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A collection of R tools to access the European Bioinformatics Institute PRIDE project resources, including PRIDE Archive and PRIDE Cluster web services, together with different data products based on them.

Currently, the following projects are ongoing:

  • prideR: an R package to access PRIDE Archive and PRIDE Cluster
  • PRIDE Archive trends: Exploratory data analysis and visualisation of PRIDE Archive submissions trends over the years.
  • PRIDE Archive project tagger: The PRIDE Archive uses a system of tags to classify datasets. So far these tags are manually assigned by curators. By trying to build a model that predict tags, we want to find out what are behind those tags in terms of dataset metadata and natuarl language description.
  • prideRcompare: Compare, distance, and clustering for prideR projects.

About us

Find out about us in our GitHub profiles:
Jose A. Dianes
Rui Wang

How to cite

  • Vizcaíno, J. A., Côté, R. G., Csordas, A., Dianes, J. A., Fabregat, A., Foster, J. M., ... & Hermjakob, H. (2013). The PRoteomics IDEntifications (PRIDE) database and associated tools: status in 2013. Nucleic acids research, 41(D1), D1063-D1069. HERE