A simple and stylish pomodoro timer on your wrist
- Standalone & local - no connection to the phone or internet needed
- Create your own custom pomodoro timer with abundant settings and fun icons
- Working in background with complication available - use any other app as needed without interrupting the timer
- Build with care for battery usage
- End-of-the-round vibration for better usability
- Better icons
- Complication animation improvements
- Written in Kotlin
- Build via Gradle Kotlin DSL
- UI in Material 2.5 via Jetpack Compose for Wear OS, Horologist & ProtoLayout
- Navigation via Jetpack Compose (cr. to Jeo Birch and his article for the idea)
- DI via Hilt
- Local data storage with DataStore
- Coroutines<3
- Build with combined MVVM/MVI architecture for easy further migration
Copyright 2025 Evgeniya Zemlyanaya. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0; see LICENSE.md for full conditions.