CloudM is a cloud middleware and manager used to integrate with vendor's cloud like Openstack, Amazon, etc.
The idea came from Infrastrucutre as a Service. CloudM totally makes use of component technology providing VMaaS(Virtual Machine as a Service), NWaaS(Network as a Service), LBaaS(Load Balance as a Service), DNSaaS(DNS as a Service), FWaaS(Firewall as a Service), STaaS(Storage as a service) etc.
- XaaS - A variety of components can provide service independently.
- Strong API - Restful API and JAVA SDK make the integration with business logic easy.
- Multiple Vendors - You can select multiple vendors like Openstack, Amazon etc. All of them can work in your business.
- Multiple Tenants - Multiple tenants can exist in your business and you can put each tenant into different cloud vendor, whatever your own cloud or other vendor's cloud.
- Template - It makes the integration with your own cloud and other vendor's cloud easy.
More guys will come soon.