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Runestone server details

Katie Cunningham edited this page May 7, 2018 · 4 revisions


Certain branches are set to autoupdate, which means that any changes pushed to their Github repo will be reflected in the online version of the ebook automatically, typically in about an hour. This autoupdating happens because the book gets built automatically on a Jenkins server whenever there is a change in the Github repo, and it takes about an hour for the build to happen.

You can check the build status on the Jenkins status sever by logging into You will need special permissions to do this.

This auto-updating is why it's so important to check changes locally before pushing! It is also why we have a dev branch that new changes get pushed to, so they can be double-checked before they get merged into master.

Branch Autoupdates Must be re-built by Runestone Interactive Not connected to a live ebook
master x
Experimental x
Dec2015 x
dev x


In order to autoupdate,an ebook needs a requirements.txt file added to the top level folder. The file should have the following two lines at a minimum:


(At least as of Sept 17, 2016)

There are many important items in that are needed for the ebook to build successfully on a server so it can be fully functional.

  • A basecourse must be set
  • Environment variables for the database must be properly set
  • And more! Reach out to someone on the team for more info about