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Crunchbase Enterprise API, 2021-07-16

This Python package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:

  • API version: 1.0.3
  • Package version: 1.0.0
  • Build package: io.swagger.codegen.v3.generators.python.PythonClientCodegen


Python 2.7 and 3.4+

Installation & Usage

pip install

If the python package is hosted on Github, you can install directly from Github

pip install git+

(you may need to run pip with root permission: sudo pip install git+

Then import the package:

import swagger_client 


Install via Setuptools.

python install --user

(or sudo python install to install the package for all users)

Then import the package:

import swagger_client

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

from __future__ import print_function
import time
import swagger_client
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuthHeader
configuration = swagger_client.Configuration()
configuration.api_key['X-cb-user-key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
# configuration.api_key_prefix['X-cb-user-key'] = 'Bearer'

# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = swagger_client.AutocompleteApi(swagger_client.ApiClient(configuration))
query = 'query_example' # str | Value to perform the autocomplete search with.
collection_ids = 'collection_ids_example' # str | A comma separated list of collection ids to search against. Leaving this blank means it will search across all identifiers. Entity defs can be constrained to specific facets by providing them as facet collections. Relationship collections will resolve to their underlying entity def. \\ Collection ids are: organizations, people, funding_rounds, acquisitions, investments, events, press_references, funds, event_appearances, ipos, ownerships, categories, category_groups, locations, jobs  (optional)
limit = 56 # int | Number of results to retrieve; default = 10, max = 25 (optional)

    # Suggests matching Identifier entities based on the query and entity_def_ids provided.
    api_response = api_instance.autocompletes_get(query, collection_ids=collection_ids, limit=limit)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling AutocompleteApi->autocompletes_get: %s\n" % e)

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
AutocompleteApi autocompletes_get GET /autocompletes Suggests matching Identifier entities based on the query and entity_def_ids provided.
DeletedEntitiesApi deleted_entities_collection_id_get GET /deleted_entities/{collection_id} Retrieve deleted entities for a collection id
DeletedEntitiesApi deleted_entities_get GET /deleted_entities Retrieve deleted entities
EntityApi entities_acquisitions_entity_id_cards_card_id_get GET /entities/acquisitions/{entity_id}/cards/{card_id} Lookup Acquisition's single card
EntityApi entities_acquisitions_entity_id_get GET /entities/acquisitions/{entity_id} Lookup an Acquisition
EntityApi entities_addresses_entity_id_cards_card_id_get GET /entities/addresses/{entity_id}/cards/{card_id} Lookup Address's single card
EntityApi entities_addresses_entity_id_get GET /entities/addresses/{entity_id} Lookup an Address
EntityApi entities_categories_entity_id_cards_card_id_get GET /entities/categories/{entity_id}/cards/{card_id} Lookup Category's single card
EntityApi entities_categories_entity_id_get GET /entities/categories/{entity_id} Lookup a Category
EntityApi entities_category_groups_entity_id_cards_card_id_get GET /entities/category_groups/{entity_id}/cards/{card_id} Lookup Category Group's single card
EntityApi entities_category_groups_entity_id_get GET /entities/category_groups/{entity_id} Lookup a Category Group
EntityApi entities_degrees_entity_id_cards_card_id_get GET /entities/degrees/{entity_id}/cards/{card_id} Lookup Degree's single card
EntityApi entities_degrees_entity_id_get GET /entities/degrees/{entity_id} Lookup a Degree
EntityApi entities_event_appearances_entity_id_cards_card_id_get GET /entities/event_appearances/{entity_id}/cards/{card_id} Lookup Event Appearance's single card
EntityApi entities_event_appearances_entity_id_get GET /entities/event_appearances/{entity_id} Lookup an Event Appearance
EntityApi entities_events_entity_id_cards_card_id_get GET /entities/events/{entity_id}/cards/{card_id} Lookup Event's single card
EntityApi entities_events_entity_id_get GET /entities/events/{entity_id} Lookup an Event
EntityApi entities_funding_rounds_entity_id_cards_card_id_get GET /entities/funding_rounds/{entity_id}/cards/{card_id} Lookup Funding Round's single card
EntityApi entities_funding_rounds_entity_id_get GET /entities/funding_rounds/{entity_id} Lookup a Funding Round
EntityApi entities_funds_entity_id_cards_card_id_get GET /entities/funds/{entity_id}/cards/{card_id} Lookup Fund's single card
EntityApi entities_funds_entity_id_get GET /entities/funds/{entity_id} Lookup a Fund
EntityApi entities_investments_entity_id_cards_card_id_get GET /entities/investments/{entity_id}/cards/{card_id} Lookup Investment's single card
EntityApi entities_investments_entity_id_get GET /entities/investments/{entity_id} Lookup an Investment
EntityApi entities_ipos_entity_id_cards_card_id_get GET /entities/ipos/{entity_id}/cards/{card_id} Lookup Ipo's single card
EntityApi entities_ipos_entity_id_get GET /entities/ipos/{entity_id} Lookup an Ipo
EntityApi entities_jobs_entity_id_cards_card_id_get GET /entities/jobs/{entity_id}/cards/{card_id} Lookup Job's single card
EntityApi entities_jobs_entity_id_get GET /entities/jobs/{entity_id} Lookup a Job
EntityApi entities_locations_entity_id_cards_card_id_get GET /entities/locations/{entity_id}/cards/{card_id} Lookup Location's single card
EntityApi entities_locations_entity_id_get GET /entities/locations/{entity_id} Lookup a Location
EntityApi entities_organizations_entity_id_cards_card_id_get GET /entities/organizations/{entity_id}/cards/{card_id} Lookup Organization's single card
EntityApi entities_organizations_entity_id_get GET /entities/organizations/{entity_id} Lookup an Organization
EntityApi entities_ownerships_entity_id_cards_card_id_get GET /entities/ownerships/{entity_id}/cards/{card_id} Lookup Ownership's single card
EntityApi entities_ownerships_entity_id_get GET /entities/ownerships/{entity_id} Lookup an Ownership
EntityApi entities_people_entity_id_cards_card_id_get GET /entities/people/{entity_id}/cards/{card_id} Lookup Person's single card
EntityApi entities_people_entity_id_get GET /entities/people/{entity_id} Lookup a Person
EntityApi entities_press_references_entity_id_cards_card_id_get GET /entities/press_references/{entity_id}/cards/{card_id} Lookup Press Reference's single card
EntityApi entities_press_references_entity_id_get GET /entities/press_references/{entity_id} Lookup a Press Reference
SearchApi searches_acquisitions_post POST /searches/acquisitions Search Acquisition Entities. Can perform more complex filtering based on the query defined in the request body.
SearchApi searches_addresses_post POST /searches/addresses Search Address Entities. Can perform more complex filtering based on the query defined in the request body.
SearchApi searches_categories_post POST /searches/categories Search Category Entities. Can perform more complex filtering based on the query defined in the request body.
SearchApi searches_category_groups_post POST /searches/category_groups Search Category Group Entities. Can perform more complex filtering based on the query defined in the request body.
SearchApi searches_degrees_post POST /searches/degrees Search Degree Entities. Can perform more complex filtering based on the query defined in the request body.
SearchApi searches_event_appearances_post POST /searches/event_appearances Search Event Appearance Entities. Can perform more complex filtering based on the query defined in the request body.
SearchApi searches_events_post POST /searches/events Search Event Entities. Can perform more complex filtering based on the query defined in the request body.
SearchApi searches_funding_rounds_post POST /searches/funding_rounds Search Funding Round Entities. Can perform more complex filtering based on the query defined in the request body.
SearchApi searches_funds_post POST /searches/funds Search Fund Entities. Can perform more complex filtering based on the query defined in the request body.
SearchApi searches_investments_post POST /searches/investments Search Investment Entities. Can perform more complex filtering based on the query defined in the request body.
SearchApi searches_ipos_post POST /searches/ipos Search Ipo Entities. Can perform more complex filtering based on the query defined in the request body.
SearchApi searches_jobs_post POST /searches/jobs Search Job Entities. Can perform more complex filtering based on the query defined in the request body.
SearchApi searches_key_employee_changes_post POST /searches/key_employee_changes Search Key Employee Change Entities. Can perform more complex filtering based on the query defined in the request body.
SearchApi searches_layoffs_post POST /searches/layoffs Search Layoff Entities. Can perform more complex filtering based on the query defined in the request body.
SearchApi searches_locations_post POST /searches/locations Search Location Entities. Can perform more complex filtering based on the query defined in the request body.
SearchApi searches_organizations_post POST /searches/organizations Search Organization Entities. Can perform more complex filtering based on the query defined in the request body.
SearchApi searches_ownerships_post POST /searches/ownerships Search Ownership Entities. Can perform more complex filtering based on the query defined in the request body.
SearchApi searches_people_post POST /searches/people Search Person Entities. Can perform more complex filtering based on the query defined in the request body.
SearchApi searches_press_references_post POST /searches/press_references Search Press Reference Entities. Can perform more complex filtering based on the query defined in the request body.
SearchApi searches_principals_post POST /searches/principals Search Principal Entities. Can perform more complex filtering based on the query defined in the request body.

Documentation For Models

Documentation For Authorization


  • Type: API key
  • API key parameter name: X-cb-user-key
  • Location: HTTP header



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