This is a project to query JIRA via cli and return json, csv or tsv data as a result of the search.
The project has a web interface that can also query JIRA and return data graphs and reports.
To get started you'll need to have the following requirements installed
- Git
- Node.js 6.0.0 or greater1
- npm
- npm install -g jira-miner 2
2 See
git clone <this repo>
cd into the new directory
npm install
node app
Which takes you to the Welcome screen.
Node setup login into Jira and download a local copy of the project
node setup
Node kujira allows you to build searches against the downloaded project
node kujira
Initial setup run
$ node setup
Enter username, password and url e.g. ""
-->:Enter your Jira Username: enterUserName
-->:Enter your Jira password: *********
-->:Enter Jira URL e.g. "":
Command-line input received:
username: enterUserName
password: ********
stdout: { url: '', user: 'enterUserName' } 'Successfu
lly targeted JIRA'
-->:Enter the project name e.g. "RHMAP or RAINCATCH": RAINCATCH
project: RAINCATCH
Stand alone query run
$ node kujira
Enter format either json or csv ,enter for default tsv : json
Enter the field you wish to search for : Assignee
Enter the value you wish to search for : "Austin Cunningham"
Enter "y" quit or enter to continue :
You need Jira credendials to run the tests. You need to update
with valid credentials before running tests.
"username": "InsertValidUsername",
"password": "InsertValidPassword",
"url": ""
Run tests
`npm test`
See for details.