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@cdrnet cdrnet tagged this 27 Feb 12:42
COMPATIBILITY: net5.0, net48 better supported with explicit builds
COMPATIBILITY: netstandard1.x, net40, net45 no longer supported
BREAKING: drop all which was marked as obsolete
BREAKING: all native provider adapters moved out to separate NuGet packages
BREAKING: switch many usages of tuples to value tuples (experimental)
Distributions: Logistic ~Bobby Ingram
Distributions: Perf: Cauchy avoid duplicate evaluation ~Febin
Random: NextBigIngegerSequence ~Silver-Fang
Random: xoshiro256StarStar fix out of range exception ~Charlie Turndorf
Precision: Perf: pre-compute negative powers ~Febin
Optimizations: Remove static properties in LevenbergMarquardtMinimizer ~Jong Hyun Kim
Root Finding: Newton-Raphson better handling of zero-evaluations
Fit.Curve and FindMinimum extended to accept two more parameters
Fixed an index out of bounds issue when calculating BFGS minimizer with one variable ~Shiney
Fixed Sparse COO NormalizeDuplicates ~Mohamed Moussa
Marcum-Q and Log1p functions ~CHUTORO
Series: stable series summation
Providers: binary names and loading changes to follow conventions and better x-plat
Providers: drop managed reference linear algebra provider
Providers: native providers no longer inherit managed providers, managed now sealed
Providers: MKL provider compilation switched to Intel oneAPI MKL
Providers: support for provider packages with runtime folders
Better support for System.Text.Json: Polynomial, DescriptiveStatistics ~Joseph Petersen
Lots of internal cleanup, leveraging newer language features
Data: now released always together with Numerics (no longer separate versioning)
Control.Describe now includes CPU architecture and family identifier if know
Assets 2