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Katie Cunningham edited this page Mar 2, 2017 · 2 revisions

What do all the branches mean?

There are a few different branches in this ebook. Here are the important ones:


  • the source for the version of the ebook accessible from the Runestone Interactive library. Auto-updates.


  • where all new improvements to the ebook go. Periodically, this will be merged into master.


  • also known as the "A" ebook. It has core features, but no "extra" features.
  • the source for what students in some custom courses see.


  • also known as the "B" ebook. It has additional features, described below.
  • the source for what students in other custom courses see.

Table of differences

This table shows the differences in features between the branches. All branches have the same content, but differ on "extras".

Branch Discussion area in each section Worked solutions Colored background and text
master x (needs to be added to new chapters) x
Experimental x x x