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Helmut Tammen edited this page Apr 28, 2016 · 4 revisions

Release Notes for n-odata-server

Version 0.3.4

Generated on 2016-2-3

Items included in this release

Implement Collection/$count request

The request collection/$count is now supported and returns the overall number of records available in the data store. e.g. http://.../Customers/$count

Implement $filter option for GET requests

Implemented the basic $filter options to filter collection data.

Implement Associations / Relations in metadata

Metadata now supports associations. The corresponding NavigationProperties as well as the Associations and AssociationSets are created and given out to the $metadata request

Implement return of deferred objects

Deferred relations are now returned by collection requests and requests to single objects For details to deferred objects see:

Implement Associations / Relations between EntityTypes, PART 1

Implemented creation and update of relations via inline updates and creates. The following PUT request updates the Customer with id 34 and updates its contacts with ids 36 and 37. The contact with no id will be added to the contacts list'34')

    "CompanyName": "Alfreds Futterkiste",
    "ContactName": "Maria Anders",
    "ContactTitle": "Sales Representative",
    "Address": "Obere Str. 57",
    "City": "Hannover",
    "Region": null,
    "PostalCode": "30159",
    "Country": "Germany",
    "Phone": "0511-0074321",
    "Fax": "0511-0076545",
    "EMail": null,
    "Rating": 4.4,
    "contacts": [
        "firstname": "Fridolin",
        "lastname": "Firestone",
        "phone": "+49 511 999999",
        "mobile": "+49 170 888888",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "address": "[object Object]",
        "id": 36
        "firstname": "Helmut",
        "lastname": "Tammen",
        "phone": "+49 5139 9848140",
        "mobile": "+49 170 8822491",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "address": "[object Object]"
        "firstname": "Alina-Kristin",
        "lastname": "Tammen",
        "phone": "+49 5139 9848140",
        "mobile": "+49 163 564545",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "address": "Magdeburg",
        "id": 37

When posting (POST request) this it will fail cause the id fields of the contacts have to be empty to create a new contact that is associated to a new customer

Implemented $links request in GET request to retrieve links to other objects. E.g.:$links/Products

This request retrieves all Products that are associated with the Category with ID = 2

Add a logging framework

Added log4js as logging framework. This allow sophisticated logging feature similar to those of Java's log4j. See for more details.

Use more typescript typedefinitions

Added typings package to support better typescript type resolving. See Wiki home for more details.