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Helmut Tammen edited this page Feb 7, 2016 · 3 revisions

Release Notes for n-odata-server

Version 0.3.0

Generated on 2015-12-22

Items included in this release

Refactoring: change implementation language to Typescript

  • Refactoring: Changed development language to TypeScript
  • Refactored all old .js files so that they are now .ts files
  • Created a Gruntfile that if run automatically watches the .ts files and transpires them to .js files in the background

Refactored everything to Typescript so that it is compilable and running without errors. Further adjustments are probably necessary and should be done when developing changes to existing functionality or new functions

Implement metadata request

Implemented basic metadata support for OData V2. Basic means that the EntityTypes and corresponding EntitySets are enclosed in the metadata file.

Implement functionality for OData V2

Basic CRUD functionality realized and tested with a simple app in SAP WebIDE on HCP:smile: