First ensure that you have NodeJS and NPM installed:
$ node --version
$ npm --version
It's very important that you have Node version >=7.9.0 installed
as some ES2017 features such as async/await
will not work in older versions
Steps to run the site locally:
git clone && cd super-waffle
npm install
cd src/client
npm install && bower install
cd ../.. && sudo node src/server/index.html
- That's it! Open any web browser to
or... click the link up here to see my live demo
For any of the api calls if there is a problem the error message will be returned as the following JSON:
{ "error": [error_message] }
url: /api/v1/rate
method: POST
"coin1": [coin]
"coin2": [coin]
"amount": [amount]
[coin] is a coin short name (i.e. "btc")
[amount] is the number of `coin1` tokens you are converting
Success Output:
"BTC-e" : {
"rate": [market_rate],
"convertedAmount": [converted_amount]
"Poloniex" : ... ,
"Bittrex": ...
[market_rate] is the respective market's lowest asking rate
[converted_amount] is the amount of `coin2` received if traded at this exchange
Currently the only supported exchanges are BTC-e, Poloniex, and Bittrex
If a sent coin pair is not supported by one of the above exchanges,
API success output will simply not include unsupported exchanges
coin1: 'ltc',
coin2: 'eth',
amount: 20
Success Output:
"BTC-e": {
"rate": 4.91717,
"convertedAmount": 98.34339999999999
In the event that no markets support the given coin pair,
an empty object {} will be returned
url: /api/v1/history/[timeframe]/[coin]
method: GET
Timeframes supported
* /history/1day/
* /history/7day/
* /history/30day/
* /history/90day/
* /history/180day/
* /history/365day/
[coin] is a coin short name (i.e. "btc")
Currently supported coins are:
Success Output:
"BTC": [
*date in seconds from epoch*,
*price in USD*
Timeframe is optional
/history/:coin will return all data
Coin is also optional
/history/:timeframe will return data for all supported coins from given timeframe
/history/ will return all data for all supported coins