Organise in a board way your shared todo list.
- as much boards as you need.
- flexible board rows (stacks).
- stickies have editable fields title, content and user.
- stickies are drag&droppable in order to move them at the rigth place.
- can deploy a stack (mainly the last one), it is to say flush the stack and keep an history (wip).
- each change are notify to connected client in order to propagate change imediatly.
Hope to provide more feature quicly. A plugin way can be a great idea, in order to choose only the feature needed by a projet and keep the board simple.
Feel free to feedback.
need node > 0.4.2
need npm
need imagemagick
npm bundle .
// as a npm papckage looks like not uptodate so using
// a fork from kazuyukitanimura will avoid some backtrace.
cd node_modules; rm -fr; git clone;
cd node_modules/; npm install;
node app.js
http://localhost:3000 (in an html5 complient browser).
vows test/*