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The user object contains Twitter user account metadata describing the referenced user.
public struct User: Codable, Identifiable
, Expandable
, Fielded
, Identifiable
public typealias ID = String
Additional fields that can be requested for User objects
public typealias Field = PartialKeyPath<User>
The unique identifier of this user.
public let id: ID
The name of the user, as they’ve defined it on their profile. Not necessarily a person’s name. Typically capped at 50 characters, but subject to change.
public let name: String
The Twitter screen name, handle, or alias that this user identifies themselves with. Usernames are unique but subject to change. Typically a maximum of 15 characters long, but some historical accounts may exist with longer names.
public let username: String
The UTC datetime that the user account was created on Twitter.
public let createdAt: Date?
Indicates if this user has chosen to protect their Tweets (in other words, if this user's Tweets are private).
public let protected: Bool?
Contains withholding details for withheld content, if applicable.
public let withheld: WithheldInformation?
The location specified in the user's profile, if the user provided one. As this is a freeform value, it may not indicate a valid location, but it may be fuzzily evaluated when performing searches with location queries.
public let location: String?
Unique identifier of this user's pinned Tweet.
public let pinnedTweetId: Tweet.ID?
The URL specified in the user's profile, if present.
public let url: String?
The text of this user's profile description (also known as bio), if the user provided one.
public let description: String?
Indicates if this user is a verified Twitter User.
public let verified: Bool?
Contains details about text that has a special meaning in the user's description.
public let entities: Entities?
The URL to the profile image for this user, as shown on the user's profile.
public let profileImageUrl: URL?
A URL to larger version of the user's profile image
public var profileImageUrlLarger: URL?
A URL to the original, unmodified version of the user's profile image. This image may be very large.
public var profileImageUrlOriginal: URL?
Contains details about activity for this user.
public let publicMetrics: UserProfileMetrics?
Generated at 2022-11-07T15:07:20+0000 using swift-doc 1.0.0-rc.1.
- BlockResponse
- BookmarkResponse
- CreatedListResponse
- DeleteResponse
- ErrorDetail
- FilteredStreamRule
- FilteredStreamRuleMeta
- FilteredStreamRuleMeta.Summary
- FollowResponse
- Geo
- Geo.Coordinates
- GeoJSONType
- HiddenResponse
- LikeResponse
- List
- List.Expansions
- List.Includes
- ListMembershipResponse
- Media
- Media.Metrics
- Media.PublicMetrics
- Media.Variant
- MediaCategory
- MediaType
- MediaUploadResponse
- MediaUploadResponse.MediaProcessingInfo
- MediaUploadResponse.MediaProcessingInfo.ProcessingError
- MediaUploadResponse.MediaProcessingInfo.State
- MentionEntity
- Meta
- MutableFilteredStreamRule
- MutableMedia
- MutablePoll
- MutableTweet
- MutableTweet.Reply
- MuteResponse
- OAuth2Scope
- OAuth2User
- OAuthCredentials
- PinnedResponse
- Place
- Poll
- Poll.Option
- Poll.VotingStatus
- PostTweetResponse
- RetweetResponse
- SearchSpacesState
- Space
- Space.Expansions
- Space.Includes
- TagEntity
- Topic
- Topic.Field
- Tweet
- Tweet.AnnotationEntity
- Tweet.Attachments
- Tweet.Entities
- Tweet.Expansions
- Tweet.Includes
- Tweet.NonPublicMetrics
- Tweet.OrganicMetrics
- Tweet.PromotedMetrics
- Tweet.PublicMetrics
- Tweet.ReferencedTweet
- Tweet.ReferencedTweet.ReferenceType
- Tweet.ReplyAudience
- Tweet.URLEntity
- TweetExclusion
- Twift.Authentication
- Twift.AuthenticationType
- Twift.AuthenticationTypeRepresentation
- TwiftError
- TwitterAPIData
- TwitterAPIDataAndIncludes
- TwitterAPIDataAndMeta
- TwitterAPIDataIncludesAndMeta
- TwitterAPIError
- UpdatedListResponse
- User
- User.DescriptionEntity
- User.Entities
- User.Expansions
- User.Includes
- User.URLEntity
- User.URLEntityDetails
- User.UserProfileMetrics
- WithheldInformation
- WithheldInformation.Scope
Global Variables
Global Functions
- addAltText(to:text:)
- addBookmark(_:userId:)
- addListMember(_:to:)
- authenticateUser(clientId:redirectUri:scope:presentationContextProvider:)
- blockUser(sourceUserId:targetUserId:)
- checkMediaUploadSuccessful(_:)
- createList(name:description:isPrivate:)
- deleteBookmark(_:userId:)
- deleteList(_:)
- deleteListMember(_:from:)
- deleteTweet(_:)
- filteredStream(fields:expansions:backfillMinutes:)
- followList(_:userId:)
- followUser(sourceUserId:targetUserId:)
- getBlockedUsers(for:fields:expansions:paginationToken:maxResults:)
- getBookmarks(for:fields:expansions:paginationToken:maxResults:)
- getFilteredStreamRules(ids:)
- getFollowedLists(_:fields:expansions:paginationToken:maxResults:)
- getFollowers(_:fields:expansions:paginationToken:maxResults:)
- getFollowing(_:fields:expansions:paginationToken:maxResults:)
- getLikedTweets(for:fields:expansions:paginationToken:maxResults:)
- getLikingUsers(for:fields:expansions:paginationToken:maxResults:)
- getList(_:fields:expansions:)
- getListFollowers(_:fields:expansions:paginationToken:maxResults:)
- getListMembers(for:fields:expansions:paginationToken:maxResults:)
- getListMemberships(for:fields:expansions:paginationToken:maxResults:)
- getListTweets(_:fields:expansions:paginationToken:maxResults:)
- getMe(fields:expansions:)
- getMutedUsers(for:fields:expansions:paginationToken:maxResults:)
- getPinnedLists(_:fields:expansions:)
- getSpace(_:fields:expansions:)
- getSpaceBuyers(_:fields:expansions:)
- getSpaceTweets(_:fields:expansions:)
- getSpaces(_:fields:expansions:)
- getSpacesByCreatorIds(_:fields:expansions:)
- getTweet(_:fields:expansions:)
- getTweets(_:fields:expansions:)
- getUser(_:fields:expansions:)
- getUserBy(username:fields:expansions:)
- getUserOwnedLists(_:fields:expansions:paginationToken:maxResults:)
- getUsers(_:fields:expansions:)
- getUsersBy(usernames:fields:expansions:)
- hideReply(_:)
- likeTweet(_:userId:)
- modifyFilteredStreamRules(add:delete:dryRun:)
- muteUser(sourceUserId:targetUserId:)
- pinList(_:userId:)
- postTweet(_:)
- quoteTweets(for:fields:expansions:paginationToken:maxResults:)
- refreshOAuth2AccessToken(onlyIfExpired:)
- retweet(_:userId:)
- retweets(for:fields:expansions:paginationToken:maxResults:)
- reverseChronologicalTimeline(_:fields:expansions:startTime:endTime:exclude:sinceId:untilId:paginationToken:maxResults:)
- searchAllTweets(query:fields:expansions:endTime:startTime:maxResults:nextToken:sinceId:untilId:)
- searchRecentTweets(query:fields:expansions:endTime:startTime:maxResults:nextToken:sinceId:untilId:)
- searchSpaces(query:fields:expansions:state:)
- unblockUser(sourceUserId:targetUserId:)
- unfollowList(_:userId:)
- unfollowUser(sourceUserId:targetUserId:)
- unhideReply(_:)
- unlikeTweet(_:userId:)
- unmuteUser(sourceUserId:targetUserId:)
- unpinList(_:userId:)
- unretweet(_:userId:)
- updateList(id:name:description:isPrivate:)
- upload(mediaData:mimeType:category:progress:)
- userMentions(_:fields:expansions:startTime:endTime:exclude:sinceId:untilId:paginationToken:maxResults:)
- userTimeline(_:startTime:endTime:exclude:sinceId:untilId:fields:expansions:paginationToken:maxResults:)
- volumeStream(fields:expansions:backfillMinutes:)