Jupyter Notebook file: VIEW
- Introduction
- Preparing
- Generate Vertex AI content
- Load data from GCS
- Process data
- Refactor data
- Conclusion
In this project, we will build a Jupyter notebook to create a synthetic quiz dataset for using in web application.
Quiz data could be generated from various open sources. These sources provide quizzes gathered from user's posting. Considering this nature and be afraid of content right, I wanted to try other method of getting fake, or synthetic data.
As I'm dedicated to using cloud solutions from Google Cloud Platform (GCP), I use Vertex AI to generate text data mimics quiz which input by human in common format.
From the mockup document, we will load, extract and process, re-engineer it into JSON format which is widely used for web application.
We need to import Pandas and some other general packages.
To make GCP jobs work out, we authenticate GCP credentials
using environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS
It's also convenient to assign constants related to GCP services.
# Import general packages
import pandas as pd
import re
import io
import json
# Set environment variable to authenticate GCP credentials
!export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS='path/to/credentials.json'
LOCATION = "location"
PROJECT = 'project-name'
BUCKET = 'bucket-name'
MODEL = "gemini-1.5-flash-001"
It's better to follow GCP docs and prepare some functions to work with GCP so that we can use later with ease.
For Google Cloud Storage (GCS), we make gcs_read
and gcs_write
to read and write objects.
# Imports the Google Cloud client library
from google.cloud import storage
def gcs_read(bucket_name, blob_name, j_load=False):
Read a blob from GCS.
Default use readlines() for text file.
Change `j_load` to True if json.load() is used for reading clean JSON file.
storage_client = storage.Client()
bucket = storage_client.bucket(bucket_name)
blob = bucket.blob(blob_name)
with blob.open("r") as file:
if j_load:
return json.load(file)
return file.readlines()
def gcs_write(bucket_name, blob_name, content):
"""Write a blob to GCS"""
storage_client = storage.Client()
bucket = storage_client.bucket(bucket_name)
blob = bucket.blob(blob_name)
with blob.open("w") as file:
For Vertex AI, we need a generate
function as a generator to yield response text in processing.
# Import Vertex AI packages
import vertexai
from vertexai.generative_models import GenerativeModel
import vertexai.preview.generative_models as generative_models
def generate(p_text, g_config, s_settings):
"""Yield text with generator which receive prompt text, generation config and safety settings as arguments"""
vertexai.init(project=PROJECT, location=LOCATION)
model = GenerativeModel(
responses = model.generate_content(
for response in responses:
yield response.text
Define variables with value we will use for Vertex AI input.
prompt = """Generate quiz with these requirements:
- Total questions: 50.
- Topic: AWS.
- Difficulty: Hard.
- Types: true/false, single correct answer, multiple correct answers.
- Indent questions with number.
- Indent choices and true/false with upper letter.
- If more than 2 correct answers questions, remind \"(select [exact number] apply)\" before choice A.
- In each question, total correct answers is less than total choices.
- Choices consist multiple technically complicated steps.
- Show correct choices at the end of each question.
- No markdown, plain text.
- Group by type."""
generation_config = {
"max_output_tokens": 8192,
"temperature": 1,
"top_p": 0.95,
safety_settings = {
generative_models.HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_HATE_SPEECH: generative_models.HarmBlockThreshold.BLOCK_MEDIUM_AND_ABOVE,
generative_models.HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_DANGEROUS_CONTENT: generative_models.HarmBlockThreshold.BLOCK_MEDIUM_AND_ABOVE,
generative_models.HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_SEXUALLY_EXPLICIT: generative_models.HarmBlockThreshold.BLOCK_MEDIUM_AND_ABOVE,
generative_models.HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_HARASSMENT: generative_models.HarmBlockThreshold.BLOCK_MEDIUM_AND_ABOVE,
Assign generator to a variable.
# Assign generator to a variable
generator = generate(prompt, generation_config, safety_settings)
Call the generator and concatenate text from generator's responses together to make the full text.
# Use string comprehension to gather text from generator
generate_text = ''.join(response for response in generator)
Extract topic, difficulty and size from prompt text. Combine all into a new TXT file name.
# Read generated text as lines
buf = io.StringIO(prompt)
lines = buf.readlines()
# Extract topic
topic_line = [line for line in lines if '- Topic: ' in line][0]
topic = topic_line[9:].rstrip('\n.')
topic = re.sub(' ', '_', topic.lower())
# Extract difficulty
difficulty_line = [line for line in lines if '- Difficulty: ' in line][0]
difficulty = difficulty_line[14:].rstrip('\n.').lower()
# Extract size
size_line = [line for line in lines if '- Total questions: ' in line][0]
size = size_line[19:].rstrip('\n.')
# Combine topic, difficulty and size into .txt file name
file_name = f'{topic}_{difficulty}_{size}.txt'
Write the generated data to our GCS bucket with prepared file name in TXT format.
# Assign file_name to a constant using for writing to GCS
WRITE_BLOB = file_name
gcs_write(BUCKET, WRITE_BLOB, generate_text)
We will use the same file we've just exported for the purpose of loading data from GCS.
# Assign file_name to a constant using for reading from GCS
READ_BLOB = file_name
data = gcs_read(BUCKET, READ_BLOB)
Define function split_qa
def split_qa(lines_data):
Accepts list of lines.
Returns a dictionary with keys `question` and `answer`
dict_data = {'question': [],
'answer': []}
# Switch determines if the last line is in question section or not
q_prev = False
for line in lines_data:
# Strip '**' style around 'Correct answer(s)' or 'Correct'
line = line.replace('**', '')
# Check if line is not blank, title or heading ('##')
if (line != '\n') and ('##' not in line):
# Call the first word of the line is `head`
head = line.split()[0]
# Append new question if all of these meet:
# - Previous line is not in question text
# - First character of `head` is numeric
# - Last character of `head` is '.'
if (not q_prev) and head[0].isnumeric() and head[-1] == ".":
q_prev = True
# Append new answer if all of these meet:
# - Previous line is in question text
# - `head` is 'A.'
elif q_prev and head == 'A.':
q_prev = False
# Add line to unfinished question
elif q_prev:
dict_data['question'][-1] += line
# Add line to unfinished answer
dict_data['answer'][-1] += line
return dict_data
Call the function and convert the result into DataFrame class.
# Return split_qa result to a variable
dict0 = split_qa(data)
# Convert `dict0` to a DataFrame
df0 = pd.DataFrame(dict0)
Tidy question text by stripping indentation and new lines character.
# Make a copy of df0
df1 = df0.copy()
# Strip the number at the beginning and '\n' at the end of each question
df1['question'] = df1['question'].str.replace(r'^\d{0,4}\.[ ]', '', regex=True).str.rstrip()
Define split_choice
function to split answer text into multiple choices.
Choices will be confirmed as correct and incorrect thereafter.
def convert_index(capital):
"""Return zero-based index from capital, 'A' has unicode code as 65"""
return ord(capital) - 65
def split_choice(answer):
Split the `answer` data into multiple choices
# Use 'Correct Answer(s): ' to split text.
# Index 0 is all choices, index 1 is all answers
split_all = re.split(r'Correct Answer[s]*: ', answer)
choices = split_all[0]
correct_stack = split_all[1]
# Split using ','
correct_stack = correct_stack.split(',')
# Pick only first capital indicating the choices
correct_note = [item.strip()[0] for item in correct_stack]
# Make zero-based index from alphabet
correct_index = [convert_index(item) for item in correct_note]
# Split using 'X. ', index 0 is '', so pass
choices = re.split(r'[A-Z]\.[ ]', choices)[1:]
# Strip right side of choice text
choices = [choice.rstrip() for choice in choices]
# Separate choices into lists as `incorrect` and `correct`
incorrect = [choice for index, choice in enumerate(choices) if index not in correct_index]
correct = [choice for index, choice in enumerate(choices) if index in correct_index]
return {'incorrect': incorrect,
'correct': correct}
Apply split_choice
to dataset and store choices in new columns, named incorrect
and correct
# Make a copy of `df1`
df2 = df1.copy()
# Apply the function to full dataset
df2['incorrect'] = df2['answer'].apply(split_choice).str['incorrect']
df2['correct'] = df2['answer'].apply(split_choice).str['correct']
To save space and memory, we should include only columns that we need.
In this case, question
and clean incorrect
, correct
are all that we will use directly in our webb app.
# New order of columns
new_order = ['question', 'incorrect', 'correct']
# Make a copy of `df2` with new order of columns
df_clean = df2[new_order].copy()
Now we can convert our data into JSON string and load it to GCS object as a JSON file for later application.
# Pick up the read blob name with '.txt' excluded, to make new json file name
JSON_BLOB = READ_BLOB[:-4] + '.json'
# Convert `df_clean` to JSON string
json_string = df_clean.to_json()
# Write JSON string to GCS object as a JSON file
gcs_write(BUCKET, JSON_BLOB, json_string)
From human-input form, the document is finally transformed into a parsable form, as a JSON file. Now it's ready to use in web application.
There may be demand for other applications, such as analytics, interactive database, with more complex architects than general JSON format. In these cases, we can always take further steps with our original flow to work things out.