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Name Type Description Notes
aliases list[str] Alternate or previous names for the individual\ Field Type: text_short_multi\ Searchable: Yes\ Search Operators: blank, contains, eq, not_contains, not_eq, starts [optional]
born_on date The birthdate of the person\ Field Type: date\ Searchable: Yes\ Search Operators: between, blank, eq, gte, lte [optional]
created_at datetime Field Type: datetime\ Searchable: Yes\ Search Operators: between, blank, eq, gte, lte [optional]
description str Text from a Person's biography\ Field Type: text_long\ Searchable: Yes\ Search Operators: blank, contains, not_contains [optional]
died_on date The date when a person died\ Field Type: date\ Searchable: Yes\ Search Operators: between, blank, eq, gte, lte [optional]
entity_def_id str Field Type: enum\ Searchable: Yes\ Search Operators: blank, eq, includes, not_eq, not_includes\ Possible values are: * person - Person [optional]
facebook AllOfPersonFacebook Link to a Person's Facebook page\ Field Type: link\ Searchable: No [optional]
facet_ids list[str] Field Type: enum_multi\ Searchable: Yes\ Search Operators: blank, includes, includes_all, not_includes, not_includes_all [optional]
first_name str First name of a Person\ Field Type: text_short\ Searchable: Yes\ Search Operators: blank, contains, eq, not_contains, not_eq, starts [optional]
gender str A Person's gender\ Field Type: enum\ Searchable: Yes\ Search Operators: blank, eq, includes, not_eq, not_includes\ Possible values are: * agender - Agender * androgyne - Androgyne * androgynous - Androgynous * bigender - Bigender * female - Female * ftm - Female to Male (FTM) * gender_fluid - Gender Fluid * gender_nonconforming - Gender Nonconforming * gender_questioning - Gender Questioning * gender_variant - Gender Variant * genderqueer - Genderqueer * male - Male * mtf - Male to Female (MTF) * neutrois - Neutrois * non_binary - Non-Binary * not_provided - Prefer not to identify * other - Other * pangender - Pangender * transfeminine - Transfeminine * transgender_female - Transgender Female * transgender_male - Transgender Male * transgender_man - Transgender Man * transgender_person - Transgender Person * transgender_woman - Transgender Woman * transmasculine - Transmasculine * transsexual_female - Transsexual Female * transsexual_male - Transsexual Male * transsexual_man - Transsexual Man * transsexual_person - Transsexual Person * transsexual_woman - Transsexual Woman * two_spirit - Two-Spirit [optional]
identifier AllOfPersonIdentifier First and last name of a Person\ Field Type: identifier\ Searchable: Yes\ Search Operators: blank, contains, eq, includes, not_contains, not_eq, not_includes, starts
image_id str The profile image of the person on Crunchbase\ Field Type: image_id\ Searchable: No [optional]
image_url str The cloudinary url of the profile image\ Field Type: text_blob\ Searchable: No [optional]
investor_stage list[str] This describes the stage of investor this person is (e.g. Angel, Fund of Funds, Venture Capital)\ Field Type: enum_multi\ Searchable: Yes\ Search Operators: blank, includes, includes_all, not_includes, not_includes_all [optional]
investor_type list[str] This describes the type of investor the person is (e.g. Angel, Fund of Funds, Venture Capital)\ Field Type: enum_multi\ Searchable: Yes\ Search Operators: blank, includes, includes_all, not_includes, not_includes_all [optional]
last_name str Last name of a Person\ Field Type: text_short\ Searchable: Yes\ Search Operators: blank, contains, eq, not_contains, not_eq, starts [optional]
layout_id str This is the auto-generated layout for the profile\ Field Type: enum\ Searchable: Yes\ Search Operators: blank, eq, includes, not_eq, not_includes\ Possible values are: * investor - Investor Layout [optional]
linkedin AllOfPersonLinkedin Link to a Person's LinkedIn page\ Field Type: link\ Searchable: No [optional]
location_group_identifiers list[EntityIdentifier] Where the person is located (e.g. San Francisco Bay Area, Silicon Valley)\ Field Type: identifier_multi\ Searchable: Yes\ Search Operators: blank, includes, includes_all, not_includes, not_includes_all [optional]
location_identifiers list[LocationIdentifier] Where the person is located (e.g. Europe, Menlo Park, China)\ Field Type: identifier_multi\ Searchable: Yes\ Search Operators: blank, includes, includes_all, not_includes, not_includes_all [optional]
middle_name str Middle name of a Person\ Field Type: text_blob\ Searchable: No [optional]
name str Full name of a Person\ Field Type: text_blob\ Searchable: No [optional]
num_articles float Number of news articles that reference the Person\ Field Type: integer\ Searchable: Yes\ Search Operators: between, blank, eq, gt, gte, lt, lte, not_eq [optional]
num_current_advisor_jobs float Total number of current Advisors and Board roles the person has\ Field Type: integer\ Searchable: Yes\ Search Operators: between, blank, eq, gt, gte, lt, lte, not_eq [optional]
num_current_jobs float Total number of current Jobs the person has\ Field Type: integer\ Searchable: Yes\ Search Operators: between, blank, eq, gt, gte, lt, lte, not_eq [optional]
num_diversity_spotlight_investments float Total number of diversity investments made by an investor\ Field Type: integer\ Searchable: Yes\ Search Operators: between, blank, eq, gt, gte, lt, lte, not_eq [optional]
num_event_appearances float Total number of events the individual appeared in\ Field Type: integer\ Searchable: Yes\ Search Operators: between, blank, eq, gt, gte, lt, lte, not_eq [optional]
num_exits float Total number of Exits\ Field Type: integer\ Searchable: Yes\ Search Operators: between, blank, eq, gt, gte, lt, lte, not_eq [optional]
num_exits_ipo float Total number of Exits (IPO)\ Field Type: integer\ Searchable: Yes\ Search Operators: between, blank, eq, gt, gte, lt, lte, not_eq [optional]
num_founded_organizations float Number of Organizations that the person founded\ Field Type: integer\ Searchable: Yes\ Search Operators: between, blank, eq, gt, gte, lt, lte, not_eq [optional]
num_investments float Number of Investments the Individual has participated in\ Field Type: integer\ Searchable: Yes\ Search Operators: between, blank, eq, gt, gte, lt, lte, not_eq [optional]
num_jobs float Field Type: integer\ Searchable: Yes\ Search Operators: between, blank, eq, gt, gte, lt, lte, not_eq [optional]
num_lead_investments float Number of Investments led by the Individual\ Field Type: integer\ Searchable: Yes\ Search Operators: between, blank, eq, gt, gte, lt, lte, not_eq [optional]
num_partner_investments float Number of Investments the Individual has partnered in\ Field Type: integer\ Searchable: Yes\ Search Operators: between, blank, eq, gt, gte, lt, lte, not_eq [optional]
num_past_advisor_jobs float Total number of past Board and Advisor roles the person has\ Field Type: integer\ Searchable: Yes\ Search Operators: between, blank, eq, gt, gte, lt, lte, not_eq [optional]
num_past_jobs float Total number of past Jobs the person has\ Field Type: integer\ Searchable: Yes\ Search Operators: between, blank, eq, gt, gte, lt, lte, not_eq [optional]
num_portfolio_organizations float Number of portfolio companies associated to the Person\ Field Type: integer\ Searchable: Yes\ Search Operators: between, blank, eq, gt, gte, lt, lte, not_eq [optional]
override_layout_id str Override the layout of the Entity Profile\ Field Type: enum\ Searchable: Yes\ Search Operators: blank, eq, includes, not_eq, not_includes\ Possible values are: * default - Default Layout * investor - Investor Layout [optional]
permalink str Field Type: permalink\ Searchable: No [optional]
permalink_aliases list[str] These are the alternative aliases to the primary permalink of the Organization\ Field Type: text_exact_multi\ Searchable: Yes\ Search Operators: blank, includes, includes_all, not_includes, not_includes_all [optional]
primary_job_title str The person's primary job title\ Field Type: text_short\ Searchable: Yes\ Search Operators: blank, contains, eq, not_contains, not_eq, starts [optional]
primary_organization AllOfPersonPrimaryOrganization The organization associated to the person's primary job\ Field Type: identifier\ Searchable: Yes\ Search Operators: blank, contains, eq, includes, not_contains, not_eq, not_includes, starts [optional]
rank_delta_d30 float Movement in Rank over the last 30 days using a score from -10 to 10\ Field Type: decimal\ Searchable: Yes\ Search Operators: between, blank, eq, gt, gte, lt, lte, not_eq [optional]
rank_delta_d7 float Movement in Rank over the last 7 days using a score from -10 to 10\ Field Type: decimal\ Searchable: Yes\ Search Operators: between, blank, eq, gt, gte, lt, lte, not_eq [optional]
rank_delta_d90 float Movement in Rank over the last 90 days using a score from -10 to 10\ Field Type: decimal\ Searchable: Yes\ Search Operators: between, blank, eq, gt, gte, lt, lte, not_eq [optional]
rank_person float Algorithmic rank assigned to the top 100,000 most active People\ Field Type: integer\ Searchable: Yes\ Search Operators: between, blank, eq, gt, gte, lt, lte, not_eq [optional]
rank_principal float Algorithmic rank assigned to the top 100,000 most active Organizations and People\ Field Type: integer\ Searchable: Yes\ Search Operators: between, blank, eq, gt, gte, lt, lte, not_eq [optional]
short_description str Text of Person Description, Industries, and Industry Groups\ Field Type: text_long\ Searchable: Yes\ Search Operators: blank, contains, not_contains [optional]
twitter AllOfPersonTwitter Link to a Person's Twitter page\ Field Type: link\ Searchable: No [optional]
updated_at datetime Field Type: datetime\ Searchable: Yes\ Search Operators: between, blank, eq, gte, lte [optional]
uuid str Field Type: uuid\ Searchable: Yes\ Search Operators: blank, eq, includes, not_eq, not_includes [optional]
website AllOfPersonWebsite Link to a Person's website. note: website_url has replaced this field; this field will be deprecated in the near future\ Field Type: link\ Searchable: No [optional]
website_url str Link to a Person's website\ Field Type: url\ Searchable: Yes\ Search Operators: domain_blank, domain_eq, domain_includes, not_domain_eq, not_domain_includes [optional]

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