Welcome to my GitHub profile. I'm a coffee enthusiast with a passion for coding.
Since late 2022, I'm diving deep into the world of Web Development, specifically Full-Stack JavaScript. Here's a snapshot of my learning journey:
- Q4 2022: CS50x - Harvard University
- Q2 2023: Foundations Course - The Odin Project
- Q3 2023: Full Stack JavaScript Path (1/2) - The Odin Project
- Q3 2023: 99 Bottles of OOP - A practical Guide to Object-Oriented Design
- Q1 2024: Software Development Fundamentals - CourseCareers
- Q2 2024: Specialization Frontend Development - CourseCareers
- Q3 2024: Chingu: 6-week remote team project
- Q4 2024: Full Stack JavaScript Path (2/2) - The Odin Project
- Week 0 Scratch (2022-12-06)
- Week 1 C (2022-12-12)
- Week 2 Arrays (2022-12-19)
- Week 3 Algorithms (2022-12-28)
- Week 4 Memory (2023-02-16)
- Week 5 Data Structures (2023-03-02)
- Week 6 Python (2023-03-21)
- Week 7 SQL (2023-03-23)
- Week 8 HTML, CSS, JavaScript (2023-03-30)
- Week 9 Flask (2023-04-07)
- Week 10 Emoji (2023-04-08)
- Submitted Final Project (2023-11-26)
- Introduction (2023-04-10)
- Prerequisites (2023-04-15)
- Git Basics (2023-04-22)
- HTML Foundations (2023-04-29)
- CSS Foundations (2023-05-05)
- Flexbox (2023-05-19)
- JavaScript Basics (2023-06-24)
- Intermediate HTML Concepts (2023-06-26)
- Intermediate CSS Concepts (2023-07-01)
- Forms (2023-07-07)
- Grid (2023-07-16)
- Introduction (2023-07-17)
- Organizing Your JavaScript Code (2023-09-18)
- Book "99 Bottles of OOP" by Sandi Metz (2023-10-06)
- JavaScript in the Real World (2023-10-17)
- Asynchronous JavaScript and APIs (2023-11-14)
- A Bit of Computer Science (2024-02-08)
- Frontend Basics (2024-02-01)
- Professional Software Development (2024-02-02)
- Computer Science Principles (2024-02-15)
- Backend Development With Go (2024-02-23)
- Software Engineering Principles (2024-02-24)
- Final Project (2024-03-15)
- Final Exam (2024-04-04)
- CSS (2024-04-16)
- TypeScript (2024-05-01)
- JavaScript (2024-06-16)
- React (2024-08-18)
- Final Exam (2024-09-28)
- Introduction (2024-09-30)
- Getting Started With React (2024-09-30)
- States and Effects (2024-09-30)
- Class Components (2024-10-07)
- React Testing (2024-10-18)
- The React Ecosystem (2024-10-20)
- More React Concepts (2024-10-21)
- Intermediate Git (2024-10-12)
- Testing JavaScript (2024-10-15)
- Animation (2024-11-16)
- Accessibility (2024-11-18)
- Responsive Design (2024-11-20)
- Databases and SQL (2024-12-02)
- Introduction to NodeJS (2024-12-10)
- Express
- Authentication
- ORMs
- APIs
- Testing Express