What's Changed
- 1121 yang generation of yangdevice app by @Julian-Mueller-GIP in #1131
- 1136-update-patch-version-to-10101 by @osuender in #1137
- differenciate instancedatatype per endpoint. by @TorbenSiegismund-GIP in #1130
- 1138-update-main-version-to-10200 by @osuender in #1139
- Fix NPE in updateDiscriminatorMapping if getParent and mo.parentModel… by @TorbenSiegismund-GIP in #1143
- 1144-build-macrosxml-default-scp-from-remote-uses-not-defined-macro-a… by @osuender in #1147
- 1145-buildapplicationxml-update-xmom-only-the-contents-of-the-xmom-fo… by @osuender in #1146
- Logging 404 Not Found if no active Filter is responsible. by @TorbenSiegismund-GIP in #1158
- 1160 fix CVE 2024 47554 by @osuender in #1162
- 1160 fix CVE 2024 47554 by @osuender in #1165
- xmomcompiler - throw exception if application is added multiple times by @LukasFey-GIP in #1155
- added Get Exception service, that returns exception from a Holder. by @TorbenSiegismund-GIP in #1169
- 1167 move oas decider to the data model app by @Julian-Mueller-GIP in #1171
- fix: build script container access by @LukasFey-GIP in #1159
- Receiver returns empty strings instead of Exception, if entity is null. by @TorbenSiegismund-GIP in #1176
- 1179 additional parameter for xsor socket by @axel-gip in #1180
- 1152 oas generator response of invalid payload by @TorbenSiegismund-GIP in #1177
- added validation of various string formats by @Julian-Mueller-GIP in #1181
- refactor mappings by @csc-gip in #1182
- [xynautils-database] 3.0.1 clearstatement exception handling by @LukasFey-GIP in #1170
- 181 credentials login with ldap by @Sela1236 in #1183
- log factory start #1174 by @LukasFey-GIP in #1178
- prevent multiple log4j versions in snmp module by @LukasFey-GIP in #1193
- added copyLicenseFiles.py by @Julian-Mueller-GIP in #1190
- [guihttp] persist additionaldependencies of datatypes 1186 by @LukasFey-GIP in #1187
- python keyword handling 1191 by @LukasFey-GIP in #1199
- [yang] workflow defined mask in factory manager 1112 by @LukasFey-GIP in #1189
- extend encoding check by @LukasFey-GIP in #1185
- added checkApplicationFiles.py by @Julian-Mueller-GIP in #1202
- close transport and streams to properly close ssh connection by @csc-gip in #1205
- [guihttp] add service to access guihttp endpoints from workflow 957 by @LukasFey-GIP in #1201
- 1214-update-mysql-connector-j-version-to-910 by @osuender in #1215
- Set up usecase service by @Julian-Mueller-GIP in #1216
- [oas] string format changes #1198 by @Julian-Mueller-GIP in #1220
- [yang] generate message #1212 by @LukasFey-GIP in #1217
- [http] parameters cleanup by @LukasFey-GIP in #1208
- [json] inline generic json objects - cleanup by @LukasFey-GIP in #1213
- remove outdated log4j packages attribute by @LukasFey-GIP in #1207
- [yang] Support for groupings, uses and identities #1221 by @Julian-Mueller-GIP in #1224
- 1226-update-mariadb-java-client-version-to-350 by @osuender in #1228
- 1225 removal of project and personal names by @Julian-Mueller-GIP in #1229
- Update InterconnectSender.java by @axel-gip in #1231
- 1236-update-jdbc-connector-ojdbc11-to-version-23602410 by @osuender in #1237
- 1111 clean pombuild files by @osuender in #1235
- [guihttp] missing exception messages #1233 by @Julian-Mueller-GIP in #1234
- [http] Translate between string and xyna datatype #1238 by @Julian-Mueller-GIP in #1240
- [json] determine members using getField by @LukasFey-GIP in #1227
- add test for python code snippets by @LukasFey-GIP in #1243
- 1245-update-pythonmdmgeneration-import-submodule-abc-from-importlib by @osuender in #1246
- [guihttp] Add datatype meta area to filter response #1247 by @Julian-Mueller-GIP in #1249
- [xypilot] add python project to image by @LukasFey-GIP in #1241
- [guihttp] Add plugin to filter response #1250 by @Julian-Mueller-GIP in #1252
- 1223 persistenceexceptions during resumeorder by @LukasFey-GIP in #1255
- [yang] capability machting by @LukasFey-GIP in #1257
- [yang] prepare datatypes for dynamic input by @LukasFey-GIP in #1260
- 1267 CVE 2023 48795 update sshj by @csc-gip in #1268
- [xsd] handle cdata 1262 by @LukasFey-GIP in #1269
- [yang] dynamic input - workflow defined ui by @LukasFey-GIP in #1266
- 1270-change-coderange-of-xsor-persistencelayer-exception-to-02480-02499 by @osuender in #1271
- [server] factory node connection by @LukasFey-GIP in #1273
- [base] transport exception using notify and await 1258 by @LukasFey-GIP in #1261
- [yang] additional usecase inputs services 1274 by @LukasFey-GIP in #1275
- 1279-update-mariadb-java-client-version-to-351 by @osuender in #1280
- [yang] support choice statement by @LukasFey-GIP in #1281
- handle invalid batchprocess revisions by @LukasFey-GIP in #1265
- 1288 prerequisites incorrect iteration via factory instances by configure snmp daemon by @osuender in #1289
- 1285-merging-serverpolicy-path-information-is-incorrect by @osuender in #1287
- 1272-update-installation-with-versioned-jar-files by @osuender in #1284
- [guihttp] Datatype Meta Endpoints #1282 by @Julian-Mueller-GIP in #1286
- [yang] add support for lists and anyxml by @LukasFey-GIP in #1293
- 1244 db pool configuration using environment variables by @csc-gip in #1295
- [yang] add delete button for assignments by @LukasFey-GIP in #1296
- [yang] show number of assignments in subtree by @LukasFey-GIP in #1298
Full Changelog: