session file was opened and read; false otherwise.
-- @usage _m.textadept.session.load(filename)
function load(filenameSession)
  local not_found = {}
  local f = or DEFAULT_SESSION, 'rb')
  if not f then
    return false
  local current_view, splits = 1, { [0] = {} }
  local lfs_attributes = lfs.attributes
  for line in f:lines() do
    if line:find('^buffer:') then
      local anchor, current_pos, first_visible_line, filename =
        line:match('^buffer: (%d+) (%d+) (%d+) (.+)$')

      filename2, foo = string.gsub(filename, "%[TEXTADEPTHOME%]", _G._HOME)

      if not filename2:find('^%[.+%]$') then
        -- message and error buffer?
        if lfs_attributes(filename2) then
          not_found[#not_found + 1] = filename2
        --any file
        buffer._type = filename2
        events.emit('file_opened', filename2)

      -- Restore saved buffer selection and view.
      local anchor = tonumber(anchor) or 0
      local current_pos = tonumber(current_pos) or 0
      local first_visible_line = tonumber(first_visible_line) or 0
      local buffer = buffer
      buffer._anchor, buffer._current_pos = anchor, current_pos
      buffer._first_visible_line = first_visible_line
      buffer:set_sel(anchor, current_pos)

    elseif line:find('^%s*split%d:') then
      -- Restore splitt's'
      local level, num, type, size =
        line:match('^(%s*)split(%d): (%S+) (%d+)')
      local view = splits[#level] and splits[#level][tonumber(num)] or view
      splits[#level + 1] = { view:split(type == 'true') }
      splits[#level + 1][1].size = tonumber(size) -- could be 1 or 2
    elseif line:find('^%s*view%d:') then

      local level, num, buf_idx = line:match('^(%s*)view(%d): (%d+)$')
      local view = splits[#level][tonumber(num)] or view
      buf_idx = tonumber(buf_idx)
      if buf_idx > #_BUFFERS then buf_idx = #_BUFFERS end
    elseif line:find('^current_view:') then
      -- Set current view/focus buffer
      local view_idx = line:match('^current_view: (%d+)')
      current_view = tonumber(view_idx) or 1
    elseif line:find('^size:') then
      --Set window size
      local width, height = line:match('^size: (%d+) (%d+)$')
      if width and height then gui.size = { width, height } end
  -- Close session file
  -- Update GUI
  if #not_found > 0 then
    -- Display error/notify msg.
              '--title', L('Session Files Not Found'),
              '--text', L('The following session files were not found'),
              string.format('%s', table.concat(not_found, '\n')))
  return true

  events.connect('arg_none', function() if SAVE_ON_QUIT then load() end end)

-- Saves a Textadept session to a file.
-- Saves split views, opened buffers, cursor information, and project manager
-- details.
-- @param filenameSession The absolute path to the session file to save. Defaults to
--   either the current session file or DEFAULT_SESSION if not specified.
-- @usage
function save(filenameSession)
  local session = {}
  local buffer_line = "buffer: %d %d %d %s" -- anchor, cursor, line, filename
  local split_line = "%ssplit%d: %s %d" -- level, number, type, size
  local view_line = "%sview%d: %d" -- level, number, doc index
  -- Write out opened buffers.
  for _, buffer in ipairs(_BUFFERS) do
    local filename = buffer.filename or buffer._type

    --Filter out [MESSAGES] buffers
    if not filename:match('^%[.*%]$') then
      local current = buffer.doc_pointer == gui.focused_doc_pointer
      local anchor = current and 'anchor' or '_anchor'
      local current_pos = current and 'current_pos' or '_current_pos'
      local top_line = current and 'first_visible_line' or '_first_visible_line'
      -- Make a relative file reference
      local filename2
      local pathCommon, path1r, path2r
      pathCommon, path1r, path2r = pathRelative(_G._HOME, filename)
      if pathCommon == nil then
        -- can''t find common path so use original filename
        filename2 = filename
        filename2 = "[TEXTADEPTHOME]/" .. pathBackTrack(path1r) .. path2r
      -- Buld array with session info
      session[#session + 1] = buffer_line:format(buffer[anchor] or 0,
                                                buffer[current_pos] or 0,
                                                buffer[top_line] or 0,
  -- Write out split views.
  local function write_split(split, level, number)
    local c1, c2 = split[1], split[2]
    local vertical, size = tostring(split.vertical), split.size
    local spaces = (' '):rep(level)
    session[#session + 1] = split_line:format(spaces, number, vertical, size)
    spaces = (' '):rep(level + 1)
    if type(c1) == 'table' then
      write_split(c1, level + 1, 1)
      session[#session + 1] = view_line:format(spaces, 1, c1)
    if type(c2) == 'table' then
      write_split(c2, level + 1, 2)
      session[#session + 1] = view_line:format(spaces, 2, c2)
  end -- local function write_split end
  local splits = gui.get_split_table()
  if type(splits) == 'table' then
    write_split(splits, 0, 0)
    session[#session + 1] = view_line:format('', 1, splits)
  -- Write out the current focused view.
  local current_view = view
  for i = 1, #_VIEWS do
    if _VIEWS[i] == current_view then
      current_view = i
  session[#session + 1] = ("current_view: %d"):format(current_view)
  -- Write out other things.
  local size = gui.size
  session[#session + 1] = ("size: %d %d"):format(size[1], size[2])
  -- Write the session.

  local f = or _SESSIONFILE or DEFAULT_SESSION, 'wb')
  if f then
    f:write(table.concat(session, '\n'))
end --function save

  events.connect('quit', function() if SAVE_ON_QUIT then save() end end, 1)

  local function no_session() SAVE_ON_QUIT = false end
  args.register('-n', '--nosession', 0, no_session, 'No session functionality')

if not package.loaded['session'] then
  print("Run self test: session.lua")

  print("End self test: session.lua SUCCESS")

A typical session file

looks like this

buffer: 3907 3907 109 [TEXTADEPTHOME]//../data/modules/textadept/session.lua
buffer: 306 306 0 [TEXTADEPTHOME]//../data/session
buffer: 395 395 0 [TEXTADEPTHOME]//../data/init.lua
buffer: 2288 2288 48 [TEXTADEPTHOME]//core/args.lua
buffer: 0 0 0 [TEXTADEPTHOME]//../app_3.7_beta_2_org/core/args.lua
buffer: 4789 4789 65 [TEXTADEPTHOME]//../app_3.7_beta_2_org/modules/textadept/session.lua
buffer: 2781 2781 78 [TEXTADEPTHOME]//../data/modules/pathutils.lua
buffer: 2013 2013 5 [TEXTADEPTHOME]//../data/modules/pathutils-test.lua
split0: true 705
view1: 1
split2: false 451
  view1: 8
  view2: 9
current_view: 1
size: 1280 949

Tested with

This was written and tested with textadept_3.7_beta_2. It seems to work with textadept_3.7_beta_3. When moving to the new release the described modifications in [TA-PATH]/core/args.lua was implemented. After that the new release was tested on Ubuntu 10.04, windows XP and running with wine on Ubuntu.

Hacking further

If you like to hack on Textadept and implement the suggested changes in args.lua. Then you might want to make sure args.lua is processed before any of the other core files by moving the line require 'args.lua' so it is the first to be loaded in _HOME/core/init.lua

New releases of Textadept

Changes to args.lua (and _HOME/core/init.lua) has to be done in each new release until (by popular demand) the changes are implemented in the distribution.

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