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A build tool for Dalamud plugins. It handles build and continuous integration tasks and is used for the Dalamud plugin manifest repository.


Plogon can be run on both Windows and Linux systems, and needs .NET 6.0 and Docker installed to function.

Note: If the Docker connection fails, make sure you're not using Podman as the C# Docker API doesn't seem to work with it yet.

Note: If building fails with /bin/bash: /static/ Permission denied try disabling SELinux temporarily with setenforce 0.

Plogon also requires a specific folder structure to work. Here's a preview of the folder structure we will create:

Plogon /
manifests /
   PluginA /
   PluginB /
output /
work /
artifacts /

First, of course you need to clone Plogon itself:

git clone

Then we need a manifests folder which will house the plugin manifests. For each plugin, create a manifest.toml that describes the git repository to use among other information.

repository = "<git repository>"
commit = "<git hash>"
owners = [ "<your name>" ]
changelog = '''
Your changelog in here.

You also need to place the plugin's icon into a subfolder named icon.png.

You can see plenty of examples in the Dalamud plugin manifest repository. Next you need to create some empty folders:

mkdir output
mkdir work
mkdir artifacts

The output directory will be the Dalamud repository that's outputted (you can subsitute this for a pre-existing repository once you run Plogon once.) The work and artifacts are for temporary files and the compiled plugins respectively.

Now it's time to run Plogon and start compiling our plugins:

cd Plogon/Plogon
dotnet run -- \
  --manifest-folder="../../manifests" \
  --output-folder="../../output" \
  --work-folder="../../work" \
  --static-folder="static" \
  --artifact-folder="../../artifacts" \
  --build-overrides-file="../../manifests/overrides.toml" \
  --mode=Development --build-all

(The build overrides file doesn't have to exist for now.)

It may seem like a lot of options but most of the arguments are used to specify the paths to the many locations Plogon needs. Once it's complete, plugin are available under artifacts and the repsoitory should be under output.