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Why I like Open Source Developemnt

kensntems edited this page Jan 6, 2023 · 1 revision

Why Do you like open Source?

I want to be remembered as a developer who contributed to the development and improvement of software. I want to be remembered as developer who impacted lives and changes destinies with my lines of computer code.

When I first heard about Linux torvald, I was greatly inspired and motivated to create and contribute to open source projects.

Open source gives everyone the opportunity to learn technology. I'm from Africa and I thank God for open source development 😁. I'm a great product of cloning repositories and daily striving to understand the content therein.

I like Open Source because it is the easiest way to start up a company and get global acceptance in limited time. Most times, people have awesome ideas but may be financially constrained to start-up the company or begin the design process of the idea. Open Source is a great means to get a community around your idea and passionate minds that can easily understand the project scope and even help implement it.

Most open Source contributors believe that money can not buy there technological abilities (knowledge), So the decide to contribute to a free and more impactful world.

  • With open source projects, You can learn new skills and best standards.

  • Nobody puts you under any form of pressure. Open Source is driven by passion and not necessarily financial materials and wealthy gifts.

  • Open Source software do easily get Universal acceptance.

Feel free to share your part of the story and why you like Open Source Software.