Releases: Xyna-Factory/xyna-factory
Releases · Xyna-Factory/xyna-factory
What's Changed
- 1121 yang generation of yangdevice app by @Julian-Mueller-GIP in #1131
- 1136-update-patch-version-to-10101 by @osuender in #1137
- differenciate instancedatatype per endpoint. by @TorbenSiegismund-GIP in #1130
- 1138-update-main-version-to-10200 by @osuender in #1139
- Fix NPE in updateDiscriminatorMapping if getParent and mo.parentModel… by @TorbenSiegismund-GIP in #1143
- 1144-build-macrosxml-default-scp-from-remote-uses-not-defined-macro-a… by @osuender in #1147
- 1145-buildapplicationxml-update-xmom-only-the-contents-of-the-xmom-fo… by @osuender in #1146
- Logging 404 Not Found if no active Filter is responsible. by @TorbenSiegismund-GIP in #1158
- 1160 fix CVE 2024 47554 by @osuender in #1162
- 1160 fix CVE 2024 47554 by @osuender in #1165
- xmomcompiler - throw exception if application is added multiple times by @LukasFey-GIP in #1155
- added Get Exception service, that returns exception from a Holder. by @TorbenSiegismund-GIP in #1169
- 1167 move oas decider to the data model app by @Julian-Mueller-GIP in #1171
- fix: build script container access by @LukasFey-GIP in #1159
- Receiver returns empty strings instead of Exception, if entity is null. by @TorbenSiegismund-GIP in #1176
- 1179 additional parameter for xsor socket by @axel-gip in #1180
- 1152 oas generator response of invalid payload by @TorbenSiegismund-GIP in #1177
- added validation of various string formats by @Julian-Mueller-GIP in #1181
- refactor mappings by @csc-gip in #1182
- [xynautils-database] 3.0.1 clearstatement exception handling by @LukasFey-GIP in #1170
- 181 credentials login with ldap by @Sela1236 in #1183
- log factory start #1174 by @LukasFey-GIP in #1178
- prevent multiple log4j versions in snmp module by @LukasFey-GIP in #1193
- added by @Julian-Mueller-GIP in #1190
- [guihttp] persist additionaldependencies of datatypes 1186 by @LukasFey-GIP in #1187
- python keyword handling 1191 by @LukasFey-GIP in #1199
- [yang] workflow defined mask in factory manager 1112 by @LukasFey-GIP in #1189
- extend encoding check by @LukasFey-GIP in #1185
- added by @Julian-Mueller-GIP in #1202
- close transport and streams to properly close ssh connection by @csc-gip in #1205
- [guihttp] add service to access guihttp endpoints from workflow 957 by @LukasFey-GIP in #1201
- 1214-update-mysql-connector-j-version-to-910 by @osuender in #1215
- Set up usecase service by @Julian-Mueller-GIP in #1216
- [oas] string format changes #1198 by @Julian-Mueller-GIP in #1220
- [yang] generate message #1212 by @LukasFey-GIP in #1217
- [http] parameters cleanup by @LukasFey-GIP in #1208
- [json] inline generic json objects - cleanup by @LukasFey-GIP in #1213
- remove outdated log4j packages attribute by @LukasFey-GIP in #1207
- [yang] Support for groupings, uses and identities #1221 by @Julian-Mueller-GIP in #1224
- 1226-update-mariadb-java-client-version-to-350 by @osuender in #1228
- 1225 removal of project and personal names by @Julian-Mueller-GIP in #1229
- Update by @axel-gip in #1231
- 1236-update-jdbc-connector-ojdbc11-to-version-23602410 by @osuender in #1237
- 1111 clean pombuild files by @osuender in #1235
- [guihttp] missing exception messages #1233 by @Julian-Mueller-GIP in #1234
- [http] Translate between string and xyna datatype #1238 by @Julian-Mueller-GIP in #1240
- [json] determine members using getField by @LukasFey-GIP in #1227
- add test for python code snippets by @LukasFey-GIP in #1243
- 1245-update-pythonmdmgeneration-import-submodule-abc-from-importlib by @osuender in #1246
- [guihttp] Add datatype meta area to filter response #1247 by @Julian-Mueller-GIP in #1249
- [xypilot] add python project to image by @LukasFey-GIP in #1241
- [guihttp] Add plugin to filter response #1250 by @Julian-Mueller-GIP in #1252
- 1223 persistenceexceptions during resumeorder by @LukasFey-GIP in #1255
- [yang] capability machting by @LukasFey-GIP in #1257
- [yang] prepare datatypes for dynamic input by @LukasFey-GIP in #1260
- 1267 CVE 2023 48795 update sshj by @csc-gip in #1268
- [xsd] handle cdata 1262 by @LukasFey-GIP in #1269
- [yang] dynamic input - workflow defined ui by @LukasFey-GIP in #1266
- 1270-change-coderange-of-xsor-persistencelayer-exception-to-02480-02499 by @osuender in #1271
- [server] factory node connection by @LukasFey-GIP in #1273
- [base] transport exception using notify and await 1258 by @LukasFey-GIP in #1261
- [yang] additional usecase inputs services 1274 by @LukasFey-GIP in #1275
- 1279-update-mariadb-java-client-version-to-351 by @osuender in #1280
- [yang] support choice statement by @LukasFey-GIP in #1281
- handle invalid batchprocess revisions by @LukasFey-GIP in #1265
- 1288 prerequisites incorrect iteration via factory instances by configure snmp daemon by @osuender in #1289
- 1285-merging-serverpolicy-path-information-is-incorrect by @osuender in #1287
- 1272-update-installation-with-versioned-jar-files by @osuender in #1284
- [guihttp] Datatype Meta Endpoints #1282 by @Julian-Mueller-GIP in #1286
- [yang] add support for lists and anyxml by @LukasFey-GIP in #1293
- 1244 db pool configuration using environment variables by @csc-gip in #1295
- [yang] add delete button for assignments by @LukasFey-GIP in #1296
- [yang] show number of assignments in subtree by @LukasFey-GIP in #1298
Full Changelog:
What's Changed
- 1140-update-patch-version-to-10101 by @osuender in #1141
- 1149-branch_1010x-buildapplicationxml-update-xmom-only-the-contents-o… by @osuender in #1151
- 1148-branch_1010x-build-macrosxml-default-scp-from-remote-uses-not-de… by @osuender in #1150
- 1161 fix CVE 2024 47554 in 10101 by @osuender in #1163
- 1161 fix CVE 2024 47554 in 10101 by @osuender in #1166
Full Changelog:
What's Changed
- 912: datatypeinspector: new methods, fixed setting values, support ab… by @corneliuslippert-gip in #913
- Update issue templates by @SimonFranzUser in #922
- [guihttp] filter callback is not serializable by @LukasFey-GIP in #935
- [guihttp] create sessionbaseddata on login by @LukasFey-GIP in #942
- add serializable flag to filtercallback by @LukasFey-GIP in #946
- 943-update-version-to-10100 by @osuender in #945
- Introduce fullquallified name in ordertype datatype by @TorbenSiegismund-GIP in #955
- [guihttp] improve xynaobjectjsonbuilder exception messages 932 by @LukasFey-GIP in #953
- [MySqlPersistenceLayer] getInformation update by @LukasFey-GIP in #950
- [guihttp] add audits endpoint to filter callback 952 by @LukasFey-GIP in #956
- Fix installation with oraclecluster by @TorbenSiegismund-GIP in #963
- added empty implementaion to enpoint services by @Julian-Mueller-GIP in #962
- [oas] detect generic object by @LukasFey-GIP in #973
- 971-rhel89-adjust-prerequisites-system_libcheck_target_version-und-ne… by @osuender in #974
- [autotester] update tests ordertypes 966 by @LukasFey-GIP in #975
- update service complex member null fix by @LukasFey-GIP in #959
- [guihttp] prevent npe onError by @LukasFey-GIP in #987
- Improve Logging of Response Listener Exceptions by @LukasFey-GIP in #981
- [gitintegration] fix paths in repositoryconnections by @LukasFey-GIP in #985
- [json] fix: cannot use listwrapper and labels together by @LukasFey-GIP in #989
- Update by @SimonFranzUser in #993
- [json] add callback for unexpected object members 996 by @LukasFey-GIP in #997
- [oas] support list wrappers 976 by @LukasFey-GIP in #995
- 999 oas generator enum with space by @TorbenSiegismund-GIP in #1002
- added request path and http method to xmcp.oas.datatype.HttpRequest by @Julian-Mueller-GIP in #1000
- 994 oas generator support of additional properties by @TorbenSiegismund-GIP in #1003
- Using connectparameter by @TorbenSiegismund-GIP in #984
- 1001 oas generator add httprequest to requestparameter by @Julian-Mueller-GIP in #1004
- 1005 add python coded service to changeoperation by @Julian-Mueller-GIP in #1009
- 1008 oas generator remove discriminator mapping if we have no inheritance structure by @TorbenSiegismund-GIP in #1013
- [oas] escape backslash in string pattern by @LukasFey-GIP in #1007
- [oas] move test classes to templates #1011 by @LukasFey-GIP in #1012
- Introduce PythonInterpreter by @TorbenSiegismund-GIP in #1015
- [guihttp] fix: userconnection of workflow output changes source by @LukasFey-GIP in #1018
- 1021-update-mariadb-java-client-version-to-341 by @osuender in #1023
- 1022-update-mysql-connector-j-version-to-900 by @osuender in #1024
- 1010 create pythonoperation by @Julian-Mueller-GIP in #1028
- [autotester] improve invalid index description error msg by @LukasFey-GIP in #1019
- [guihttp] fix: add trigger filter instances to app def by @LukasFey-GIP in #1025
- [guihttp] fix: typechoice child step inserted at wrong position by @LukasFey-GIP in #1029
- [guihttp] fix: npe pasting variable to workflow output by @LukasFey-GIP in #1032
- python and jep 1033 by @LukasFey-GIP in #1036
- 1035 code generation of python snippets by @TorbenSiegismund-GIP in #1037
- Keep static after switching to java or python code snippet. by @TorbenSiegismund-GIP in #1042
- new cli command: print revision by @LukasFey-GIP in #1030
- single character wildcard - cleanup by @LukasFey-GIP in #1034
- [guihttp] fix: insert step to end of workflow by @LukasFey-GIP in #1044
- [oas] update default of defaultGenericProcessing to false by @LukasFey-GIP in #1038
- Filling PythonConfig: ClassEnquirer and ClassLoader by @TorbenSiegismund-GIP in #1051
- Define convert functions by @TorbenSiegismund-GIP in #1052
- Extend prompt recognition for passwords (sftp server) by @LLdaniel in #1050
- [snmp] update default algorithms by @LukasFey-GIP in #1039
- updated sshd-common and sshd-core in pom.xml plus tested clean install by @SimonFranzUser in #1060
- [guihttp] include strict transport security header in http response - activation by @LukasFey-GIP in #1053
- [guihttp] csrf token - cleanup by @LukasFey-GIP in #1054
- [zeta] only write to pluginmanagement table if necessary 1064 by @LukasFey-GIP in #1065
- 1067 oas generator importhistory using reserved oracle word date by @TorbenSiegismund-GIP in #1068
- python code snippets - by @LukasFey-GIP in #1063
- python code snippets invoke service 1066 by @LukasFey-GIP in #1069
- 1057 python code snippets pythonjava conversion by @Julian-Mueller-GIP in #1072
- python code snippets snippet code generation 1070 by @LukasFey-GIP in #1074
- add PythonLiberies Variable in DOM. by @TorbenSiegismund-GIP in #1079
- fix: saved datatypes prevent generation by @LukasFey-GIP in #1083
- 1073 python code snippets project export cli by @Julian-Mueller-GIP in #1084
- deleted readme files by @Julian-Mueller-GIP in #1085
- python code snippets - enable nested calls by @LukasFey-GIP in #1087
- 1076 revert csrf token cleanup 867 by @LukasFey-GIP in #1077
- 1055 build scripts container interaction by @LukasFey-GIP in #1080
- python code snippets - cache by @LukasFey-GIP in #1089
- 1090-update-jdbc-connector-ojdbc11-to-version-23502407 by @osuender in #1091
- 1081 adding pythonlib and deleting pythonlib endpoints by @TorbenSiegismund-GIP in #1093
- 1099 implement download python template endpoint by @TorbenSiegismund-GIP in #1100
- 1094 python code snippets template call by @LukasFey-GIP in #1095
- initial commit of the YangBase app by @Julian-Mueller-GIP in #1104
- update build/buildApplication.xml call from deprecated buildserviceproject to buildserviceprojectjava by @LukasFey-GIP in #1098
- [yang] introduce yangappgenerator module by @LukasFey-GIP in #1103
- 1105 remove unnecessary defaultmavensettingsxml by @osuender in #1110
- 1106: added isabstract operation to datatypeinspector by @corneliuslippert-gip in #1107
- [networkavailability] fix: logging does not work by @LukasFey-GIP in #1118
- 1109 yang generation of yangmodulecollection app by @Julian-Mueller-G...
What's Changed
- 949-new-version-10002 by @osuender in #951
- Fix installation with oraclecluster (#963) by @TorbenSiegismund-GIP in #968
- 971-rhel89-adjust-prerequisites-system_libcheck_target_version-und-ne… by @osuender in #979
Full Changelog:
What's Changed
- Fix installation with oraclecluster (#963) by @TorbenSiegismund-GIP in #965
- 969-update-version-to-9102 by @osuender in #970
Full Changelog:
What's Changed
- 936-new-version-10001 by @osuender in #940
- [backport] [guihttp] filter callback is not serializable (#935) by @LukasFey-GIP in #939
- 947 backport serializable flag and sessionbaseddata on login by @LukasFey-GIP in #948
Full Changelog:
What's Changed
- Make members of SSLKeystoreParameters mappable again by @LLdaniel in #785
- 786-update-version-to-10000 by @osuender in #787
- 791 oas generator validation of primitive list compile error by @TorbenSiegismund-GIP in #793
- 788 basedatenow instance methods by @LukasFey-GIP in #792
- added some apache ant specific files by @LLdaniel in #789
- prevent npe at handleThrowable during factory initialization by @LukasFey-GIP in #800
- removed additional dependencies leading to errors in #199 by @LLdaniel in #790
- fixing queue so that only the last entry is being processed by @PatrickVonMassow-GIP in #804
- [json] generic parse json services by @LukasFey-GIP in #808
- 812-remove-unused-directory-applications by @osuender in #813
- 809 oas generator use dialog for generation and import button in factory mask by @TorbenSiegismund-GIP in #810
- [oas] support primitive arrays by @LukasFey-GIP in #811
- OAS differentiate Factory Manger plugin entries by @TorbenSiegismund-GIP in #798
- 773 improve header comment in generated files by @LukasFey-GIP in #819
- update help by @LukasFey-GIP in #816
- 814 make xypilot available and publishable as a module by @osuender in #825
- [guihttp] fix cuncurrentmodificationexception when overriding service by @LukasFey-GIP in #820
- 829 guihttp allow execution of h5xdevfilter endpoints from servicegroups by @LukasFey-GIP in #830
- [zeta] add path to plugin by @LukasFey-GIP in #833
- Added velocity template module to build by @LLdaniel in #832
- 585 update snmp service to allow newer algorithms by @csc-gip in #828
- 821 update gitignore by @csc-gip in #822
- Create devcontainer.json by @csc-gip in #824
- 839-rhel-prerequisites-check_target_platform by @osuender in #840
- prerequisits problems with syslogger and logrotate on ol8 and ol9 by @axel-gip in #841
- Implementation of processing hooks for provider by @jre-1986 in #817
- [guihttp] 834 allow plugins in xmom documents by @LukasFey-GIP in #835
- 842 oas generator fail to import with lists of enums and maximum or minimum by @TorbenSiegismund-GIP in #843
- [autotester] handle insufficient configured factories by @LukasFey-GIP in #845
- 846 xmom documents keep meta tags by @LukasFey-GIP in #848
- datatype inspector now supports to extract meta data tags by @corneliuslippert-gip in #854
- 855-use-mysql-connector-j-version-840 by @osuender in #856
- [guihttp] csrf and info request by @LukasFey-GIP in #850
- [oas] import into workspace by @LukasFey-GIP in #852
- 860 xypilot workflow defined UI datatype documentation button by @LukasFey-GIP in #861
- [oas] remove temp files after generation by @LukasFey-GIP in #864
- update module checkout by @LukasFey-GIP in #782
- [oas] add client hooks by @LukasFey-GIP in #868
- No backward reference deletion when ignored by @LLdaniel in #862
- Adding D and F behind Double and Float values. by @TorbenSiegismund-GIP in #872
- [zeta] publish message bus event on plugin change by @LukasFey-GIP in #838
- [json] support multidimensional lists by @LukasFey-GIP in #873
- [json] write json object and value list by @LukasFey-GIP in #877
- 857-use-ojdbc11-version-23402405 by @osuender in #858
- 881-use-mariadb-java-client-version-340 by @osuender in #882
- 826 order types layout disrupts overview by @Sela1236 in #827
- Single Character Wildcard - activation by @LukasFey-GIP in #883
- [breaking change] CSRF Token - activation by @LukasFey-GIP in #884
- 869 add xypilot filtercallbacks by @TorbenSiegismund-GIP in #880
- Fix typo for warn log entry by @LLdaniel in #885
- 886 only show factorymanger plugins in factory manager by @TorbenSiegismund-GIP in #887
- add documentation as known meta tag for variables by @LukasFey-GIP in #891
- [autotester] support csrf token 893 by @LukasFey-GIP in #894
- [xypilot] manage configuration by @LukasFey-GIP in #888
- [oas] client hook documentation by @LukasFey-GIP in #895
- [http] support multiple parameters with same key by @LukasFey-GIP in #897
- [json] inline generic objects 889 by @LukasFey-GIP in #898
- 878 oas generate jsonobject and jsonvalue for generic objects and arrays by @LukasFey-GIP in #907
- Improvements to validation feature by @jre-1986 in #903
- 908 xypilot code snippet by @LukasFey-GIP in #910
- 917 oasdecider is generated on wrong place with x client path by @TorbenSiegismund-GIP in #918
- update access to query parameters by @LukasFey-GIP in #900
- Remove response message by @TorbenSiegismund-GIP in #927
- [json] use genericprocessing xynaproperty for write and parse json without options by @LukasFey-GIP in #920
- xypilot service group buttons by @LukasFey-GIP in #923
- [autotester] update tests impl area by @LukasFey-GIP in #925
- 909 add pyhton script to create docker contianer for xypilot by @SimonFranzGIP in #916
- Bump fastapi from 0.82.0 to 0.109.1 in /modules/xmcp/xypilot/copilot-api by @dependabot in #929
- Bump pydantic from 1.10.8 to 1.10.13 in /modules/xmcp/xypilot/copilot-api by @dependabot in #930
- [xypilot] additional dependencies by @osuender in #931
New Contributors
- @axel-gip made their first contribution in #841
- @SimonFranzGIP made their first contribution in #916
Full Changelog:
What's Changed
- 791 oas generator validation of primitive list compile error (#793) by @TorbenSiegismund-GIP in #795
- [backport] 788 basedatenow instance methods (#792) by @LukasFey-GIP in #797
- prevent npe at handleThrowable during factory initialization (#800) by @LukasFey-GIP in #802
Full Changelog:
What's Changed
- bump versions to (#620) by @LukasFey-GIP in #621
- Fix Encoding - use utf-8 for by @LukasFey-GIP in #627
- [GitIntegration] TriggerInstance write interface by @LukasFey-GIP in #625
- 232 telnet doesnt work by @LukasFey-GIP in #628
- [GitIntegration] Fix Output of listrepositoryconnections by @LukasFey-GIP in #619
- 635-change-xynamodellerreleasetag-to-main by @osuender in #636
- only generate distinct in count queries when required by @LukasFey-GIP in #634
- 629 obsolete storable structure cache entries by @corneliuslippert-gip in #638
- add xyna property for tmp location of mdm jar by @LukasFey-GIP in #637
- added RuntimeContextService by @TorbenSiegismund-GIP in #645
- 554 add oas base application by @Julian-Mueller-GIP in #642
- 632 json member substitution results in npe by @LukasFey-GIP in #644
- [gitintegration] filter write interface by @LukasFey-GIP in #640
- [guihttp] endpoint for modelledexpressions by @LukasFey-GIP in #641
- set factoryVersion=CURRENT_VERSION in generated application.xml files by @pk-xyna in #650
- [GuiHttp] 601 error response with exception is not handeled by @LukasFey-GIP in #654
- support for parameters, documentation and implementation for method insert by @julianbrummer-gip in #496
- [json] custom object creation by @LukasFey-GIP in #648
- change shell script encoding to utf-8 by @LukasFey-GIP in #656
- 659 insert service null implementation by @julianbrummer-gip in #660
- [ZetaFramework] move plugin feature to service group by @LukasFey-GIP in #591
- 671-extension-of-the-maximum-character-length-for-index-identifiers-f… by @osuender in #672
- 669 xtf replace jxl with poi by @LukasFey-GIP in #670
- fix: buildapplicationxml - missing rtc dependencies for stub by @LukasFey-GIP in #661
- 646 query soll den glob unterstützen by @LukasFey-GIP in #673
- harmonize temp auth access by @LukasFey-GIP in #653
- improve xmomcompiler error message by @LukasFey-GIP in #663
- 677-db-connector-ojdbc10-use-version-192100 by @osuender in #678
- dedicated xmom type for cast expressions by @LukasFey-GIP in #666
- [guihttp] set documentation in service by @LukasFey-GIP in #680
- Fix problems using datatype base.Now by @LukasFey-GIP in #676
- used mysql-connector-j in version 8.3.0 by @osuender in #687
- 689-used-oracle-jdbc-driver-oracle11-in-version-23302309 by @osuender in #690
- added null check for vendorExtentions by @pk-xyna in #688
- 681 move xtf to the module directory by @osuender in #695
- [json] getmember service in jsonobject by @LukasFey-GIP in #698
- [json] pass child object json to decider by @LukasFey-GIP in #702
- [json] use xynaobjectdecider for array entries by @LukasFey-GIP in #704
- [ prerequisites] update openssl call placeholders by @LukasFey-GIP in #685
- 703 ssh nullpointerexception with hostkeychecking=no by @corneliuslippert-gip in #706
- OAS Generator: support of discriminator and inheritance by @TorbenSiegismund-GIP in #705
- Implement an ant target, to distribute version of application. by @TorbenSiegismund-GIP in #710
- [json] write json using labels by @LukasFey-GIP in #708
- [http] improve error message by @LukasFey-GIP in #694
- put-all-jdbc-driver-in-a-third_pary-dir-of-the-bundle-archive by @osuender in #712
- 711 OAS Generator: the incoming yaml document exceeds the limit by @TorbenSiegismund-GIP in #715
- 699 oas support primitive arrays by @LukasFey-GIP in #713
- 717 extend buildsh with the optional parameter to specify the used xyna modeller branch by @osuender in #718
- remove input adjustment of cast input by @LukasFey-GIP in #684
- 720-run-nightbuild-with-xyna-modeller-branch-main by @osuender in #721
- cleanup orderinputsources in delivery item by @LukasFey-GIP in #692
- 722 version numbers for data model binaries by @jenniferwenning-gip in #723
- Issue #425 delivering new -roleName as optional argument by @LLdaniel in #716
- [guihttp] fix npe processing modelled expressions by @LukasFey-GIP in #725
- Keep build for a day and make it available by @csc-gip in #732
- [oas] register plugin on import by @LukasFey-GIP in #668
- 726 version numbers for order input source binaries by @jenniferwenning-gip in #727
- improve thread management by @LukasFey-GIP in #735
- 728 version numbers for connection pool types binaries by @jenniferwenning-gip in #729
- 730 version numbers for cluster provider binaries by @jenniferwenning-gip in #731
- 734 classloading related improvements by @corneliuslippert-gip in #736
- 738-add-license-urls-for-mysql-connector-j-and-mariadb-java-client by @osuender in #739
- [oas] register additional dependency: xmcp.forms.plugin.PluginManagement by @LukasFey-GIP in #742
- 743-upgrade-jdbc-connector-mariadb-java-client-from-version-320-to-330 by @osuender in #744
- 740 oas specs containing format information by @LukasFey-GIP in #745
- 748 update build version to 9100 by @osuender in #749
- 751-upgrade-jdbc-connector-mariadb-java-client-from-version-330-to-333 by @osuender in #752
- Writing file name into oas import table. by @TorbenSiegismund-GIP in #754
- [oas] support referenced files by @LukasFey-GIP in #758
- order input source - handle transient members by @LukasFey-GIP in #760
- 761 modules cli command groups by @csc-gip in #762
- 755 create a new readme file and add it to the bundle delivery item by @osuender in #765
- 719 mockmysqlconnection pool by @LukasFey-GIP in #764
- [processing] getRuntimeContextFromRevision by @LukasFey-GIP in #763
- updated versions of Github actions by @csc-gip in #767
- upgrade log4j version to 2.17.2, should solve #49 by @LLdaniel in #771
- 756 oas client does not send custom headers by @jre-1986 in #770
- Added error handling to ApplicationImport (#768) by @pk-xyna in #769
- 757 oas empty header fields cannot be parsed if the type is not a string by @jre-1986 in #774
- Oas generator new models by @TorbenSiegismund-GIP in #777
- Use property Label for query parameter. by @TorbenSiegismund-GIP in
What's Changed
- 498-factoryxml-right-write-interface-implementation by @osuender in #506
- 486-store-mariadb-connector-at-top-level-in-the-bundle by @osuender in #507
- update long2string documentation by @LukasFey-GIP in #509
- parseXml namespaceaware by @LukasFey-GIP in #512
- 508-gitintegration-change-branches by @osuender in #521
- 519 run version check on pull request by @LukasFey-GIP in #522
- override instance service - set is list by @LukasFey-GIP in #526
- ssh authentification by @LukasFey-GIP in #524
- override instance services with primitive types in signature by @LukasFey-GIP in #530
- GuiHttp 1.1.373 - set documentation when changing operation type by @LukasFey-GIP in #525
- set encoding to ISO-8859-1 in javadoc-tasks by @LukasFey-GIP in #534
- startorder preprocess workflow by @LukasFey-GIP in #533
- 529 cant call a datatype object by @LukasFey-GIP in #538
- Crypto 1.0.6 - update third party lib by @LukasFey-GIP in #547
- 537 gitintegration checkout update to hash by @osuender in #548
- (433) cleanup outdated references by @LukasFey-GIP in #543
- Don't run nightbuild on weekends by @csc-gip in #552
- 545 fix code scanning alert bcprov ext jdk15on by @LukasFey-GIP in #553
- 531 replacing jsch with sshj in ssh app by @osuender in #551
- Bump org.apache.activemq:activemq-client from 5.17.3 to 5.17.6 in /installation/build by @dependabot in #555
- correctly set memberservice signature when overriding multiple times by @LukasFey-GIP in #540
- create xmomoperationdatabase entries for all operations by @LukasFey-GIP in #542
- [Autotester] upload fix by @LukasFey-GIP in #546
- 482 data protection pefix for session id cookie and strict transport security flag by @LukasFey-GIP in #556
- Create build-on-pull-request.yml by @csc-gip in #557
- check access to potentially null service of stepFunction (#535) by @LukasFey-GIP in #536
- Extension of create Workflow endpoint by @TorbenSiegismund-GIP in #568
- calling build-gui with a release-tag (#570) by @johannesheucher-gip in #571
- 573 create servicedefinition jar if necessary by @LukasFey-GIP in #576
- #581 always add servicedefinition classfiles to service jar by @LukasFey-GIP in #582
- 579-prepare-versions-for-9040 by @osuender in #580
- #577 buildapplicationxml: throw exception if neither workspaceName nor versionName provided by @LukasFey-GIP in #578
- dedicated exception for planning workflow with invalid input signature by @LukasFey-GIP in #584
- 589 npe when getting pooltype by @csc-gip in #590
- #137: cleanup of obsolete storablestructureinfo subtypeentries by @corneliuslippert-gip in #592
- [GuiHttp] warning for invalidated references by @LukasFey-GIP in #593
- improve netconf connection by @csc-gip in #596
- [GuiHttp] properly terminate Orphaned poll-request cleaner thread by @LukasFey-GIP in #594
- Issue 602 corrections by @JeromeReyes-GIP in #603
- [GitIntegration] Xmomstorables Write Interface by @LukasFey-GIP in #606
- name messagestore and capacitymanagement threads by @LukasFey-GIP in #600
- add upload button definition. by @TorbenSiegismund-GIP in #598
- 610 factorysettingsport in configuratorpy has the wrong datatype bool by @osuender in #611
- Update SSHFileTransferServiceOperation Issue 607 by @cschott11 in #608
- main by @osuender in #612
- added Trigger and Filter Management Service by @TorbenSiegismund-GIP in #614
- [GuiHttp] Rights for Trigger and Filter Management by @LukasFey-GIP in #617
- Update by @osuender in #618
New Contributors
- @JeromeReyes-GIP made their first contribution in #603
- @cschott11 made their first contribution in #608
Full Changelog: