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daneden edited this page Aug 11, 2022
64 revisions
- Twift.Authentication: A convenience class for acquiring user access token
The available authentication types for initializing new
client instances -
A convenience enum for representing
without associated values in auth-related errors - OAuth2Scope: The available access scopes for Twitter's OAuth 2.0 user authentication.
- TwiftError: The error types relating to Twift instances and methods.
- MediaCategory
- MediaUploadResponse.MediaProcessingInfo.State
- SearchSpacesState
- TweetExclusion
Fields that can be expanded on the
type - MediaType
- GeoJSONType
- Poll.VotingStatus: The voting status for the associated poll
- Space.Expansions: Available expansions for Spaces
- Topic.Field
- Tweet.ReplyAudience: The audience that can reply to an associated Tweet
- Tweet.ReferencedTweet.ReferenceType: The type of reference for referenced Tweets
- Tweet.Expansions: Available fields that can be expanded on Tweet objects
Available object expansions for the
type - WithheldInformation.Scope: Scopes for withheld information
The response object from the Twitter API containing the requested object(s) in the
property -
The response object from the Twitter API containing the requested object(s) in the
property -
A response object from the Twitter API containing the requested object(s) in the
property, and expansions in theincludes
property -
A response object from the Twitter API containing the requested object(s) in the
property, expansions in theincludes
property, and additional information (such as pagination tokens) in themeta
property - Meta: An object containing pagination information for paginated requests
- OAuth2User: An OAuth 2.0 user authentication object
- BlockResponse: A response object containing information relating to a block status.
- BookmarkResponse: A response object containing information relating to Bookmark-related API requests
- TwitterAPIError: An error returned from the Twitter API
- ErrorDetail
- FollowResponse: A response object containing information relating to a follow status.
- LikeResponse: A response object containing information relating to Like-related API requests
- ListMembershipResponse: A response object containing information relating to a list membership request.
- PinnedResponse: A response object containing information relating to a pinned list request.
- CreatedListResponse: A response object containing information relating to newly-created lists
- UpdatedListResponse: A response object containing information relating to updated lists
- MediaUploadResponse: A response object containing information about the uploaded media
- MediaUploadResponse.MediaProcessingInfo: An object containing information about the media's processing status.
- MediaUploadResponse.MediaProcessingInfo.ProcessingError: An error associated with media processing
- MuteResponse: A response object containing information relating to a mute status.
- RetweetResponse: A Twitter API response object pertaining to Retweet requests
- PostTweetResponse: A response object containing the newly-posted Tweet's ID and text content
A mutable Tweet object for creating new Tweets via the
method - MutableTweet.Reply: An object describing how to form a reply to a Tweet
A mutable Media object for posting media with
A mutable Poll object for posting polls with
- DeleteResponse: A response object pertaining to requests that delete objects
- HiddenResponse: A response object pertaining to requests for hiding/unhiding Tweets
- List: The list object contains Twitter Lists metadata describing the referenced List. The List object is the primary object returned in the List lookup endpoint.
Expanded objects included alongside the
- Media: Media refers to any image, GIF, or video attached to a Tweet. The media object is not a primary object on any endpoint, but can be found and expanded in the Tweet object.
- Media.Metrics
- Media.PublicMetrics
- Media.Variant
- Place: The place tagged in a Tweet is not a primary object on any endpoint, but can be found and expanded in the Tweet resource.
- Geo: An object containing details for a location
- Geo.Coordinates
- Poll: A poll included in a Tweet is not a primary object on any endpoint, but can be found and expanded in the Tweet object.
- Poll.Option: A single option in a Tweet poll
- Space: Spaces allow expression and interaction via live audio conversations. The Space data dictionary contains relevant metadata about a Space; all the details are updated in real time.
- Space.Includes
- Topic
- FilteredStreamRuleMeta: An object containing data relating to the creation and deletion of filtered stream rules
- FilteredStreamRuleMeta.Summary
- FilteredStreamRule
A mutable version of
for creating new rules - Tweet
- Tweet.Attachments
- Tweet.Entities
- Tweet.AnnotationEntity
- Tweet.URLEntity
- Tweet.NonPublicMetrics: Tweet engagement metrics only visible to the Tweet author/promoter
- Tweet.OrganicMetrics: Tweet engagement metrics only visible to the Tweet author/promoter
- Tweet.PromotedMetrics: Tweet engagement metrics only visible to the Tweet author/promoter
- Tweet.PublicMetrics: Tweet engagement metrics that are visible to everyone on Twitter
- Tweet.ReferencedTweet
- Tweet.Includes: A structure containing any requested expansions for this Tweet request
- User: The user object contains Twitter user account metadata describing the referenced user.
Additional objects that can be requested with Users by expanding the
field - User.UserProfileMetrics: Public metrics relating to the user
- User.Entities: Contains details about text that has a special meaning in the user's description
- User.DescriptionEntity: Contains details about text that has a special meaning in the user's description
- User.URLEntity: Contains details about text that has a special meaning in the user's description
- User.URLEntityDetails: Contains details about text that has a special meaning in the user's description
- OAuthCredentials: A structure containing OAuth key and secret tokens
- TagEntity: A tag entity (such as a hashtag or cashtag) found in a string, with indices in its parent string
- MentionEntity: An @username mention entity found in a string, with indices in its parent string
- WithheldInformation: Information about reasons why and/or countries where the associated content is withheld More information: https://help.twitter.com/en/rules-and-policies/tweet-withheld-by-country
- authenticateUser(clientId:redirectUri:scope:presentationContextProvider:): Authenticates the user using Twitter's OAuth 2.0 PKCE flow.
- authenticateUser(clientId:redirectUri:scope:presentationContextProvider:): Authenticates the user using Twitter's OAuth 2.0 PKCE flow.
- getBlockedUsers(for:fields:expansions:paginationToken:maxResults:): Returns a list of users who are blocked by the specified user ID.
- blockUser(sourceUserId:targetUserId:): Causes the source user to block the target user. The source user ID must match the currently authenticated user ID.
- unblockUser(sourceUserId:targetUserId:): Causes the source user to block the target user. The source user ID must match the currently authenticated user ID.
- getBookmarks(for:fields:expansions:paginationToken:maxResults:): Allows you to get an authenticated user's 800 most recent bookmarked Tweets.
- addBookmark(_:userId:): Causes the user ID of an authenticated user identified in the path parameter to Bookmark the target Tweet
- deleteBookmark(_:userId:): Allows a user or authenticated user ID to remove a Bookmark of a Tweet.
- getFollowing(_:fields:expansions:paginationToken:maxResults:): Returns a list of users the specified user ID is following.
- getFollowers(_:fields:expansions:paginationToken:maxResults:): Returns a list of users who are followers of the specified user ID.
- followUser(sourceUserId:targetUserId:): Allows a user ID to follow another user.
- unfollowUser(sourceUserId:targetUserId:): Allows a user ID to unfollow another user.
- likeTweet(_:userId:): Causes the user ID to Like the target Tweet.
- unlikeTweet(_:userId:): Causes the user ID to unlike the target Tweet.
- getLikingUsers(for:fields:expansions:paginationToken:maxResults:): Allows you to get information about a Tweet’s liking users.
- getLikedTweets(for:fields:expansions:paginationToken:maxResults:): Allows you to get information about a user’s liked Tweets.
- getListTweets(_:fields:expansions:paginationToken:maxResults:): Returns a list of Tweets from the specified List.
- getList(_:fields:expansions:): Returns the details of a specified List.
- getUserOwnedLists(_:fields:expansions:paginationToken:maxResults:): Returns all Lists owned by the specified user.
- deleteList(_:): Enables the authenticated user to delete a List that they own.
- createList(name:description:isPrivate:): Enables the authenticated user to create a new List.
- updateList(id:name:description:isPrivate:): Enables the authenticated user to create a new List.
- getListMemberships(for:fields:expansions:paginationToken:maxResults:): Returns all Lists a specified user is a member of.
- getListMembers(for:fields:expansions:paginationToken:maxResults:): Returns a list of users who are members of the specified List.
- deleteListMember(_:from:): Enables the authenticated user to remove a member from a List they own.
- addListMember(_:to:): Enables the authenticated user to add a member to a List they own.
- unfollowList(_:userId:): Enables the authenticated user to unfollow a List.
- followList(_:userId:): Enables the authenticated user to follow a List.
- getListFollowers(_:fields:expansions:paginationToken:maxResults:): Returns a list of users who are followers of the specified List.
- getFollowedLists(_:fields:expansions:paginationToken:maxResults:): Returns all Lists a specified user follows.
- pinList(_:userId:): Enables the authenticated user to pin a List.
- unpinList(_:userId:): Enables the authenticated user to unpin a List.
- getPinnedLists(_:fields:expansions:): Returns all Lists a specified user has pinned.
- upload(mediaData:mimeType:category:progress:): Uploads media data and returns an ID string that can be used to attach media to Tweets
Allows the user to provide alt text for the
. This feature is currently only supported for images and GIFs. -
Checks to see whether the
has finished processing successfully. This method will wait for theGET /1.1/media/upload.json?command=STATUS
endpoint to return eithersucceeded
; for large videos, this may take some time. - getMutedUsers(for:fields:expansions:paginationToken:maxResults:): Returns a list of users who are muted by the specified user ID.
- muteUser(sourceUserId:targetUserId:): Causes the source user to mute the target user. The source user ID must match the currently authenticated user ID.
- unmuteUser(sourceUserId:targetUserId:): Causes the source user to mute the target user. The source user ID must match the currently authenticated user ID.
- retweet(_:userId:): Causes the user ID to Retweet the target Tweet
- unretweet(_:userId:): Causes the user ID to remove the Retweet of a Tweet
- retweets(for:fields:expansions:paginationToken:maxResults:): Allows you to get information about who has Retweeted a Tweet.
- quoteTweets(for:fields:expansions:paginationToken:maxResults:): Returns Quote Tweets for a Tweet specified by the requested Tweet ID.
- searchRecentTweets(query:fields:expansions:endTime:startTime:maxResults:nextToken:sinceId:untilId:): The recent search endpoint returns Tweets from the last seven days that match a search query.
- searchAllTweets(query:fields:expansions:endTime:startTime:maxResults:nextToken:sinceId:untilId:): This endpoint is only available to those users who have been approved for Academic Research access.
- getSpace(_:fields:expansions:): Returns a variety of information about a single Space specified by the requested ID.
- getSpaces(_:fields:expansions:): Returns details about multiple Spaces. Up to 100 comma-separated Spaces IDs can be looked up using this endpoint.
- searchSpaces(query:fields:expansions:state:): Return live or scheduled Spaces matching your specified search terms. This endpoint performs a keyword search, meaning that it will return Spaces that are an exact case-insensitive match of the specified search term. The search term will match the original title of the Space.
- getSpaceBuyers(_:fields:expansions:): Returns a list of user who purchased a ticket to the requested Space. You must authenticate the request using the access token of the creator of the requested Space.
- getSpaceTweets(_:fields:expansions:): Returns Tweets shared in the requested Spaces.
- getSpacesByCreatorIds(_:fields:expansions:): Returns live or scheduled Spaces created by the specified user IDs. Up to 100 comma-separated IDs can be looked up using this endpoint.
- volumeStream(fields:expansions:backfillMinutes:): Streams about 1% of all Tweets in real-time.
- filteredStream(fields:expansions:backfillMinutes:): Streams Tweets in real-time based on a specific set of filter rules.
- getFilteredStreamRules(ids:): Return a list of rules currently active on the streaming endpoint, either as a list or individually.
- modifyFilteredStreamRules(add:delete:dryRun:): Add or delete rules to your stream.
- getTweet(_:fields:expansions:): Returns a variety of information about a single Tweet specified by the requested ID.
- getTweets(_:fields:expansions:): Returns a variety of information about the Tweet specified by the requested ID or list of IDs.
- userTimeline(_:startTime:endTime:exclude:sinceId:untilId:fields:expansions:paginationToken:maxResults:): Returns Tweets composed by a single user, specified by the requested user ID. By default, the most recent ten Tweets are returned per request. Using pagination, the most recent 3,200 Tweets can be retrieved.
- userMentions(_:fields:expansions:startTime:endTime:exclude:sinceId:untilId:paginationToken:maxResults:): Returns Tweets mentioning a single user specified by the requested user ID. By default, the most recent ten Tweets are returned per request. Using pagination, up to the most recent 800 Tweets can be retrieved.
- reverseChronologicalTimeline(_:fields:expansions:startTime:endTime:exclude:sinceId:untilId:paginationToken:maxResults:): Allows you to retrieve a collection of the most recent Tweets and Retweets posted by you and users you follow. This endpoint returns up to the last 3200 Tweets.
- deleteTweet(_:): Allows a user or authenticated user ID to delete a Tweet.
- postTweet(_:): Creates a Tweet on behalf of an authenticated user.
- hideReply(_:): Hides a reply to a Tweet.
- unhideReply(_:): Unhides a reply to a Tweet.
- getUser(_:fields:expansions:): Returns a variety of information about a single user specified by the requested ID.
- getUserBy(username:fields:expansions:): Returns a variety of information about a single user specified by the requested username.
- getMe(fields:expansions:): Returns a variety of information about the currently-authenticated user
- getUsers(_:fields:expansions:): Returns a variety of information about one or more users specified by the requested IDs.
- getUsersBy(usernames:fields:expansions:): Returns a variety of information about one or more users specified by the requested usernames (handles).
- refreshOAuth2AccessToken(onlyIfExpired:): Refreshes the OAuth 2.0 token, optionally forcing a refresh even if the token is still valid After a successful refresh, a user-defined callback is performed. (optional)
- authenticationType: The type of authentication access for this Twift instance
- oauthUser
Generated at 2022-11-07T15:07:20+0000 using swift-doc 1.0.0-rc.1.
- BlockResponse
- BookmarkResponse
- CreatedListResponse
- DeleteResponse
- ErrorDetail
- FilteredStreamRule
- FilteredStreamRuleMeta
- FilteredStreamRuleMeta.Summary
- FollowResponse
- Geo
- Geo.Coordinates
- GeoJSONType
- HiddenResponse
- LikeResponse
- List
- List.Expansions
- List.Includes
- ListMembershipResponse
- Media
- Media.Metrics
- Media.PublicMetrics
- Media.Variant
- MediaCategory
- MediaType
- MediaUploadResponse
- MediaUploadResponse.MediaProcessingInfo
- MediaUploadResponse.MediaProcessingInfo.ProcessingError
- MediaUploadResponse.MediaProcessingInfo.State
- MentionEntity
- Meta
- MutableFilteredStreamRule
- MutableMedia
- MutablePoll
- MutableTweet
- MutableTweet.Reply
- MuteResponse
- OAuth2Scope
- OAuth2User
- OAuthCredentials
- PinnedResponse
- Place
- Poll
- Poll.Option
- Poll.VotingStatus
- PostTweetResponse
- RetweetResponse
- SearchSpacesState
- Space
- Space.Expansions
- Space.Includes
- TagEntity
- Topic
- Topic.Field
- Tweet
- Tweet.AnnotationEntity
- Tweet.Attachments
- Tweet.Entities
- Tweet.Expansions
- Tweet.Includes
- Tweet.NonPublicMetrics
- Tweet.OrganicMetrics
- Tweet.PromotedMetrics
- Tweet.PublicMetrics
- Tweet.ReferencedTweet
- Tweet.ReferencedTweet.ReferenceType
- Tweet.ReplyAudience
- Tweet.URLEntity
- TweetExclusion
- Twift.Authentication
- Twift.AuthenticationType
- Twift.AuthenticationTypeRepresentation
- TwiftError
- TwitterAPIData
- TwitterAPIDataAndIncludes
- TwitterAPIDataAndMeta
- TwitterAPIDataIncludesAndMeta
- TwitterAPIError
- UpdatedListResponse
- User
- User.DescriptionEntity
- User.Entities
- User.Expansions
- User.Includes
- User.URLEntity
- User.URLEntityDetails
- User.UserProfileMetrics
- WithheldInformation
- WithheldInformation.Scope
Global Variables
Global Functions
- addAltText(to:text:)
- addBookmark(_:userId:)
- addListMember(_:to:)
- authenticateUser(clientId:redirectUri:scope:presentationContextProvider:)
- blockUser(sourceUserId:targetUserId:)
- checkMediaUploadSuccessful(_:)
- createList(name:description:isPrivate:)
- deleteBookmark(_:userId:)
- deleteList(_:)
- deleteListMember(_:from:)
- deleteTweet(_:)
- filteredStream(fields:expansions:backfillMinutes:)
- followList(_:userId:)
- followUser(sourceUserId:targetUserId:)
- getBlockedUsers(for:fields:expansions:paginationToken:maxResults:)
- getBookmarks(for:fields:expansions:paginationToken:maxResults:)
- getFilteredStreamRules(ids:)
- getFollowedLists(_:fields:expansions:paginationToken:maxResults:)
- getFollowers(_:fields:expansions:paginationToken:maxResults:)
- getFollowing(_:fields:expansions:paginationToken:maxResults:)
- getLikedTweets(for:fields:expansions:paginationToken:maxResults:)
- getLikingUsers(for:fields:expansions:paginationToken:maxResults:)
- getList(_:fields:expansions:)
- getListFollowers(_:fields:expansions:paginationToken:maxResults:)
- getListMembers(for:fields:expansions:paginationToken:maxResults:)
- getListMemberships(for:fields:expansions:paginationToken:maxResults:)
- getListTweets(_:fields:expansions:paginationToken:maxResults:)
- getMe(fields:expansions:)
- getMutedUsers(for:fields:expansions:paginationToken:maxResults:)
- getPinnedLists(_:fields:expansions:)
- getSpace(_:fields:expansions:)
- getSpaceBuyers(_:fields:expansions:)
- getSpaceTweets(_:fields:expansions:)
- getSpaces(_:fields:expansions:)
- getSpacesByCreatorIds(_:fields:expansions:)
- getTweet(_:fields:expansions:)
- getTweets(_:fields:expansions:)
- getUser(_:fields:expansions:)
- getUserBy(username:fields:expansions:)
- getUserOwnedLists(_:fields:expansions:paginationToken:maxResults:)
- getUsers(_:fields:expansions:)
- getUsersBy(usernames:fields:expansions:)
- hideReply(_:)
- likeTweet(_:userId:)
- modifyFilteredStreamRules(add:delete:dryRun:)
- muteUser(sourceUserId:targetUserId:)
- pinList(_:userId:)
- postTweet(_:)
- quoteTweets(for:fields:expansions:paginationToken:maxResults:)
- refreshOAuth2AccessToken(onlyIfExpired:)
- retweet(_:userId:)
- retweets(for:fields:expansions:paginationToken:maxResults:)
- reverseChronologicalTimeline(_:fields:expansions:startTime:endTime:exclude:sinceId:untilId:paginationToken:maxResults:)
- searchAllTweets(query:fields:expansions:endTime:startTime:maxResults:nextToken:sinceId:untilId:)
- searchRecentTweets(query:fields:expansions:endTime:startTime:maxResults:nextToken:sinceId:untilId:)
- searchSpaces(query:fields:expansions:state:)
- unblockUser(sourceUserId:targetUserId:)
- unfollowList(_:userId:)
- unfollowUser(sourceUserId:targetUserId:)
- unhideReply(_:)
- unlikeTweet(_:userId:)
- unmuteUser(sourceUserId:targetUserId:)
- unpinList(_:userId:)
- unretweet(_:userId:)
- updateList(id:name:description:isPrivate:)
- upload(mediaData:mimeType:category:progress:)
- userMentions(_:fields:expansions:startTime:endTime:exclude:sinceId:untilId:paginationToken:maxResults:)
- userTimeline(_:startTime:endTime:exclude:sinceId:untilId:fields:expansions:paginationToken:maxResults:)
- volumeStream(fields:expansions:backfillMinutes:)