This is a fun, interactive Pokémon memory game built with React. The objective is to choose from a set of 6 Pokémon cards from Generation I each turn, without selecting the same card twice in a single game. The game dynamically fetches data from the PokéAPI to populate the gameboard with random Pokémon.
- Dynamic Pokémon Data: The game uses PokéAPI to fetch random Pokémon data.
- Difficulty Levels: Choose from different levels of difficulty.
- Responsive Design: The game is fully responsive, working well across all screen sizes.
- Interactive UI: Includes fun hover effects and animations.
- Music and Sound Effects: Background music, audio feedback for winning and losing.
- Local High Score Storage: Keeps track of your highest score using browser local storage.
You can see the game in action here:
- Select a difficulty: Choose between Easy, Medium, or Hard mode.
- Match the Pokémon cards: Try to select all Pokémon cards without repeating any selections in a single game.
- Try again: After the game ends, you can try again at the same or a different difficulty.
- React: JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
- Tailwind CSS: Utility-first CSS framework for styling.
- PokéAPI: Public API for retrieving Pokémon data.
- React Parallax Tilt: Library for applying tilt hover effects in React.
- React Howler: Library for handling sound and music playback in React.
- Vite: A fast development environment and build tool.
- Add more animations and effects for card flipping after each turn.
- Thanks to PokéAPI for providing Pokémon data.
- Pokémon and all related content are © Nintendo, Game Freak, and The Pokémon Company.