Tags: mathnet/mathnet-numerics
Math.NET Numerics v5.0.0 COMPATIBILITY: net5.0, net48 better supported with explicit builds COMPATIBILITY: netstandard1.x, net40, net45 no longer supported BREAKING: drop all which was marked as obsolete BREAKING: all native provider adapters moved out to separate NuGet packages BREAKING: switch many usages of tuples to value tuples (experimental) Linear Algebra: Fix sparse inplace pointwise multiplication and division ~jkalias Distributions: Logistic ~Bobby Ingram Distributions: Perf: Cauchy avoid duplicate evaluation ~Febin Random: NextBigIngegerSequence ~Silver-Fang Random: xoshiro256StarStar fix out of range exception ~Charlie Turndorf Precision: Perf: pre-compute negative powers ~Febin Optimizations: Remove static properties in LevenbergMarquardtMinimizer ~Jong Hyun Kim Root Finding: Newton-Raphson better handling of zero-evaluations Fit.Curve and FindMinimum extended to accept two more parameters Fixed an index out of bounds issue when calculating BFGS minimizer with one variable ~Shiney Fixed Sparse COO NormalizeDuplicates ~Mohamed Moussa Marcum-Q and Log1p functions ~CHUTORO Series: stable series summation Cubic Spline: Extrema and Stationary Points ~Eduardo Rojas Statistics: Weighted Descriptive and Running Statistics ~Richard Allen Providers: binary names and loading changes to follow conventions and better x-plat Providers: drop managed reference linear algebra provider Providers: native providers no longer inherit managed providers, managed now sealed Providers: MKL provider compilation switched to Intel oneAPI MKL Providers: support for provider packages with runtime folders Better support for System.Text.Json: Polynomial, DescriptiveStatistics ~Joseph Petersen Lots of internal cleanup, leveraging newer language features Data: now released always together with Numerics (no longer separate versioning) Control.Describe now includes CPU architecture and family identifier if know
Math.NET Numerics v5.0.0-beta02 BUG: Fix sparse inplace pointwise multiplication and division ~jkalias Code maintenance, prefer looping over local arrays
Math.NET Numerics MKL Provider v3.0.0 New binary names and package structure with runtime folders With Intel oneAPI 2022 Note that MathNet.Numerics.Providers.MKL.dll is required for this to work with Numerics v5
Math.NET Numerics v5.0.0-beta01 COMPATIBILITY: net5.0, net48 better supported with explicit builds COMPATIBILITY: netstandard1.x, net40, net45 no longer supported BREAKING: drop all which was marked as obsolete BREAKING: all native provider adapters moved out to separate NuGet packages BREAKING: switch many usages of tuples to value tuples (experimental) Distributions: Logistic ~Bobby Ingram Distributions: Perf: Cauchy avoid duplicate evaluation ~Febin Random: NextBigIngegerSequence ~Silver-Fang Random: xoshiro256StarStar fix out of range exception ~Charlie Turndorf Precision: Perf: pre-compute negative powers ~Febin Optimizations: Remove static properties in LevenbergMarquardtMinimizer ~Jong Hyun Kim Root Finding: Newton-Raphson better handling of zero-evaluations Fit.Curve and FindMinimum extended to accept two more parameters Fixed an index out of bounds issue when calculating BFGS minimizer with one variable ~Shiney Fixed Sparse COO NormalizeDuplicates ~Mohamed Moussa Marcum-Q and Log1p functions ~CHUTORO Series: stable series summation Cubic Spline: Extrema and Stationary Points ~Eduardo Rojas Statistics: Weighted Descriptive and Running Statistics ~Richard Allen Providers: binary names and loading changes to follow conventions and better x-plat Providers: drop managed reference linear algebra provider Providers: native providers no longer inherit managed providers, managed now sealed Providers: MKL provider compilation switched to Intel oneAPI MKL Providers: support for provider packages with runtime folders Better support for System.Text.Json: Polynomial, DescriptiveStatistics ~Joseph Petersen Lots of internal cleanup, leveraging newer language features Data: now released always together with Numerics (no longer separate versioning) Control.Describe now includes CPU architecture and family identifier if know
Math.NET Numerics v5.0.0-alpha16 COMPATIBILITY: net5.0, net48 better supported with explicit builds COMPATIBILITY: netstandard1.x, net40, net45 no longer supported BREAKING: drop all which was marked as obsolete BREAKING: all native provider adapters moved out to separate NuGet packages BREAKING: switch many usages of tuples to value tuples (experimental) Distributions: Logistic ~Bobby Ingram Distributions: Perf: Cauchy avoid duplicate evaluation ~Febin Random: NextBigIngegerSequence ~Silver-Fang Random: xoshiro256StarStar fix out of range exception ~Charlie Turndorf Precision: Perf: pre-compute negative powers ~Febin Optimizations: Remove static properties in LevenbergMarquardtMinimizer ~Jong Hyun Kim Root Finding: Newton-Raphson better handling of zero-evaluations Fit.Curve and FindMinimum extended to accept two more parameters Fixed an index out of bounds issue when calculating BFGS minimizer with one variable ~Shiney Fixed Sparse COO NormalizeDuplicates ~Mohamed Moussa Marcum-Q and Log1p functions ~CHUTORO Series: stable series summation Providers: binary names and loading changes to follow conventions and better x-plat Providers: drop managed reference linear algebra provider Providers: native providers no longer inherit managed providers, managed now sealed Providers: MKL provider compilation switched to Intel oneAPI MKL Providers: support for provider packages with runtime folders Better support for System.Text.Json: Polynomial, DescriptiveStatistics ~Joseph Petersen Lots of internal cleanup, leveraging newer language features Data: now released always together with Numerics (no longer separate versioning) Control.Describe now includes CPU architecture and family identifier if know
Math.NET Numerics v5.0.0-alpha15 COMPATIBILITY: net5.0, net48 better supported with explicit builds COMPATIBILITY: netstandard1.x, net40, net45 no longer supported BREAKING: drop all which was marked as obsolete BREAKING: all native provider adapters moved out to separate NuGet packages BREAKING: switch many usages of tuples to value tuples (experimental) Distributions: Logistic ~Bobby Ingram Distributions: Perf: Cauchy avoid duplicate evaluation ~Febin Random: NextBigIngegerSequence ~Silver-Fang Random: xoshiro256StarStar fix out of range exception ~Charlie Turndorf Precision: Perf: pre-compute negative powers ~Febin Optimizations: Remove static properties in LevenbergMarquardtMinimizer ~Jong Hyun Kim Root Finding: Newton-Raphson better handling of zero-evaluations Fit.Curve and FindMinimum extended to accept two more parameters Fixed an index out of bounds issue when calculating BFGS minimizer with one variable ~Shiney Fixed Sparse COO NormalizeDuplicates ~Mohamed Moussa Marcum-Q and Log1p functions ~CHUTORO Series: stable series summation Providers: binary names and loading changes to follow conventions and better x-plat Providers: drop managed reference linear algebra provider Providers: native providers no longer inherit managed providers, managed now sealed Providers: MKL provider compilation switched to Intel oneAPI MKL Providers: support for provider packages with runtime folders Better support for System.Text.Json: Polynomial, DescriptiveStatistics ~Joseph Petersen Lots of internal cleanup, leveraging newer language features Data: now released always together with Numerics (no longer separate versioning) Control.Describe now includes CPU architecture and family identifier if know
Math.NET Numerics v5.0.0-alpha14 COMPATIBILITY: net5.0, net48 better supported with explicit builds COMPATIBILITY: netstandard1.x, net40, net45 no longer supported BREAKING: drop all which was marked as obsolete BREAKING: all native provider adapters moved out to separate NuGet packages BREAKING: switch many usages of tuples to value tuples (experimental) Distributions: Logistic ~Bobby Ingram Distributions: Perf: Cauchy avoid duplicate evaluation ~Febin Random: NextBigIngegerSequence ~Silver-Fang Random: xoshiro256StarStar fix out of range exception ~Charlie Turndorf Precision: Perf: pre-compute negative powers ~Febin Optimizations: Remove static properties in LevenbergMarquardtMinimizer ~Jong Hyun Kim Root Finding: Newton-Raphson better handling of zero-evaluations Fit.Curve and FindMinimum extended to accept two more parameters Fixed an index out of bounds issue when calculating BFGS minimizer with one variable ~Shiney Fixed Sparse COO NormalizeDuplicates ~Mohamed Moussa Marcum-Q and Log1p functions ~CHUTORO Series: stable series summation Providers: binary names and loading changes to follow conventions and better x-plat Providers: drop managed reference linear algebra provider Providers: native providers no longer inherit managed providers, managed now sealed Providers: MKL provider compilation switched to Intel oneAPI MKL Providers: support for provider packages with runtime folders Better support for System.Text.Json: Polynomial, DescriptiveStatistics ~Joseph Petersen Lots of internal cleanup, leveraging newer language features Data: now released always together with Numerics (no longer separate versioning) Control.Describe now includes CPU architecture and family identifier if know
Math.NET Numerics v5.0.0-alpha13 COMPATIBILITY: net5.0, net48 better supported with explicit builds COMPATIBILITY: netstandard1.x, net40, net45 no longer supported BREAKING: drop all which was marked as obsolete BREAKING: all native provider adapters moved out to separate NuGet packages BREAKING: switch many usages of tuples to value tuples (experimental) Distributions: Logistic ~Bobby Ingram Distributions: Perf: Cauchy avoid duplicate evaluation ~Febin Random: NextBigIngegerSequence ~Silver-Fang Random: xoshiro256StarStar fix out of range exception ~Charlie Turndorf Precision: Perf: pre-compute negative powers ~Febin Optimizations: Remove static properties in LevenbergMarquardtMinimizer ~Jong Hyun Kim Root Finding: Newton-Raphson better handling of zero-evaluations Fit.Curve and FindMinimum extended to accept two more parameters Fixed an index out of bounds issue when calculating BFGS minimizer with one variable ~Shiney Fixed Sparse COO NormalizeDuplicates ~Mohamed Moussa Marcum-Q and Log1p functions ~CHUTORO Series: stable series summation Providers: binary names and loading changes to follow conventions and better x-plat Providers: drop managed reference linear algebra provider Providers: native providers no longer inherit managed providers, managed now sealed Providers: MKL provider compilation switched to Intel oneAPI MKL Providers: support for provider packages with runtime folders Better support for System.Text.Json: Polynomial, DescriptiveStatistics ~Joseph Petersen Lots of internal cleanup, leveraging newer language features Data: now released always together with Numerics (no longer separate versioning) Control.Describe now includes CPU architecture and family identifier if know
Math.NET Numerics v5.0.0-alpha12 COMPATIBILITY: net5.0, net48 better supported with explicit builds COMPATIBILITY: netstandard1.x, net40, net45 no longer supported BREAKING: drop all which was marked as obsolete BREAKING: all native provider adapters moved out to separate NuGet packages BREAKING: switch many usages of tuples to value tuples (experimental) Distributions: Logistic ~Bobby Ingram Distributions: Perf: Cauchy avoid duplicate evaluation ~Febin Random: NextBigIngegerSequence ~Silver-Fang Random: xoshiro256StarStar fix out of range exception ~Charlie Turndorf Precision: Perf: pre-compute negative powers ~Febin Optimizations: Remove static properties in LevenbergMarquardtMinimizer ~Jong Hyun Kim Root Finding: Newton-Raphson better handling of zero-evaluations Fit.Curve and FindMinimum extended to accept two more parameters Fixed an index out of bounds issue when calculating BFGS minimizer with one variable ~Shiney Fixed Sparse COO NormalizeDuplicates ~Mohamed Moussa Marcum-Q and Log1p functions ~CHUTORO Series: stable series summation Providers: binary names and loading changes to follow conventions and better x-plat Providers: drop managed reference linear algebra provider Providers: native providers no longer inherit managed providers, managed now sealed Providers: MKL provider compilation switched to Intel oneAPI MKL Providers: support for provider packages with runtime folders Better support for System.Text.Json: Polynomial, DescriptiveStatistics ~Joseph Petersen Lots of internal cleanup, leveraging newer language features Data: now released always together with Numerics (no longer separate versioning) Control.Describe now includes CPU architecture and family identifier if know
Math.NET Numerics v5.0.0-alpha11 COMPATIBILITY: net5.0, net48 better supported with explicit builds COMPATIBILITY: netstandard1.x, net40, net45 no longer supported BREAKING: drop all which was marked as obsolete BREAKING: all native provider adapters moved out to separate NuGet packages BREAKING: switch many usages of tuples to value tuples (experimental) Distributions: Logistic ~Bobby Ingram Distributions: Perf: Cauchy avoid duplicate evaluation ~Febin Random: NextBigIngegerSequence ~Silver-Fang Random: xoshiro256StarStar fix out of range exception ~Charlie Turndorf Precision: Perf: pre-compute negative powers ~Febin Optimizations: Remove static properties in LevenbergMarquardtMinimizer ~Jong Hyun Kim Root Finding: Newton-Raphson better handling of zero-evaluations Fit.Curve and FindMinimum extended to accept two more parameters Fixed an index out of bounds issue when calculating BFGS minimizer with one variable ~Shiney Fixed Sparse COO NormalizeDuplicates ~Mohamed Moussa Marcum-Q and Log1p functions ~CHUTORO Series: stable series summation Providers: binary names and loading changes to follow conventions and better x-plat Providers: drop managed reference linear algebra provider Providers: native providers no longer inherit managed providers, managed now sealed Providers: MKL provider compilation switched to Intel oneAPI MKL Providers: support for provider packages with runtime folders Better support for System.Text.Json: Polynomial, DescriptiveStatistics ~Joseph Petersen Lots of internal cleanup, leveraging newer language features Data: now released always together with Numerics (no longer separate versioning) Control.Describe now includes CPU architecture and family identifier if know