This the Kujira API.It is built using JavaScript/Node.js, ExpressJS and the jira-miner npm.
Added a successful login to the .jira-miner file on your home directory
URL Params
Data Params
Success Response:
Code: 200
Content:"{ url: '', user: 'jiraUsername' } 'Successfully targeted JIRA'\n"
Error Response:
Code: 200
Sample Call:
$.ajax({ url: "/api/target", dataType: "json", type : "POST", body: { "username": "jiraUsername", "password": "jiraPassword", "url": "" }, success : function(r) { console.log(r); } });
Successful populate downloads the results of a the JQL query entered in the body. The results are stored in the .jira-minerdb file in the $Home directory off your pc.
URL Params
Data Params
Success Response:
Code: 200
Content:"Updated and stored collection default in \\Users\\$HOME\\.jira-minerdb\n"
Error Response:
Code: 200
Content:"{\"name\":\"jira-miner\",\"hostname\":\"PCHOSTNAME\",\"pid\":7788,\"level\":50,\"err\":{\"name\":\"StatusCodeError\",\"statusCode\":400,\"message\":\"400 - {\\\"errorMessages\\\":[\\\"The value 'Entered value' does not exist for the field 'project'.\\\"],\\\"errors\\\":{}}\",\"error\":{\"errorMessages\":[\"The value 'enteredValue' does not exist for the field 'project'.\"],\"errors\":{}},\"options\":{\"auth\":{\"user\":\"JiraUserName\",\"pass\":\"JiraPassword\"},\"rejectUnauthorized\":true,\"method\":\"POST\",\"uri\":\"\",\"json\":true,\"followAllRedirects\":true,\"body\":{\"jql\":\"project in (enteredValue)\",\"maxResults\":1,\"startAt\":0,\"fields\":[\"*navigable\"],\"validateQuery\":true,\"expand\":[\"changelog\",\"names\"]},\"simple\":true,\"resolveWithFullResponse\":false},\"response\":{\"statusCode\":400,\"body\":\"[Circular]\",\"headers\":{\"server\":\"Apache-Coyote/1.1\",\"x-arequestid\":\"887x13713746x2\",\"x-asen\":\"SEN-1095081\",\"set-cookie\":[\"JSESSIONID=48B9AEC9700AADBB107CD6CF172A4D28; Path=/; HttpOnly\",\"atlassian.xsrf.token=AQZJ-FV3A-N91S-UDEU|cac2ab1c39329eb55dca9622f1f5c49d3de860e9|lin; Path=/\"],\"x-seraph-loginreason\":\"OK\",\"x-asessionid\":\"339ujm\",\"x-ausername\":\"JiraUserName\",\"cache-control\":\"no-cache, no-store, no-transform\",\"x-content-type-options\":\"nosniff\",\"content-type\":\"application/json;charset=UTF-8\",\"transfer-encoding\":\"chunked\",\"date\":\"Sat, 13 May 2017 18:47:09 GMT\",\"connection\":\"close\"},\"request\":{\"uri\":{\"protocol\":\"https:\",\"slashes\":true,\"auth\":null,\"host\":\"\",\"port\":\"443\",\"hostname\":\"\",\"hash\":null,\"search\":null,\"query\":null,\"pathname\":\"/rest/api/2/search\",\"path\":\"/rest/api/2/search\",\"href\":\"\"},\"method\":\"POST\",\"headers\":{\"authorization\":\"Basic SomeKeyGoesHere=\",\"accept\":\"application/json\",\"content-type\":\"application/json\",\"content-length\":133}}}},\"query\":\"project in (enteredValue)\",\"msg\":\"Unable to fetch issues from JIRA\",\"time\":\"2017-05-13T18:47:03.215Z\",\"v\":0}\n"
Sample Call:
$.ajax({ url: "/api/populate", dataType: "json", type : "POST", body : { "project":"ProjectName" }, success : function(r) { console.log(r); } });
Passes a key value pair to the local .jira-minerdb file and returns the result of the search.
URL Params
Data Params
Success Response:
Code: 200
Content:[ { "id": "12681043", "self": "", "key": "RAINCATCH-630", "Fix Version/s": [ "3.17.0" ], "Resolution": "Done", "Fix Build": { "self": "", "value": "RC1", "id": "11255" }, "Deployment Notes": null, "Sprint": [ "com.atlassian.greenhopper.service.sprint.Sprint@1fdd4900[id=5820,rapidViewId=3504,state=CLOSED,name=IR301 - Monorail!,startDate=2017-03-10T11:17:23.728-05:00,endDate=2017-03-24T10:17:00.000-04:00,completeDate=2017-03-24T12:15:14.526-04:00,sequence=5820]" ], "Last Viewed": "2017-05-12T22:58:38.632Z", "Parent Link": null, "Priority": "Major", "Labels": [ "team-rmad" ], "Security Sensitive Issue": [], "Involved": [], "Remaining Estimate": null, "Σ Original Estimate": null, "Target Release": null, "Affects Version/s": [], "Linked Issues": [], "Assignee": "Austin Cunningham", "Status": "Closed", "Component/s": [ "raincatcher-demo-cloud", "raincatcher-demo-mobile", "raincatcher-workorder-angular" ], "Tester": "Tom Jackman", "Epic/Theme": [], "Help Desk Ticket Reference": null, "Number of comments": "6.0", "Story Points": 3, "Σ Remaining Estimate": null, "Number of attachments": "0.0", "Creator": "Niall Donnelly", "Sub-Tasks": [], "Reporter": "Niall Donnelly", "Σ Progress": { "progress": 0, "total": 0 }, "Time in Status": "1_*:*_2_*:*_325279000_*|*_10007_*:*_1_*:*_17116000_*|*_3_*:*_2_*:*_316422000_*|*_6_*:*_1_*:*_0_*|*_10011_*:*_1_*:*_533012000_*|*_10015_*:*_1_*:*_3090353000", "Date of First Comment": "2017-03-14T09:05:24.000Z", "Team": null, "Progress": { "progress": 0, "total": 0 }, "Votes": { "self": "", "votes": 0, "hasVoted": false }, "Issue Type": "Task", "Time Spent": null, "Project": "FeedHenry RainCatcher", "Σ Time Spent": null, "Git Pull Request": [ "" ], "Flagged": [], "Resolved": "2017-03-23T09:22:44.000Z", "Work Ratio": -1, "Watchers": { "self": "", "watchCount": 3, "isWatching": true }, "Created": "2017-03-09T19:04:11.000Z", "Stackoverflow ID": null, "Updated": "2017-04-28T08:33:53.000Z", "Original Estimate": null, "Description": "h3. What\r\n\r\nThis was an existing TODO in the Raincatcher workorder functionality to assign colors to the workorder \r\n\r\n", "Rank (Obsolete)": "9223372036854775807", "Summary": "Update the color class for the fh-wfm-workorder-angular module", "Environment": null, "Release Notes Text": null, "SFDC Cases Links": null, "SFDC Cases Counter": "0.0", "Due Date": null, "Epic Link": null, "Release Notes Docs Status": null, "Rank": "2|hybovr:", "History": { "Fix Version/s": [ { "author": "Niall Donnelly", "change": "2017-03-09T19:04:11.000Z", "from": [], "to": [] }, { "author": "Austin Cunningham", "change": "2017-03-23T05:22:44.000-0400", "from": [], "to": [ "3.17.0" ] } ], "Resolution": [ { "author": "Niall Donnelly", "change": "2017-03-09T19:04:11.000Z", "from": null, "to": null }, { "author": "Austin Cunningham", "change": "2017-03-23T05:22:44.000-0400", "from": null, "to": "Done" } ], "Fix Build": [ { "author": "Niall Donnelly", "change": "2017-03-09T19:04:11.000Z", "from": null, "to": null }, { "author": "Peter Braun", "change": "2017-04-27T10:49:26.000-0400", "from": null, "to": "RC1" } ], "Sprint": [ { "author": "Niall Donnelly", "change": "2017-03-09T19:04:11.000Z", "from": [], "to": [] }, { "author": "Leigh Griffin", "change": "2017-03-10T11:14:27.000-0500", "from": [], "to": [ "IR301 - Monorail!" ] } ], "Labels": [ { "author": "Niall Donnelly", "change": "2017-03-09T19:04:11.000Z", "from": [], "to": [] }, { "author": "Tom Jackman", "change": "2017-03-16T06:05:54.000-0400", "from": [], "to": [ "team-rmad" ] } ], "Assignee": [ { "author": "Niall Donnelly", "change": "2017-03-09T19:04:11.000Z", "from": null, "to": null }, { "author": "Austin Cunningham", "change": "2017-03-13T09:25:05.000-0400", "from": null, "to": "Austin Cunningham" }, { "author": "Austin Cunningham", "change": "2017-03-13T11:01:09.000-0400", "from": "Austin Cunningham", "to": null }, { "author": "Austin Cunningham", "change": "2017-03-13T11:03:05.000-0400", "from": null, "to": "Austin Cunningham" } ], "Status": [ { "author": "Niall Donnelly", "change": "2017-03-09T19:04:11.000Z", "from": "Open", "to": "Open" }, { "author": "Austin Cunningham", "change": "2017-03-13T09:25:27.000-0400", "from": "Open", "to": "Coding In Progress" }, { "author": "Austin Cunningham", "change": "2017-03-15T06:40:30.000-0400", "from": "Coding In Progress", "to": "Pull Request Sent" }, { "author": "Austin Cunningham", "change": "2017-03-21T10:44:02.000-0400", "from": "Pull Request Sent", "to": "Open" }, { "author": "Austin Cunningham", "change": "2017-03-21T10:44:05.000-0400", "from": "Open", "to": "Coding In Progress" }, { "author": "Austin Cunningham", "change": "2017-03-23T05:22:44.000-0400", "from": "Coding In Progress", "to": "Ready for QA" }, { "author": "Tom Jackman", "change": "2017-03-23T10:08:00.000-0400", "from": "Ready for QA", "to": "Verified" }, { "author": "Peter Braun", "change": "2017-04-28T04:33:53.000-0400", "from": "Verified", "to": "Closed" } ], "Component/s": [ { "author": "Niall Donnelly", "change": "2017-03-09T19:04:11.000Z", "from": [], "to": [] }, { "author": "Tom Jackman", "change": "2017-03-23T14:07:57.000Z", "from": [], "to": [ "raincatcher-demo-cloud" ] }, { "author": "Tom Jackman", "change": "2017-03-23T14:07:57.000Z", "from": [], "to": [ "raincatcher-demo-mobile" ] } ], "Tester": [ { "author": "Niall Donnelly", "change": "2017-03-09T19:04:11.000Z", "from": null, "to": null }, { "author": "Tom Jackman", "change": "2017-03-23T10:07:57.000-0400", "from": null, "to": "Tom Jackman" } ], "Git Pull Request": [ { "author": "Niall Donnelly", "change": "2017-03-09T19:04:11.000Z", "from": null, "to": null }, { "author": "Austin Cunningham", "change": "2017-03-15T06:40:30.000-0400", "from": null, "to": "" }, { "author": "Tom Jackman", "change": "2017-03-16T06:05:46.000-0400", "from": "", "to": "" } ], "Rank (Obsolete)": [ { "author": "Niall Donnelly", "change": "2017-03-09T19:04:11.000Z", "from": null, "to": null }, { "author": "Niall Donnelly", "change": "2017-03-09T16:04:09.000-0500", "from": null, "to": "Ranked higher" }, { "author": "Niall Donnelly", "change": "2017-03-09T16:04:44.000-0500", "from": null, "to": "Ranked lower" }, { "author": "Brendan O Farrell", "change": "2017-03-10T09:21:46.000-0500", "from": null, "to": "Ranked higher" }, { "author": "Brendan O Farrell", "change": "2017-03-10T09:21:51.000-0500", "from": null, "to": "Ranked lower" } ], "Component Fix Version(s)": [ { "author": "Niall Donnelly", "change": "2017-03-09T19:04:11.000Z", "from": null, "to": null }, { "author": "Tom Jackman", "change": "2017-03-23T14:07:57.000Z", "from": null, "to": "raincatcher-demo-cloud" }, { "author": "Tom Jackman", "change": "2017-03-23T14:07:57.000Z", "from": null, "to": "raincatcher-demo-mobile" } ], "Rank": [ { "author": "Niall Donnelly", "change": "2017-03-09T19:04:11.000Z", "from": null, "to": null }, { "author": "Niall Donnelly", "change": "2017-03-09T16:04:09.000-0500", "from": null, "to": "Ranked higher" }, { "author": "Niall Donnelly", "change": "2017-03-09T16:04:44.000-0500", "from": null, "to": "Ranked lower" }, { "author": "Brendan O Farrell", "change": "2017-03-10T09:21:46.000-0500", "from": null, "to": "Ranked higher" }, { "author": "Brendan O Farrell", "change": "2017-03-10T09:21:51.000-0500", "from": null, "to": "Ranked lower" } ] }, "meta": { "revision": 0, "created": 1494697452407, "version": 0 }, "$loki": 958 } ]
Error Response:
Code: 200
Sample Call:
$.ajax({ url: "/api/query", dataType: "json", type : "POST", body: [ { "field":"Assignee", "value":"'Austin Cunningham'" }, { "field":"key", "value":"RAINCATCH-630" } ], success : function(r) { console.log(r); } });