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Hey everybody!

In this section you find explanation about the script that runs CellRanger pipelines such as: converting BCL to fastqs files, alignment with\without multiple samples, various options inside the pipeline like: include introns or not in the alignment, read 3’ or 5’ and so on.

Location: Currently the CellRangerIDE is located in the next GitHub URL:

you can find the Implementation code in the CellRangerIDE\Backhand\Scripts


  1. Fill out the general config file.

  2. The general_config.yml file is located inside the const_files folder.

  3. In the pipeline choose whatever you desire, your options are:

a) mkfastq - creating fastqs out of bcl

b) count - creating count matrixes and h5 files for single sample

c) multi - creating count matrixes and h5 files for multiple samples using hashtag oligos.

d) vdj - creating count matrixes for vdj

e) mkref - creating custom/filtered transcriptome reference - TBD

f) qc score - returns a score of the specific process

g) cellbender - remove ambient rna noises

  1. according to what you have chosen in the pipeline you should fill out the right second config file named {pipeline)_config.yml

  2. The config.yml file is divided into several types:

a) Optional: means this field is not necessary to the pipeline’s inputs.

b) Required: means that if you submit something not valid, the pipeline won’t work for you.

c) Default: means that if you don’t submit something there is a default input that the pipeline will use. (the default is also written in the comment above).


  • For running the cellranger software, please use:
  1. Option 1: if you are running on wexac just run before:

    ml CellRanger/9.0.0
    ml CellRanger-ATAC/2.0.0
    1. Option 2: just download cellranger/cellranger-atac and add it to your path: For cellranger:
    cd /opt
    wget -O cellranger-9.0.1.tar.gz ""
    tar -xzvf cellranger-9.0.1.tar.gz
    export PATH=/opt/cellranger-9.0.1:$PATH
         For cellranger-atac:
cd /opt
wget -O cellranger-atac-2.1.0.tar.gz ""
tar -xzvf cellranger-atac-2.1.0.tar.gz
export PATH=/opt/cellranger-atac-2.1.0:$PATH
  • For running cellbender first use the next environment:


 For running any different pipeline please use the next environment:


# In case you are using cellbender
conda env create -f cbenv.yml
conda activate cellbender

# in case you are using something else
conda env create -f crenv.yml
conda activate cellranger


  • In the config files there are 3 types of files: string, list, int. Don't change it!
  • If you try to run mkfastq pipeline use before: module load bcl2fastq2 in the terminal, if you rather have another binary file of bcl2fastq2 instead, just make sure you add the parent folder to your path using: export $PATH:={your_bcl2fastq2_parent_folder_path} in the terminal.
  • In the config files, make sure that several lists need to have the same number of elements. (should be clarified in the comments above each attribute)
  • If you decide using an aligner, we encourage you to use the multi pipeline. This aligner generalize all kind of feature types including: Gene expression, Antibody Capture, VDJ etc.
  • Please be in touch with Yoav for any further questions :)

Further details about the inputs of the pipeline:

  • config_general.yml:

    Screenshot 2025-02-16 at 11.41.01.png

    project_name: give your project a name

    id: this is your output from cellranger in case you are using one of its pipelines

    pipeline: choose your pipeline out of the list: cellbender, demulti, flex, mkfastq, mkref, multi, qc

    aligner_software_path: give the path of aligner (in case you are using it), if you have exported your aligner to $PATH environment variable just use the aligner name instead. The aligner options:

    • cellranger
    • cellranger-atac

    running_machine: are you using your Wexac or your PC? for Wexac just write Wexac or use Default, for you PC write PC or leave empty

    aws_ec2: TBD

    Runtime parameters: Nothing to elaborate

  • config_count_pipeline.yml:

    Screenshot 2025-02-16 at 15.19.47.png

    id: A unique run ID string (e.g., sample345). The name is arbitrary and will be used to name the directory containing all pipeline-generated files and outputs.

    alignment_ref_genome_file: Path to folder containing a Cell Ranger GEX/ATAC reference.

    fastq_path: Path of the fastq path folder

  • config_cellbender_pipeline.yml:

    Screenshot 2025-02-16 at 15.20.18.png

    data_path: add the path to your cellranger output directory

    chosen_pipeline: specify what kind of pipeline you used to align your samples

  • config_demulti_pipeline.yml:

    Screenshot 2025-02-16 at 16.06.30.png

    adata_path: add you h5 you wish to use

    sample_names: give an arbitrary name according to the adata_path you are using

    hto_list_per_sample: give the hashes names in each sample

    demultiplex_method: there are 2 demultiplex algorithm we are using, hashsolo and demultiplex2, check out in both documentation what are the difference between them. hashsolo:


    priors: only relevant when using hashsolo, those three elements describes the a-priors probabilities of each hypothesis: singlet, doublet, empty droplet

  • config_flex_pipeline.yml:

    Screenshot 2025-02-16 at 15.21.42.png

Screenshot 2025-02-16 at 15.21.56.png

alignment_ref_genome_file: add reference genome path for gene expressions

when using flex you have 2 options: option 1: using INCPM link

INCPM_link: add the link you get from INCPM of the fastqs

INCPM_directory: where all the data will be downloaded

Note: if you are using option 1, pay attention you will be still asked for more inputs while running the

option2: manual option

fastq_path: add the paths for fastqs parent folder


create_bam: True/False, do you wish to include bam in your output?

include_intros: True/False, do you wish to include introns while aligning?

expected_cell: estimate the number of expected cells in your experiment, you can leave it blanc

sample_name: arbitrary name for your sample, usually named after the prefix in the fastq

fastq_folders_name: necessarily has to be the prefix of the fastqs E.G: the fastq file is: PAC-i03-HmYC003-UNT-BMd000-xIPx-1-GEX-C_S2_L001_I1_001.fastq.gz The prefix is: PAC-i03-HmYC003-UNT-BMd000-xIPx-1-GEX-C

lanes_used: just leave as Default

multiplexing method: in case you are using hashes, choose your method: “feature_barcode” (hashtag oligos) or “cmo_barcode”

probe_barcode_csv: add a csv file that elaborates your multiplexing experiment according to cellranger csv format.

In case you didn’t uploaded a csv file

sample_id_probe: arbitrary name for your sample

probe_barcode_ids: arbitrary number for your barcode

probe_description: copied from sample_id_probe

  • config_mkfastq_pipeline.yml:

    Screenshot 2025-02-16 at 15.23.03.png


  • config_mkref_pipeline.yml:

    Screenshot 2025-02-16 at 15.23.21.png


  • config_multi_pipeline..yml:

    Screenshot 2025-02-16 at 15.24.12.png

Screenshot 2025-02-16 at 15.24.37.png

alignment_ref_genome_file: add reference genome path for gene expressions

alignment_ref_vdj_file: add reference genome path for vdj

when using multi you have 2 options:

option 1: using INCPM link

INCPM_link: add the link you get from INCPM of the fastqs

INCPM_directory: where all the data will be downloaded

Note: if you are using option 1, pay attention you will be still asked for more inputs while running the

option2: manual option

fastq_path: add the paths for fastqs parent folder

create_bam: True/False, do you wish to include bam in your output?

include_intros: True/False, do you wish to include introns while aligning?

expected_cell: estimate the number of expected cells in your experiment, you can leave it blanc

R1_length: what is the number of counted nucleotides from R1

R2_length: what is the number of counted nucleotides from R2

sample_name: arbitrary name for your sample, usually named after the prefix in the fastq

fastq_folders_name: necessarily has to be the prefix of the fastqs E.G: the fastq file is: PAC-i03-HmYC003-UNT-BMd000-xIPx-1-GEX-C_S2_L001_I1_001.fastq.gz The prefix is: PAC-i03-HmYC003-UNT-BMd000-xIPx-1-GEX-C

lanes_used: just leave as Default

multiplexing method: in case you are using hashes, choose your method: “feature_barcode” (hashtag oligos) or “cmo_barcode”

feature_types: respectively your submit in the sample name/fastq_folders_name please add their types: Gene Expression, Antibody Capture, CRISPR Guide Capture, Multiplexing Capture, VDJ-B, VDJ-T, VDJ-T-GD, Antigen Capture #5', Antigen Capture only

In case you are using feature_barcode:

feature_reference_csv: In case you have a prepared csv please add the path

otherwise do it manually:

hto_id: give the hashes a name

hto_names: usually are the same as hto_id

hto_read: declare which reading you are concatenate your hashes “R1” or “R2”

hto_pattern: explain where exactly the barcode are

hto_sequence: what is the sequence of each hash

HTO_feature_type: most of the time is anybody

In case you are using cmo_barcode:

cmo_barcode_csv: In case you have a prepared csv please add the path



  • config_qc.yml:

    Nothing needs to be added


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