MATLAB Computer Vision Toolbox script for STL stereo reconstruction.
The script generates a tesselating 3D triangular mesh surface in STL format.
It was also my BEng capstone project in biomechanical engineering - used to generate 3D models of the retinal fundus.
What makes matlab-trimesh-stereo-reconstruction
unique is that it implements userland logic for:
- normalising a binocular disparity data map by combining multiple match methods
- model-filtering the scene limits of the generated point cloud
- post-processing the scene point cloud with an interpolating signal filter
- normalising the Cartesian (X-Y-Z) output axes in the resulting STL
Dependency tree:
Install the
addon to manage File Exchange or GitHub dependencies automatically.
File tree:
: a command window script./app.m
: a GUI script./live.mlx
: a live script- Image folders -
: actual 3D modelling target scene/config/left
: left stereo view with checkerboard/config/right
: right stereo view with checkerboard
- Documentation -
- Output -
(checked out)
Input: collect grayscale stereo photos in landscape using the *.jpg
/ *.jpeg
format (can use any imformats
- Add checkerboard images from left stereo view to
. - Add checkerboard images from right stereo view to
. - Add modelling input images from stereo view to
Output: A 3D representation of the ./input
stereo image set in STL format. The default location is ./point-cloud.stl
N.B: For good performance:
- resize your images below 720p (maybe between 360p and 480p)
- use GIMP and BIMP to convert the image color space to grayscale
- Must be the same orientation as the checkerboard to reduce pixel error from reprojection.
- For calibration images:
- asymmetric (odd-even) checkerboard should be in all views
- minimum image count per folder is 4 (for low reprojection error)
- naming convention:
imformats() % supported images formats in MATLAB
N.B: the image file names must be numbered in ascending order.
close all;
filePath = fullfile(pwd, 'data', 'toolbox');
stlPath = 'point-cloud.stl';
if exist(fullfile(filePath, stlPath), 'file')
recycle on;
delete(fullfile(filePath, stlPath));
inputImages = imageDatastore(fullfile(filePath, 'input'));
I1 = readimage(inputImages, 1);
if size(I1, 3) == 3
I1 = rgb2gray(I1);
I2 = readimage(inputImages, 2);
if size(I2, 3) == 3
I2 = rgb2gray(I2);
if ~exist("surf2stl", "file")
if ~matlab.addons.isAddonEnabled("mpm")
error([ ...
"Please install MPM as a MATLAB Addon.\n" ...
"<a href=""" ...
"" ...
""">" ...
"mpm - File Exchange - MATLAB Central" ...
"</a>" ...
mpm install surf2stl;
: Minimum number of images in calib folder.squareWidthMm
: Checkerboard square width in mm.ptCloudDensity
: Point density within squareWidthMm.sGolayFiltOrder
: Savitsky-Golay extrapolation curve order.sGolayFiltFrameLen
: Savitsky-Golay sliding window point count.disparitySGBias
: Algorithm bias to semi-global matching vs block matching (in the range -1 to 1).disparityMaxRatio
: Ratio for disparity map ceiling vs maximum disparity (in the range 0 to 1).
squareWidth = 50;
ptCloudDensity = 5;
sGolayFiltOrder = 3;
sGolayFiltFrameLen = 21;
disparityBMBias = -0.5;
disparityMaxRatio = 0.675;
Script takes
wb = waitbar(0, 'Loading');
wb.Visible = 'on';
Code based on MATLAB rectifyStereoImages
code sample. [1]
Using a grayscale color space reduces image data & overhead in calibration phase. [2].
See: "Image support".
waitbar(0, wb, 'Loading input images.');
calibLeftImages = imageDatastore(fullfile(filePath, 'config', 'left'));
calibRightImages = imageDatastore(fullfile(filePath, 'config', 'right'));
- mismatch in image count between./config/left
- below 4 images in./config/left
- mismatch in resolution of./input
S1 = [size(I1, 1), size(I1, 2)];
S2 = [size(I2, 1), size(I2, 2)];
imageAmounts = struct;
imageAmounts.L = size(calibLeftImages.Files, 1);
imageAmounts.R = size(calibRightImages.Files, 1);
errno{1} = 'stereo2trimesh::ERR_MISMATCH_IMG_COUNT';
errno{2} = 'stereo2trimesh::ERR_CALIB_IMG_INSUFFICIENT';
errno{3} = 'stereo2trimesh::ERR_MISMATCH_IMG_DIM';
if imageAmounts.L ~= imageAmounts.R
e = [errno{1} ' (L: ' imageAmounts.L ', R: ' imageAmounts.R];
elseif imageAmounts.L < 4
e = [errno{2} ' (n=' imageAmounts.L ')'];
elseif ~isequal(S1, S2)
e = [errno{3} ' (L: ' S1(1) 'x' S1(2) 'px, R: ' S2(1) 'x' S2(2) 'px)'];
waitbar(0.1, wb, 'Detecting checkerboard keypoints.');
[imagePoints, boardSize] = detectCheckerboardPoints( ...
calibLeftImages.Files, ...
calibRightImages.Files ...
worldPoints = generateCheckerboardPoints(boardSize, squareWidth);
: Are image axes exactly perpendicular? Default:true
Factor in whether the camera is horizontal. Default:true
: Good for fish-eye lenses. Default:2
: Matrix for size of image -imageSize
. TODO: AdjustestimateCameraParameters
parameters for experimental stage.
waitbar(0.2, wb, "Estimating camera parameters.");
[stereoParams, ~, estimationErrors] = estimateCameraParameters( ...
imagePoints, worldPoints, ...
'EstimateSkew', true, ...
'EstimateTangentialDistortion', false ...
Figure 1: Checkerboard boundary points for calibration experiment.
Reprojection is process of "reprojecting" original image from a camera image.
Most camera images have distortion (e.g. "fisheye" lens effect).
waitbar(0.3, wb, "Showing camera extrinisics.");
showExtrinsics(stereoParams, "CameraCentric");
view([-45 45]);
Figure 1: Reprojection errors for calibration experiment.
waitbar(0.4, wb, "Showing reprojection errors.");
displayErrors(estimationErrors, stereoParams);
The "valid" option is most suitable for computing disparity of rectified images. These images have negative polar distortion and appear concave (the top has a U-curve). It limits the rectified image data from to a regular 2D rectangle. [3]
: Crops the image to a rectangle, fitting inside the overlapping, curved 3D anaglyph. Default:valid
waitbar(0.5, wb, "Showing stereo rectification.");
[F1, F2] = rectifyStereoImages(I1, I2, stereoParams, 'OutputView', 'valid');
pixelDensityMm = mrdivide( ...
mean([ ...
stereoParams.CameraParameters1.FocalLength, ...
stereoParams.CameraParameters2.FocalLength ...
], 2), ...
mean([ ...
stereoParams.CameraParameters1.IntrinsicMatrix(1, 1), ...
stereoParams.CameraParameters2.IntrinsicMatrix(1, 1) ...
], 2) ...
approxImageHeight = 2 * mean([size(F1, 1), size(F2, 1)], 2) / pixelDensityMm;
approxImageWidth = 2 * sqrt(2) * mean([size(F1, 2), size(F2, 2)], 2) / pixelDensityMm;
Figure 3: stereo anaglyph image of input scene.
waitbar(0.6, wb, "Showing stereo anaglyph.");
hold on;
labels{1} = plot(nan, nan, 'color', 'red');
labels{2} = plot(nan, nan, 'color', 'black');
labels{3} = plot(nan, nan, 'color', 'cyan');
legend([labels{:}], {'left', '', 'right'});
imshow(stereoAnaglyph(F1, F2));
axis tight;
title 'Rectified Image';
clearvars labels;
Code based on MATLAB disparitySGM
code sample. [4]
Generate a disparity (Cartesian z-depth) colormap of the scene. We take a biased average of the disparity map produced by semi-global and block matching algorithms. This ensures reduced "hole" (neutral) amplitudes in the disparity data.
- Adjust
as appropriate for the image input. - Adjust the range maximum to
$c\times2^4,c\in\mathbb{N}$ to remove outliers or camera noise.
waitbar(0.7, wb, "Computing disparity map.");
disparityMapBM = disparityBM(F1, F2, "DisparityRange", [0, 64]);
disparityMapSGM = disparitySGM(F1, F2, "DisparityRange", [0, 64]);
disparityMapBM(isnan(disparityMapBM)) = 0;
disparityMapSGM(isnan(disparityMapSGM)) = 0;
disparityBMQuotient = (1 + disparityBMBias) / 2;
disparitySGMQuotient = (1 - disparityBMBias) / 2;
disparityMap = disparityBMQuotient * disparityMapBM + disparitySGMQuotient * disparityMapSGM;
disparityMap(disparityMap==0) = NaN;
Limit disparity values to ~90% of the maximum to remove maximal AKA "spike" transients.
disparityMapCeil = disparityMaxRatio * max(max(disparityMap));
disparityMap(disparityMap>=disparityMapCeil) = NaN;
Figure 4: disparity map of scene as parula
colormap image.
waitbar(0.8, wb, "Showing parula colormap.");
imshow(disparityMap, [0, 64]);
title 'Disparity Map';
axis tight;
colormap parula;
colorbar southoutside;
Converts the disparity map into a point cloud. Produces raw geometric dataset in m - standard STL dimensions.
waitbar(0.9, wb, "Generating point cloud.");
rawPoints3D = reconstructScene(disparityMap, stereoParams);
rawPoints3D(isinf(rawPoints3D)) = NaN;
rawPoints3D = double(rawPoints3D) ./ 1000;
pointsCache = struct;
axesKeys = ["X", "Y", "Z"];
for m = 1:3
k = char(axesKeys(m));
p = rawPoints3D(:, :, m);
pointsCache.(k) = p;
clearvars p k;
Compute checkerboard position as a Cartesian coordinate in the point cloud. It's the mean of the co-ordinate set closest to the origin in the z-axis.
TODO: See if I need to change min
in some way (assumes convex).
checkerboardCentroid = struct;
checkerboardCentroid.Z = min(min(pointsCache.Z));
checkerboardIndex = sort(find(checkerboardCentroid.Z == pointsCache.Z));
checkerboardCentroid.X = 0;
checkerboardCentroid.Y = 0;
- point cloud x = scene image width
- point cloud y = √0.5 × scene image height
- point cloud z = √0.5 × scene image (height + width)
waitbar(0.9, wb, "Filter-processing point cloud co-ordinates.");
limits = struct;
cacheAxes = char(fieldnames(pointsCache));
for m = 1:3
switch m
case 1
bound = approxImageWidth;
case 2
bound = sqrt(0.5) * approxImageHeight;
bound = mean([approxImageHeight, approxImageWidth], 2) / 2;
k = cacheAxes(m);
c = checkerboardCentroid.(k);
l = bound/1000;
lim = [c - l, c + l];
limits.(k) = lim;
p = pointsCache.(k);
p(p < lim(1) | p > lim(2)) = NaN;
pointsCache.(k) = p;
clearvars k lim p;
Remove invalid NaN
values inside point cloud.
- Raw values that are
. - Points that fall outside range of point cloud.
nanPoints = ( 0 ...
| isnan(pointsCache.X) ...
| isnan(pointsCache.Y) ...
| isnan(pointsCache.Z) ...
for m = 1:3
k = cacheAxes(m);
p = pointsCache.(k);
p(nanPoints) = checkerboardCentroid.(k);
pointsCache.(k) = p;
clearvars k p;
Generate a organised point cloud as a struct with 1 axis per field. Code adapted from StackOverflow. [5]
- The
factory function computes interpolant. [6] - MATLAB maps
regular matrix of x-y points. - Savitzky-Golay filter used to denoise points in z-axis.
waitbar(0.9, wb, "Interpolating point cloud as surface mesh.");
gs = (1 / ptCloudDensity) * (squareWidth / 1000);
I = scatteredInterpolant(pointsCache.X(:), pointsCache.Y(:), pointsCache.Z(:), "natural");
gridPoints = struct;
intX = min(pointsCache.X(:)):gs:max(pointsCache.X(:));
intY = min(pointsCache.Y(:)):gs:max(pointsCache.Y(:));
[gridPoints.X, gridPoints.Y] = meshgrid(intX, intY);
gridPoints.Z = I(gridPoints.X, gridPoints.Y);
intZ1 = sgolayfilt(gridPoints.Z.', sGolayFiltOrder, sGolayFiltFrameLen);
intZ2 = sgolayfilt(gridPoints.Z, sGolayFiltOrder, sGolayFiltFrameLen);
gridPoints.Z = (intZ1.' + intZ2)/2;
Output 2: Warning for removing duplicated data points in the I()
Apply geometric transforms to gridded point clouds:
$-1$ scalar transformation of y-axis (vertical axis of image plane) -
$-1$ scalar transformation of z-axis (depth axis of image plane)
gridPoints = struct('X', gridPoints.X, 'Y', gridPoints.Z, 'Z', -1 .* gridPoints.Y);
points3D = double.empty();
for m = 1:3
points3D(:, :, m) = gridPoints.(cacheAxes(m));
clearvars cacheAxes;
Figure 5: 3D connected surface plot of the point cloud.
Note: We reverse the geometric transforms.
waitbar(0.925, wb, "Show surface mesh plot.");
mesh(gridPoints.X, gridPoints.Z, -1 .* gridPoints.Y);
title 'Mesh Triangulation';
xlabel 'x (horizontal displacement in m)';
ylabel 'y (vertical displacement in m)';
zlabel 'z (scene depth in m)';
set(gcf, "Color", "w");
set(gca, "XColor", "k");
set(gca, "YColor", "k");
set(gca, "ZColor", "k");
set(gca, "LineWidth", 1);
axis equal;
view([180 -90]);
colormap gray;
colorbar southoutside;
rotate3d on;
Using surf2stl
for high stability & speed (low interpolation).
waitbar(0.95, wb, "Writing STL output..");
stlPath = char(fullfile(pwd, stlPath));
surf2stl(stlPath, gridPoints.X, gridPoints.Y, gridPoints.Z);
waitbar(1, wb, "Done!");
Output 3: STL surface mesh in Autodesk Fusion 360 (external).